Extensive OC Development Quiz: Hikari

Picked this up from DA. It's long, but fun! (I'll split it into multiple pages, for ease of reading.)


Extensive Character Development Quiz
Character Name: Hikari
Story/Series: Search for the Sky
Original Date: 10-31-13
Edit Dates: 11-01-13
Template: here

Rules: Get into character and answer each question AS YOUR CHARACTER WOULD. For example, if your character would lie when asked if she currently has romantic feelings for anyone, then you better lie. [You can put in a note as an author to write the truth.]

External Image

General Information:

1. What is your name? Nickname?
My name's Hikari! :D

2. Why were you named that?
Because I like sunlight!

3. What is your gender?
I'm a boy.

4. What are you? (Human, wizard, robot)
I'm, uh... human! (Author: Technically.)

5. How old are you? What year were you born?
I'm 14! I dunno my birthday, though. ^^;

6. Do you wish you were older or younger?

7. What is your IQ? If you don't know, guess.
Ummm...50! (Author: He's picking random numbers off the top of his head.)

Physical Appearance:

8. What color are your eyes? Do you like them?
Hazel! Yup!

9. What color is your hair? Is it natural or dyed? Do you like the color?
Bleached-brown. It's not dyed. Yup!

10. Is your hair thin or thick? Straight or curly? Long or short? How do you wear it?
It's kinda thick and wavy. I don't tie it or anything, it's not that long.

11. How tall are you? Are you happy with your height?
Kinda tall for my age. Being tall makes it hard to play hide-n-seek with Michi. I always get found first. ^^;

12. How much do you weigh? Are you happy with your weight?
I dunno. Maybe? (Author: He's somewhat underweight.)

14. How would you describe your skin tone?
Kinda tanned.

15. What is your body type? Are you athletic?
I'm skinny! XD Nope!

16. Any birthmarks? Freckles or other marks?
Um... *suddenly angry* That's none of your business. (Author: Flame-and-crescent markings in several places.)

17. Do you have any scars? From what?
That's none of your business. (Author: Yes, from being attacked by people who hate his kind.)

18. Do you have any tattoos? Of what and where?

19. Do any other features stand out? Big nose? Almond eyes? Gap in teeth?
I have a hair that sticks up like this! *gestures curvy up*

20. Do you have any unusual characteristics?
No~. (Author: Yes.)

21. Any defining gestures? (Biting your lip, avoiding eye contact while speaking)
I slouch!

24. Overall, are you happy with your appearance? Do you think you are attractive?
Yes? I dunno. *shrugs*

25. Do others think you are attractive?
I dunno. *shrugs again*