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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Continuation of my Day BP #37

Ok so I'm continuing here:

In the morning entering the doors, I had NO idea that T was behind me. So when I held the door without looking behind me, I didn't realize that the voice saying "Thank you," was him. DX And I didn't say "You're welcome." I know this sounds like I'm making a big deal about this but he actually TALKED TO ME AND I DIDN'T REPLY CUZ I'M A FREAKING IDIOT WHO HAS DREAMS AND DOESN'T FULFILL THEM! UGH!!!

Then, at L's locker just before going to the cafeteria for lunch, T was nearby and was talking with M.V and R while I was talking with L. And idk... I noticed that he was there but I suddenly felt extremely shy to take 3 steps to the front and join the conversation. See, I'm an idiot. But in class, R said "While me and M.V were talking to him, he kinda glanced at you in the middle of the conversation." I replied "He was probably just looked at thought 'Oh, that's the girl who likes me... bleh, ok'" :T

Then at lunch, outside, I couldn't find S and A.S because I didn't want to go alone and ask if I could play basketball. So I'll try tomorrow.

My dreams... are so far away... from being fulfilled... so far... away...


Worried... BP #36


So today after school, me, S, and G were hanging out by the side of the school. There are these huge steps, not your average steps, that lead down into the bottom end of the parking lot and a few feet away from the dumpster.

OMG I used a modifier without noticing!! Tea-chan, we're concentrating too hard on actually using a modifier; that's why we couldn't think of one. And look, I just noticed that I used a semicolon too! *Face palm*

Don't mind the last paragraph people, it's just random language stuff.

Anyway, G noticed that there was a raccoon in the dumpster! So we randomly took cans that were around the dumpster and went to the top of the stairs and threw it in the dumpster, don't worry, we threw it at the insides of the dumpster, not at the raccoon, to see if the raccoon was dead or alive.

It was alive, because it flinched at the sound and started staring at the cans.

When teachers were passing by, we told them that there was a raccoon in the dumpster and one of the teachers said that since it looks like it won't be able to get out because the walls of the dumpster were high and there is nothing it could use to jump on and escape, we should go to the office and report it to our vice-principal because if it dies, it's going to rot and stink up the place.

We also asked if it was going to be able to come out alive and for the people not to kill it. It's going to come out alive with a control's support.

Well, we went to the office to report it but the vice-principal wasn't there. The other office people said to go tell the caretaker.

We went to the caretaker and told him and you know what he said? "Just leave it alone, it's going to come out. Don't worry about it, the raccoon is going to come out eventually" and some more stuff that made me want to punch him in the nuts and beat the living crap outta him.
Like, the poor animal could have been pregnant because its belly looked big. And it hurts me that an animal was sitting there all alone, helpless, and with no way out. </3 I even gave my leftover lunch to it and it didn't budge since it was probably too scared. :(

Even though raccoons can be dangerous when scared and could have rabies, I still feel sorry for it. So me, G, and S decided that we're going to check the dumpster tomorrow morning and see if it's still there. I want to let it be free of the stinky jail cell.

I'm going to continue what else happened at school in another post since I want to focus this post with my title.


Messed Up but Good Day BP #35


Yesterday, I went birthday shopping! O3O
I just bought 4 pieces of clothing and a pair of earmuffs. I went to Dollarama to buy a deck of cards but my dad wouldn't buy it for me because "it would ruin my education and playing cards is bad." T____T The f.

Then me and my family ate out at a restaurant. Even though my birthday is actually on Friday, my parents have work with closing and evening shifts so I'll be alone at home on my birthday. Well, I'll be able to celebrate it at school! ^^

So today, when I came to school I met one of my subscribers a.k.a my friend who is on theO's sister. xD
But that subber said that I didn't look like how she expected. T3T If they meet me online and sees me in real life, that would be the first thing people would say. Like R's brother! Well he sorta met me online, because he started chatting with me on R's account. lol

And in language class today, me and R went insane. XDD We had to copy down whatever Mr.F was saying and we were learning about random shiz that was related to paragraphs. So he was like "Ok for example, ____ (one of our classmate's name, a person who attends ____ (our school name), is a great soccer player" and everyone's just like "UGHHH" and we sounded like constipated whales so Mr.F was like "Ok ok use anyone else" with a "GOSH DON'T BE ALL CRANKY ON ME" face. So then I wrote "Unicorn, an animal who attends ____, is a great soccer player" and R who was copying me cuz Mr.F was speaking really fast started laughing or attempting to laugh quietly. Then there was another example and I wrote "Cheese, the slice of food, who attends~~" and then me and R were covering our faces so Mr.F wouldn't see us laughing. Then R wrote "T, the idiot who attends~~" and then she was like "How about Fat Chicken?" and then I was just dying of laughter. But I had to be quiet since Mr.F was talking so my laughter sounded like me screaming with my mouth closed while sniffing like a retarded dog who was extremely hungry. Mr.F noticed though (obviously, who wouldn't? xD) and said he might have to move me.


And then once a month, there's this math challenge that the people on the announcements say and we have to solve it. So it went something like this:

"Sally was at a birthday party and saw that there were 44 legs. There was 4 legs on the table and 3 legs on a stool. Everyone took a stool and sat around the table and there were no remaining stools so everyone had one. How many people were around the table?"

I'm sorry if anyone who is reading this name is Sally. I don't mean you, I'm just talking about the math problem.
But I mentally did the problem in my head (like a boss!!) cuz I was bored and I think 8 people were around the table. Correct me if I'm wrong.

And I played basketball today... but T didn't. He just went to play soccer instead.
Grrr... he's making this too hard for me. Oh well.


BBQ BP #34


So today at lunch, there was a barbecue at school. I took a Sprite from home and S bought me a hotdog. ^^

And I was watching T play basketball. I'm not a stalker, so shut up. lol
And then I had this feeling that I wanted to ask if I could play. But the people were in the middle of a game of Elimination so I was waiting for the next game. And I missed it.

But the game after that I played. For some reason, 5 minutes before the previous game ended, T left and played with other people who were on the other side of the court (Elimination only needs one hoop). I played anyway. No matter how many shots I did, I always missed. DX I'm going to practice this weekend when I have the chance.

In Math, we had this problem we had to solve with our group on how this girl is 13 years old and her heart beats 80 times per minute and we had to find out how many times her heart beat in the 13 years of her so far life. Is that needed by the doctor? Idk, who would want to know how many times your heart beat? And what if in one minute, it beat 82 times and your crush walked by and it beat 1234567890 per second? Huh? What if that happens? And that girl obviously never had gym class ever. T.T I have no idea why I'm mad at this.
But anywho, my group of 4 were relying on me to do most of the math equations since they apparently forgot how to multiply with big numbers. Whatever, I was pretty concentrated and into finishing the problem. :O

Also, after school, SOMEONE kept teasing me about how yesterday in my last post, I said T look almost hot in the dark blue sweater and all the lovey-dovey stuff. U///U You know who you are.

Oh yeah, remember how I said I was gonna say hi to him? Well I was going to after school but S and A.S stopped me and said it was weird to all of a sudden say hi to him and it would be awkward. Then a lightbulb went on top of my head and the light shined like "Stupid idiot, a 3 year old would have gotten this idea instantly," and I said "On Monday, I could say hi AND ask him I could play basketball with him! =D" and S gave me a sarcastic "OMG that was such a hard idea to think of! C=" look.

When you're in deep love, you don't think properly. No wonder "love is blind."


Exccuse my randomn derping cheese. I'm not high. lol


School Photo Day! BP #33


So today was school photo day. EW EW EW. EW.

So I wore this blue knitted top (I didn't knit it, I bought it from some store, lol) with a sky blue tank top underneath. And I wore skinny jeans and my regular shoes I usually wear, though I completely forgot to wear my awesome shoes! DX lol And for my hair, I kept my it out and put bobby pins and the clip with little white gems or fake diamonds or something. But my hair is kinda messed though. Blah. Then I wore this pearl necklace and earrings.

So for the photos, I did some attempted smiles, and then when I came home, I went in front of the mirror and did the same attempted smiles.

I want to retake my pictures.


He doesn't look good in orange, no offense to him. He looks good in this dark blue sweater that he wore 1-2 times last school year. He looks REALLY good in it... and I have to say... he looks almost hot... >////< (Tea-chan, if you see this post, I hope I didn't break you into a zillion "Awww"s)

I wish he wore that one, so I could fangurl about him all day. xD One day, I want to play basketball with him at lunch with his friends and bring my friends with me if they want to play also. Maybe we could start being friends by that. Maybe...

And I still haven't said hi to him, which I feel sad about. I'm going to do it tomorrow.


I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T. I am going to say hi to T...
