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Hi, I'm ForeverOtaku and you can call me Ri-chan for short. ^^

september 26 | unicorn | otaku | 14 | ouat & pll ♥
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Do you want to stalk me? Well, you've come to the right place! Make some popcorn and enjoy my boring life. And bonus, here is my address... lol no. If you have stumbled across this world for the first time, click here to know who I'm exactly talking about in this blog.
PM me anytime, I don't bite. *thumbs up*


My Other Worlds
Quote Crescent
Meme Tower
AN-IMEzing World!

Last updated: Jan.3/15

Fourteen. BP #76


This is going to be my very late birthday post, which I was supposed to post a week ago. (I'm so on time on stuff, aren't I c:)
So last week on September 26, I turned 14. Coincidentally, I had a field trip on that day to go see a symphony. It was actually really cool. :o But I'm sad that only my music class and a grade 10 music class got to go. My best friends didn't take music, therefore couldn't go. I really wanted to celebrate my birthday with them at lunch (by eating food, ahem). But besides that, it was an okay birthday, and thank you to everyone who gave me wishes, sent me gifts, and dedicated wallpapers to me ♥ I love you guys so much.

*Summons you guys to my room so I can give you a hug*

Okay, now for some other news. I'll try my best to post often but I'm currently drowning with homework from the high school of hell. Jk, the high school I'm going to isn't all that bad, but... *stares at the textbooks a feet away from me*

Also, did you hear? NASA made Pluto a planet again!

I saw this on Instagram. xD

Qotd: What is your opinion of Pluto becoming a planet again?


First Week BP #74

"First day back, here we go, here we go
I've got this new backpack, and this little part of me that wants to know
What am I going to be, what am I going to do
And will I fit inside this puzzle I'm about to walk into
Will I be alright
Can I take a deep breath instead of only listening to the hundred million questions in my head
First day back, here we go, here we go~"

If you know where that came from, props to you. Lol I still love you if you don't know.

Anyway, hi! And guess what? I'm in high school. Just finished my first week. And...

External Image

xD But seriously.
Is it just me, or am I the only person who realizes that it's illegal to give out work this early in the year? Like I already did an essay, I have an assignment due on Tuesday, a quiz on Monday, and I have to learn a new instrument.
Kay, enough people didn't sign up for Strings (music) so the main office put all the people who did into Band. So right now, I'm learning clarinet.

And I'm going to get an ultrasound on Tuesday. No, I'm not pregnant. I'm having on and off pain in my abdomen.
Ultrasounds are so weird. I had one in grade 4 or 5, in the beginning of the summer (when I was sick and had to go to the hospital), and now I'm getting one in a few days. I feel kinda uncomfortable looking at the screen when the doctor is doing the ultrasound. Like that's how my insides look. Okay then.

Btw, I updated my intro and added a few links.

Getting back on topic, if I don't get a 83+% average, I'm done.


Grad + Last Day of Middle School BP #72


If I sound weird while you're reading this post, sorry. I'm still in an emotional mood.

Grad was pretty good (it was on Wednesday). I was walking through the halls to find my class and everyone looked so gorgeous & the guys wearing suits; I seriously couldn't have imagined them looking actually nice. xD I sound mean.
My self-esteem and confidence went down just looking at them. When I came, this is what happened:

This guy in my class (J.G): Hey F (me)?
Me: Yeah?
J.G: You look really beautiful.
Me: *Smiles* Aw, thank you! ^///^ (No guy has ever called me that in my life, so it made my day)
J.G: If my mom saw you, she would like you instantly.
Me: Whoa xD
J.G: Are you wearing a sari?
Me: No, this is another type of Indian dress.
J.G: Ohh, you're not old enough to wear one, right?
Me: Yeah lol
J.G: Haha, sucker
Me: Yo, shut up. XD
*M.T (mangaandanimelove) comes*
Me and some girls: YOU LOOK SO PRETTY OMG
*All the guys start clapping*
M.T: *Laughs*

Then the whole ceremony happened, and the second it was over, it started to rain. Wonderful. A lot of the graduates went to this dinner in a banquet hall but I couldn't go cuz my parents weren't going to pay $45 for me. T.T I heard it was fun too.

Anyway, the next day, we had this party. Then on Friday (yesterday), it was the last day of school. The last day of middle school that is. The dance in the afternoon was so boring in the beginning but then so emotional at the end.
Everyone, including me, were bawling our eyes out. Like wow, I got the award of being the biggest emotional wreck of the year yay. Yesterday was one of the saddest days of my school life.
Which is why I'm still being emotional today.
On the plus side, A wanted G to hug him and they hugged and he was happy. Good for him. x)

Qotd: What do you do when you and your friends are going your separate ways?


Hiatus, whoops. ^^' BP #71

I think I spelled hiatus wrong. Whatever.

Anyway, hi! It's been over a month since I posted. Too many assignments and projects shooting at me at once. But I'm finally done with all that shiz. Yess *sigh of relief*

Last day of school is next Friday. THANK THE LORD.
And my graduation is next Wednesday. Holy crap.

It's way too thought-provocative when I think about how I came to middle school 2-3 years ago and all of a sudden, I'm graduating and leaving the school next week. O.o
Pause for a minute. Yes, I'm in grade 8. Yes, I'm 13. Yes, most of you guys are older than me. And don't you dare treat little of me. xD
*Presses the play button*
Ok, anyway, time goes by super fast but really f-in slow at the same time. If you know what I mean.

Some things I'm glad about leaving:

  • Finally getting away from all the dumb drama I've been hearing from the popular group
  • Summer vacay lol
  • Going to a new school and being able to experience a new setting in September
  • Maybe getting the chance at making new, wonderful friends in September
  • Possibly a new start

Some things I'm going to miss:

  • A lot of my friends who are going to a different high school [SweeTea, G, G.T, B, M, H, K (I don't think I've mentioned H or K, but they're really awesome guyfriends), I, A.A, and more]
  • The epic teachers that exist in this school
  • The memories that happen around the school

*Points to my eyes* SAVE IT FOR GRAD, DAMMIT.

Qotd: How do you live your life to its fullest?


It's Snowing. I'm Done. BP #67


Currently right now, it's snowing.

*Twitch, twitch*
*Tightens hands into fists*
*Gets ready to swing fist into window*
*A sudden thought of Edward's beautiful face enters my mind and my fist freezes in the air and drops*
*Loosens fingers and covers my face and fangurls*

So anywhozies... what's up in your life? I'm supposed to be doing a project right now that's due tomorrow. lol
Meanwhile, mangaandanimelove wrote fanfics about my o.c and Ed and I just screamed.
*Stares out the window again*
Oh yeah, G and A.A prank called A when G and A.A were at A's house I think. G told me what they said:

(IA = Indian accent)

*Calls A's phone #*
*T picks up*
G: *Attempts an Indian accent* Hello.
T: ... Hi...
G: *IA* Hello.
T: o.0 Who is this?
G: *IA* Hello.
T: *Laughs* No really, who is this?
G: *IA* ... Hello.
T: XDDDD *Hangs up*

Then G and A.A call again...

*A picks up*
A: Hello?
G: *IA* Hello.
A: Who is this?
G: *IA* Hello.
A: ...
G: *IA* Can I order a double double please? (Those of you who don't live in Canada, a double double is a coffee in Tim Hortons I think)
A.A: *IA* Make that 2 double double.
A: *Goes with the flow* Sure... it will take 10 hours but ok.
G: *IA* And Popeyes.
A: Let me get my notepad... k do you want fries with that?
G: *IA* Yes yes
A: K, that will take 10 hours too

That's all I remember, but I think something else happened and then they both said bye and hanged up. XDD

Qotd: What's the weather like where you are?
