Greetings! I am Burning Silver, call me Silver if you like, and this is my primary page; open to all. (Obviosly) I welcome anyone and everyone to trounce upon my things, all I ask is that you don't wear cleats when you do so-they tend to hurt. I hope you don't mind my insane instability and impulsive randomness; if you do, I'd advise you find somewhere else to spend your time. On the other hand, if you find that you are some-what entertained by my peculiar jesting then I hope you enjoy your stay.

Than-x for stopping by:


Apparently, life and the cosmic forces have more rules and boundaries than i was previously aware. Atoms are small, gravity works, and having your life completely shattered has no grace period- before striking again. I'm..tired. Exhausted, and therefore numb; yet I can not help but notice that this newfound quietness of the mind is rather... enjoyable. Its funny how much one's emotions flurry through the mind..
A friend confessed to me, not long ago, that they found themselves extremely unhappy. Could not focus on who they were, and felt as though their love life was failing. As though they were settling for a relationship, for a life, that wasn't fulfilling. Or Happy. A story I know all too well.
I have never been one for fate. Karma: certainly; but the events of life are unforeseen, or the consequences of our own actions. As i see it, anyway. My friend asked for an opinion: was this a waste of time? A mistake? Or were they just to picky? Refusing to be satisfied?
I concluded:
Life is an oven.
An oven of varying temperatures. At times warm, comfortable. Others, sweltering, painful, unbearable. Regardless, as the little loaves of bread we are, we stay. Because life is baking us. Slowly. Carefully. Seasoned with experiences and braised with time. One day, the perfect 'dish' will come along, and we will come out. The perfect dish. Just for you. Why would anyone want to waste it, risk losing the opportunity for their perfect match, by jumping out early onto a plate not their size? Is the heat really that bad? Its a decision each loaf much make for itself.

Nobody likes raw dough.


Goodness, its been forever. Lifes so hectic. So much, of everything. Love. Life. Heartbreak. Change. Revelations. I dont how I manage to take it all in... but, I always must return here. :3 Oh! The wing tatoo is finaly in construction; right wing has been outlined. Super psyched for the final project.


Ever have one of those days where everyone around you seems extremely irritable and ready to fight at the drop of a hat? Well, that's exactly how my last two weeks have been. Except its not everyone, just my familly. I suppose it's the after effects of everyone being so sick and worn down for so long. To be expected really. Just hard to deal with. *sigh* I hate listening to it, none the less. You know what sounds really nice? Waking up slowly, warmed by the sun that shines through the windows, next to the person whom I love. Then spending a lazy day; making breakfast (and a mess that can wait until tomarrow :3), going for a drive (and maybe a few hours at the beach), eating dinner at an establishment entirely unknown that's far away from home, and ending the evening snuggled up to a funny movie. *whimsical sigh* Yah..that sounds..perfect. :3 What would make your week perfect?

OH!! I almost forgot: 22 DAYS UNTIL MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!! *festive music*
