Greetings! I am Burning Silver, call me Silver if you like, and this is my primary page; open to all. (Obviosly) I welcome anyone and everyone to trounce upon my things, all I ask is that you don't wear cleats when you do so-they tend to hurt. I hope you don't mind my insane instability and impulsive randomness; if you do, I'd advise you find somewhere else to spend your time. On the other hand, if you find that you are some-what entertained by my peculiar jesting then I hope you enjoy your stay.

Than-x for stopping by:


Wow, it's been a really long time. X3 Grounded. >:3 Off now, obviously. I'd love to say that nothing much is going on- but I'm actually very busy. Senior year requirements, Japanese club, regular school work (Shakespeare is always quite cumbersome- fortunately I'm quite apt at symbolism and understanding the language of that time :3), family issues, etc.. I must say, this last week has been remarkably wonderful, despite all the sheer business. Especially since my family is starting to get a long, I'm not longer teetering on moving out, and I've been spending tons of time with my sweetheart. :3 I know it sounds sappy, but the last one alone is enough to make my days wonderful. X3 Anyhoo, did everyone enjoy their Valentines Day or Presidents day? Whats Crakalakin'?

Here's a little 'church funny' for anyone who enjoys a good irony as I do. Hope it doesn't offend anyone. ;3

WTF??!! >:U

Ok, sorry to anyone who I have not replied to recently: but for some reason unbeknown to me- my reply and comment abilities have not been working! >< Has anyone else had this going on? I can see comments- but it's like the bottom part is cut off. The comment part. >.> Should I ask the administration for help or something? I've waited a couple days, thinking perhaps that it was only due to 'work' on the site- but nothing has changed. This is becoming quite a bother. >:(

AHHH! ><

Sorry it's been so long since I have been on. My dad has cut my internet time down significantly and I haven't been able to even check TheO. ;.; I go back to school in a short while. A few days to be exact. My 日本語先生 might be taking me and my best friend to a real Japanese shrine for New Years day. :3 I'm very excited!! XD I hope everyone is well. Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? I didnt celebrate, but I had a great day. Spent the weekend at a friends. :3


Ever have one of those days where everyone around you seems extremely irritable and ready to fight at the drop of a hat? Well, that's exactly how my last two weeks have been. Except its not everyone, just my familly. I suppose it's the after effects of everyone being so sick and worn down for so long. To be expected really. Just hard to deal with. *sigh* I hate listening to it, none the less. You know what sounds really nice? Waking up slowly, warmed by the sun that shines through the windows, next to the person whom I love. Then spending a lazy day; making breakfast (and a mess that can wait until tomarrow :3), going for a drive (and maybe a few hours at the beach), eating dinner at an establishment entirely unknown that's far away from home, and ending the evening snuggled up to a funny movie. *whimsical sigh* Yah..that sounds..perfect. :3 What would make your week perfect?

OH!! I almost forgot: 22 DAYS UNTIL MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!! *festive music*

Just A Little Up-Date

I posted a pic that I've been working on for a long time today. Both an edited and unedited version. Not much other than that I suppose... Oh! 39 days till my birthday!! :3 I'm very excited if you havent noticed. :P I hope I will be able to celebrate it too- it will be my first birthday party in my whole life!!! Believe it. Last year I went to my friends house and cleaned all day then took him out for dinner. Yes; I payed. No, we're/weren't dating: hes gay. :3 And wonderful at that!! :3 Needless to say, I hope this birthday will be one to remember. :D