Apparently, life and the cosmic forces have more rules and boundaries than i was previously aware. Atoms are small, gravity works, and having your life completely shattered has no grace period- before striking again. I'm..tired. Exhausted, and therefore numb; yet I can not help but notice that this newfound quietness of the mind is rather... enjoyable. Its funny how much one's emotions flurry through the mind..
A friend confessed to me, not long ago, that they found themselves extremely unhappy. Could not focus on who they were, and felt as though their love life was failing. As though they were settling for a relationship, for a life, that wasn't fulfilling. Or Happy. A story I know all too well.
I have never been one for fate. Karma: certainly; but the events of life are unforeseen, or the consequences of our own actions. As i see it, anyway. My friend asked for an opinion: was this a waste of time? A mistake? Or were they just to picky? Refusing to be satisfied?
I concluded:
Life is an oven.
An oven of varying temperatures. At times warm, comfortable. Others, sweltering, painful, unbearable. Regardless, as the little loaves of bread we are, we stay. Because life is baking us. Slowly. Carefully. Seasoned with experiences and braised with time. One day, the perfect 'dish' will come along, and we will come out. The perfect dish. Just for you. Why would anyone want to waste it, risk losing the opportunity for their perfect match, by jumping out early onto a plate not their size? Is the heat really that bad? Its a decision each loaf much make for itself.
Nobody likes raw dough.
It's been a really long time since I"ve posted. >.< Updates? Well... I've moved. Live with my bf and our roommate now. Been ultra busy, trying to move myself and my parrents. T.T Dont have interwebs at the new place right now, got bills to pay. :3 So, I dont know when I will be on next. Gambarimasu!
Sorry it's been so long since I have been on. My dad has cut my internet time down significantly and I haven't been able to even check TheO. ;.; I go back to school in a short while. A few days to be exact. My 日本語先生 might be taking me and my best friend to a real Japanese shrine for New Years day. :3 I'm very excited!! XD I hope everyone is well. Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? I didnt celebrate, but I had a great day. Spent the weekend at a friends. :3
I posted a pic that I've been working on for a long time today. Both an edited and unedited version. Not much other than that I suppose... Oh! 39 days till my birthday!! :3 I'm very excited if you havent noticed. :P I hope I will be able to celebrate it too- it will be my first birthday party in my whole life!!! Believe it. Last year I went to my friends house and cleaned all day then took him out for dinner. Yes; I payed. No, we're/weren't dating: hes gay. :3 And wonderful at that!! :3 Needless to say, I hope this birthday will be one to remember. :D

*deep sigh* I just finnished a super long post for my world ~Nihongo In a Page~. It doesn't look so long after posting it of course; but a lot of work went into it..well, as much as my sweater-warmed, exhausted brain will allow!! I was doing bunches of 'double checking' to try and make things as easy, understandable, and accurate as possible. :3
If anyone is interested in learning to speak a little japanese you can check it out. Or if you just want to know how to say something specific in japanese you can just ask. (pm me or comment if you'd like) Such as your name, or if you'd like a translation of some word you may have found in a manga or anime (I get those a lot :3). An english-japanese dictionary would work for some stuff: but the definitions often given in those things aren't.. well, 'how it's spoken'. There's many words that have 'dictionary' form and various 'speach' forms.. >:| (it's rather fusterating actually...) *laughs* None the less: the offer's there, if anyone would like!! :D
What's everyone got planned for this upcoming weekend??