Greetings! I am Burning Silver, call me Silver if you like, and this is my primary page; open to all. (Obviosly) I welcome anyone and everyone to trounce upon my things, all I ask is that you don't wear cleats when you do so-they tend to hurt. I hope you don't mind my insane instability and impulsive randomness; if you do, I'd advise you find somewhere else to spend your time. On the other hand, if you find that you are some-what entertained by my peculiar jesting then I hope you enjoy your stay.

Than-x for stopping by:

:( Irritating...

I'm sitting here in my 5th period class, in which I am a Teacher's Assistant, and my teacher is absent today. The sub is nice, but the class is a freshman class, so the room is full of rambunctios teenagers. Hping to escape this menagery: I decided to (finally) update my japanese language page. unfotunately: it turns out that the subs profile on this computer does not support the japanese language; so I am unable to continue the lesson on which I was posting. >:U This does not fill me wit glee. Rather irritating..So, What's the most irritating thing that has happened to you today?


Ever have one of those days where everyone around you seems extremely irritable and ready to fight at the drop of a hat? Well, that's exactly how my last two weeks have been. Except its not everyone, just my familly. I suppose it's the after effects of everyone being so sick and worn down for so long. To be expected really. Just hard to deal with. *sigh* I hate listening to it, none the less. You know what sounds really nice? Waking up slowly, warmed by the sun that shines through the windows, next to the person whom I love. Then spending a lazy day; making breakfast (and a mess that can wait until tomarrow :3), going for a drive (and maybe a few hours at the beach), eating dinner at an establishment entirely unknown that's far away from home, and ending the evening snuggled up to a funny movie. *whimsical sigh* Yah..that sounds..perfect. :3 What would make your week perfect?

OH!! I almost forgot: 22 DAYS UNTIL MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!! *festive music*

Snuggly Sweaters and Abused Fingers... and carrots... >:3

*deep sigh* I just finnished a super long post for my world ~Nihongo In a Page~. It doesn't look so long after posting it of course; but a lot of work went into it..well, as much as my sweater-warmed, exhausted brain will allow!! I was doing bunches of 'double checking' to try and make things as easy, understandable, and accurate as possible. :3
If anyone is interested in learning to speak a little japanese you can check it out. Or if you just want to know how to say something specific in japanese you can just ask. (pm me or comment if you'd like) Such as your name, or if you'd like a translation of some word you may have found in a manga or anime (I get those a lot :3). An english-japanese dictionary would work for some stuff: but the definitions often given in those things aren't.. well, 'how it's spoken'. There's many words that have 'dictionary' form and various 'speach' forms.. >:| (it's rather fusterating actually...) *laughs* None the less: the offer's there, if anyone would like!! :D

What's everyone got planned for this upcoming weekend??