Ryoko's Revenge

-After school...(Monday, 3:00 PM)-

"Meet you in the clubroom Kyon!" Haruhi said happily as she darted out of the classroom.

"Sheesh, she doesn't even ask me if there's something important that I need to do, why do I need to be in her club? What's even the point of the SOS Brigade? Sigh, again, why am I in a club filled with the supernatural? Well, I'd better get going...Ugh..." Kyon thought as he slowly headed out the classroom door.

As Kyon was heading down the hallway, he thought, "How did my high school life turn out like this? What ever happened to my dreamlif-"

"Hey, Kyon! What's up?" Tanaguchi said cheerfully as he interrupted Kyon's thoughts.

"Nothing, just heading to the clubroo-"

"What do you guys even do there?"

"Tanaguchi, I don't even know what the heck we're supposed to be doing in that club."

"Well, I was wondering...Could I stop by and visit your club?"

"What the-? Why do you want to visit Haruhi's club, of all clubs? Well, I'll have to ask Haruhi, but what is the real reason that you want to stop by? I mean, it's not like we actually do anything exciting."

"Well, obviously to see Mikuru!"

Kyon slapped his face. "She's way out of your leagu-"

"I DON'T CARE!!!I just want to see her beautiful, smiling face!"

"Yeah right, I know what you want to see..."

Tanaguchi was getting antsy. "Well, are we going to go or not?"

"Yes, but contain yourself! I still have to ask Haruhi if it's okay, remember?"

"Yeah...yeah..." Tanaguchi sounded as though he was distracted. He was obviously thinking about Mikuru...