Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

I'm the awesome gnat killing, spot removing...awesome...person...part 2!

Well, I have no idea how many people actually read or didn't really my last post. If you didn't then I suggest you read it as well as this one.

This post pertains to the opening of my world Blade. Which will now have Blade chapters as well as it's original spot on fictionpress. Yea^-^ Well, right now there is only chapter one(if it gets through or not), but I will tell you about updates for that world until it catches up with chapter eight or whatever happens to come along as it gets ready.

Soon I will start having my own artwork for Blade as the background of the World, but as of now it's just the original website picture tiled. Yes, I know I hate tiled but I needed something.

Hurrah fop those who start to read! If it get that one percent...well i'm not really sure how it works. If it appears on my world then I'm guessing it either did or didn't go through. I'm really not to clear on what happens if it gets through. If it doesn't I KNOW it will be in the world. SO, we'll just have to see.

I'm the awesome gnat killing, spot removing...awesome...person...

Ok, I received an idea from my friend Insane (you may have noticed me mentioning her once or twice ;) ) Anyway she suggested that I post my story Blade here on theOtaku, so I may get more interested readers. And I decided to do it. I will have to re-edit the chapters again--I find mistakes often when I re-read them. And then I will have them here for all to see and criticize maliciously. Expect that soon, also I have finished Blade chapter eight, typed it, and edited it. WOW, super fast, I know. But hey, I was bored in school :P Anywho, I’m just about to input the edits and send it to my editor friend for the final check! You people are all probably SO excited that your heads exploded. If that's the case, make sure you clean that up really well, nobody likes brain matter in their carpet.

SO, chapter eight is on a roll, for all you curious readers that have no idea what blade is and therefore are completely lost as to what to do with the information then just wait for me to post the story here...and if you REALLY want to, you can go and check it out. Only if you REALLY want to though, I don't want you creepy mildly interested people going to my story. ^-^

Anyway, just a heads up to you journal reading freaks!

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: First of all, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the post...I was just being weird. I know, shocker. Anyway... I have skill when it comes to eradicating small, winged, creatures that breed like nobody's business. And I also seem to have a talent for removing spots...not great with carpeting though...something about those pesky fibers just throws me off.

-->For those of you that only read my posts just to see these recent and stupid hints, I suggest you get help. ^-^


the rock is back and the moss is gone^-^

Guess what! I have almost finished the first draft of Blade chapter eight^-^ I’m so happy! I just started writing little bits and suddenly this one that I was working on led me to more ideas and I was able to keep working with some thought of what was going to be happening later on^-^ YEA! Aren't you all just bursting with joy?

Anyway that was the big news. And I actually like how it's going. You'll be able to become more familiar with some characters and it’s connecting to some ideas I had for later on. And it's just...yeah^-^ I'm SOOO happy. Things are going better, finally!

Those of you who like my story, just keep waiting for updates on Infinity and when you see that Conduit update you'll know it's finished and up on the site^-^

I'll annoy you all soon!

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: You know the saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss"? Well I was a rolling stone for a while, and then I become a static stone. Just sitting there with annoying clumps of green growing all over me. But then I got a push and now I’m rolling again^-^ Hence the title!

the abyss...I had a submarine...

Ok, so I actually finished three whole drawings! Granted two were actually just incomplete, but still!! I feel all special now^-^

Anyway, one is finally my sister birthday drawing. There really wasn't a lot I had to do for that one, it was mostly done. Second is one that I don't really like a whole bunch but I finished it so I might as well out it up. The third is actually (are you ready for this?) it's a knight. With armor ann a sword (atucally it was cut in half:P) I did it for someone who kept pestering me about it. And one day I just sat down and drew it(well it was referenced, but come one who has detailed knowledge of armor in their mind?) Ever since then I have been trying to finish incompleted ones. Oh and Insane, no your birthday doodle isn't done yet. Please don't shoot holes in my sub.

Now I can only put one up at a time. So I will do Second, First, Third. According to the order I did in the last paragraph^-^

Have fun my pets! I have squids to hunt^-^

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: the abyss is my artists block and I'm working my way out because I found an un used submarine at the bottom of a bottomless ocean and it was in perfect condition of course. Unless Insane tries to kill me. The squid thing has nothign to do with anything. It's just me being random^-^

i'm attempting to tred the oceans sand

well, I have still been stuck with my writings and drawings!!! It is so frustrating when you want to draw or write but can't, just can't! It's awful. Really. But i'm trying to work through it...sort of. Things have just been busy.

Anyway, I still have yet to finish any new drawings, though i'm trying to rectify that. Currently I am still working on Blade chapter eight but it is going very slowly. I have mostly been beating the crap out of the little I have written and typed with several vollies of edits. Mainly because I have nothing to read before classes and when we aren't doing anything. And when that happens I edit. The pages are so red and blue i'll be really happy if I can just keep all the edits straight... I have been adding and changing and rearranging things for two day now. This is after the initail set of edits too. So yeah, that's what I have been doing. I keep forgetting to bring any of my unread books and i'm not really one to do homework when I could do something else. Regardless of what that somethign else is. What can I say, i'm a procrastinator. ^-^

I think that's it for the art updates, i'll try to finish up some drawings and add more to the chapter this week...but of course no guarentees.

I'll pop back later or something and tell you if there are any changes! I have to leave now or I think my sister may try to kill me. She really hates it when I take forever.

bye bye, fellow drownies^-^ (hint: see title:P)