Welcome to my endless enigma of pointless verbal ironies and useless information revolving around the existence of me, Itsu. Yes, I welcome you to Infinity. If you're scared, you needn't worry, I won't bite unless provoked otherwise...usually. Now enjoy your slow downward spiral toward the very core of my innermost being, well the psychotic section anyway.

Have fun.

External Image

if you'd like, my darlings, check me out at one of my other existences:

[dokuga] ---///--- [deviantART] ---///--- [pillowfort] ---///--- [tumblr]


[Happy endings don't exist because the world keeps turning--
but you don't have to have an ending--
to be happy.]

[~We are all a little weird and
Life’s a little weird,
And when we find someone whose
Weirdness is compatible with ours,
We join up with them and fall in
Mutual weirdness and call it Love~
~Dr. Seuss~]

i'm currently working through my mental illness


Well, I have been writing like a crazy person again. Chapter nine is technically not finished since it still needs tons of editing and a change on the ending...but I had an idea and just went right into writing chapter ten, of which there are about 6-8 pages written. I just really like blade! I have had two screens runnign in my mind, Blade and Empty Sound. Although it had been a while since I wrote for ES. I think i'm going to re-write it in first person. I just don't know yet. Anyway Blade is going very well, I'm trying to get it moving a little faster.

I still haven't had any drawings... Before I was drawing but not much writing, now i'm writing without much drawing. I want to get them both on track again!! This is the longest, most tempramental artist's block I have ever had. *sigh* But fear not, I shall prevail.

I just read through ALL of my posts and noticed that I have a surprising number of 'sorry for being gone' posts. That's just sad. I don't mean to leave you guys! But I did find them entertaining, and the title are fun too^-^ I hope you all enjoy that about my posts!

I'm still kinda busy, but things are slowing a little, I have been writing more and now editing my friends story again...I still have a bunch of books to read and then the Twilight movie comes out. So much......but i'm doing good!

See you all soon my loves^-^

HINTS TO THE OBSCURE TITLE: well, me and my mom were out buying things for my operation christmas child boxes and we were waiting in line at the walmart and there was this magazine about britney spears working through her mental illness. And my mom was turnign to me to say something about working through her mental illness and I had been staring at her with this ridiculous look on my face. So she turns and just burst out laughing the checkout line. My mom told me what she had been going to say and then she's like ' apparently it's hereditary' and we kept laughing. And I was like' well we are currently working through our mental illnesses' or something like that. It was so funny! ^-^ Really...it was. 0.o

i'm attempting to tred the oceans sand

well, I have still been stuck with my writings and drawings!!! It is so frustrating when you want to draw or write but can't, just can't! It's awful. Really. But i'm trying to work through it...sort of. Things have just been busy.

Anyway, I still have yet to finish any new drawings, though i'm trying to rectify that. Currently I am still working on Blade chapter eight but it is going very slowly. I have mostly been beating the crap out of the little I have written and typed with several vollies of edits. Mainly because I have nothing to read before classes and when we aren't doing anything. And when that happens I edit. The pages are so red and blue i'll be really happy if I can just keep all the edits straight... I have been adding and changing and rearranging things for two day now. This is after the initail set of edits too. So yeah, that's what I have been doing. I keep forgetting to bring any of my unread books and i'm not really one to do homework when I could do something else. Regardless of what that somethign else is. What can I say, i'm a procrastinator. ^-^

I think that's it for the art updates, i'll try to finish up some drawings and add more to the chapter this week...but of course no guarentees.

I'll pop back later or something and tell you if there are any changes! I have to leave now or I think my sister may try to kill me. She really hates it when I take forever.

bye bye, fellow drownies^-^ (hint: see title:P)


Incase you haven't already seen I have two new drawings up, one from yesterday the other from today. They're nothing special, I just wanted to say what's what in the doodle world since I was posting. Also I wanted to know whether you think I should put up this one Blade drawing I did a little while back? It's ok and all, but Ookawa ended up looking WAY WAY WAY to much like Cross from my Empty Sound (because I hadn't drawn her since three or four style changes ago) and Roiyaru just didn't look right to me. At all. So if any of you think you really want to see it just say so and I'll put it up later.

And, the weirdest thing happened to my site. Ok, it really wasn't all that bizarre but it was incredibly unexpected. Now you think it's something major don't you? But it's not so don't start hyperventilating over nothing. I came on today and I had 164 views for Infinity (here) and 44 views for Conduit my other world. Infinity jumped up over one hundred to one hundred and twenty pages views and Conduit around twenty I think. It's really, really weird. But I have no new guestbook comments, or subscribers, or subscriptions, or views on my art. It's just so random. I'm confused:P

Anyway, just telling you things. Yes, I know you love them but I have to go now. Bye, bye^-^

quick pop-up!

I just wanted to pop by and say something because I have noticed it being mentioned occasionally.

My story Empty Sound has NOT been put anywhere on my fiction sites. It's still not ready for a debut yet, so don't worry about not understanding the drawings or how they don't relate to the story. Oh and they are vampires, NOT elves^-^ I have yet to perfect their ear style as of yet.

Thanks for the comments! More drawings coming every 24 hours!

more, more

I just put up another drawing. Sorry, though, that I didn't do anything over the weekend...I was at my dad's.

Anywho! The drawing is one I had forgotten I had, so the ES drawing count goes up to 8+ instead of 6+. Since I had found another one as well.

...sooo, that's my big thing...more drawings. Thanks to the people who actually viewed the one I put up three days ago and the two that commented! They were great comments, eventhough I don't entirely agree with them^-^

Thanks again! More soon. Everyday if I can remember.