Valentine's Day OHC style

“Boss…Boss!” Romario said, shaking him.

Dino blinked slowly and looked over at Romario.

“We’re here.”

Dino turned to Chero and kissed her forehead.

“Bella, we’re here.”

Chero yawned and looked up at Dino. She blushed.
“I fell asleep?”

He nodded, “But it’s alright. Ready to go?”

Chero nodded and allowed him to help her out.

Chero clung closer to Dino when she saw all the people watching them enter. Some people were whispering and looking at her. It made Chero feel self-conscious about herself.

“It’s alright.” Dino whispered, “They are just jealous of me, because I am with someone so beautiful.”

Chero was about to say something about how she thought that it was mostly girls jealous of her when Dino saw someone he knew.

“Tsuna!” Dino greeted, letting go of Chero for a second.

“D-dino-san?!” Tsuna questioned.

Dino put an arm around the younger boy, who was attempting to eat from the snack bar.

“Chero, you remember my little ‘brother’ Tsuna, yes?” he asked.

Chero nodded and smiled at Tsuna.

“It’s nice to see you again!”

“So Tsuna, is you whole group here, or is it just you?” Dino asked.

Tsuna was about to reply when Dino was hit on the back of the head. Dino rubbed the back of his head. Reborn stood on Dino’s shoulder.

“Of course everyone is here. The 10th boss would not attend this party without his family…” Reborn said.

“They’re not my family! They are just my friends…”Tsuna insisted.

Chero looked at the talking baby, un-phased.

“You must be Reborn, Dino’s former teacher,” Chero said.

Reborn nodded at her.

“Ciaossu, and you are?”

“My girlfriend, Chero Aoyama. “Dino said, pulling her close.

Chero was about to say something else when someone jumped down from the balcony above and landed right in front of Dino and Chero.

“HEIII!” Tsuna cried.

“Kyoya?!” Dino questioned, “How did you succeed in getting him here?”

Reborn smirked, jumping onto the floor, next to Tsuna.

“His desire to fight you overwhelmed his hatred of crowds,” Reborn explained.

Chero looked at Hibari who looked her over. Chero held her hand out to him.

“So, you’re Dino’s student, Kyoya Hibari? It’s nice to meet you, I’m Chero Aoyama, Dino’s girl friend.”

"I'm going to bite you to death..." Hibari said, narrowing his eyes.

Dino was taken aback...he did not understand...Kyoya was normally more civil to girls or at least ignored them....

Chero pulled her hand away and looked at Dino, worried that she did something wrong...already. She had JUST met the guy and he already hated her. Hibari turned from the pair.

“If she makes you weak I will definitely bite her to death…”

Hibari walked away leaving Dino and Chero more confused than ever.

“Sorry about that, Kyoya can be a little cold at times…” Dino explained.