Valentine's Day OHC style

Ichigo was having a little trouble with the Creeper…For some odd reason it seemed to hate him and was not giving no matter what Ichigo would do. None of his attacks worked.

Hime had no trouble with the Creeper. In fact the Creeper seemed terrified of Hime. Hime smirked to herself as she made her way to the base of the tower. Now…getting up there would be a bit harder.

The Creeper in the form of the Dormouse watched Dino as he slowly made his way to the base of the tower. He wondered why he was not being attacked…Suddenly he tripped. The Creeper had placed a vine in front of him. Dino looked back at the Creeper.

Ezio was befuddled (yes I used the word befuddled…deal XD) by the Creeper. It had taken the form of a beautiful lady. Ezio did not strike women and nor was she letting him past easily…So he did what any man in his situation would do…He tried to woo her.

Jenny was not doing too bad until she got distracted by the America plushie the Creeper had left out for her.

Sasuke had no trouble with the Creeper…being its master he was let by without a fight. He sighed and walked over to the base of the tower where Hime was trying to climb up the tower with the help of two kunai.

Dino, after tripping five more times, finally made it to the tower. Hime was half way up. He looked up at the window.

“Amore, if I send one end of my whip up to you, can you tie it off and help pull me up?” Dino asked Chero.

Chero smiled and nodded.

Dino snapped his whip, sending it up to Chero. Chero tied it to a beam inside of the tower. She then started to help pull Dino up, while he started to climb.

“HEY!” Hime cried, “That’s cheating!”

Luna looked at her nails.

“I saw nothing. You, Kira?”


Chero leaned forward to pull some more, but being completely uncoordinated and being Chero…the person that gravity hates…she fell forward out of the window, falling to the ground.