Valentine's Day OHC style

“Chero!” Dino cried, jumping off the whip to catch her.

Hime turned her head and hurried to catch Chero, but did not make it in time.
Sasuke cradled Chero in his arms and set her next to Dino.

“Be more careful…” Sasuke said, mussing Chero’s hair up and poking her forehead.

Chero pouted.
“I know…I will…”

Dino hugged Chero tightly.

“I’m so glad you are ok…” he said.

Luna ran over.

“The winner is Sasuke!” she exclaimed.

Sasuke crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

Chero walked over to Sasuke and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you for saving me…” Chero said.

“Yeah yeah…” Sasuke sighed.

“SO….Sasuke, wanna know what you won?” Luna asked.

“No…” Sasuke said walking over to his wife, Chi.

“Oh come on!”

“Give it to someone else…”

Luna looked at Hime. Hime shook her head.

“Well then I guess Dino winds the prize!” Luna said, “A romantic all paid for day in Venice and a ton of chocolate!”

Dino shook his head.

“We don’t really need it…I have something planned…Why don’t you give it to Ichigo? The Creeper was unfair to him since Sasuke is its master…”

Kira pouted.

“The Creeper was only playing…But ok…the Prize is now Ichigo’s!” Kira said.

“I won? How the hell did that happen?” Ichigo asked.

“Don’t question it! Just accept it!” Luna said hugging him tightly.

The next day Luna and Ichigo spent a wonderful Valentine’s Day in Venice, enjoying all the treats that someone else was supposed to have won. Dino started the day by surprising Chero with breakfast in bed and a large bouquet of roses.

He then took Chero to all of his favorite sites of Italy. Chero wondered when she would have time to actually give him what she had gotten him.

Dino led Chero to the roof of the mansion to watch the sunset. He wrapped his arm around Chero’s shoulder.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, amore…” Dino said, kissing her cheek.

Chero handed him a green bag with hearts on it.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Dino.”

Dino opened the gift to reveal what looked like a photo album. On the cover was a picture of Dino climbing Chero’s tower and Chero helping him.

“I’ve put in pictures of what he have done through-out the day…”Chero said, “I had Romario follow us and take pictures and then put this together…I want you to always be able to remember our first Valentine’s Day together…”

Dino looked through the book and then at Chero. He smiled.

“I love it, thank you.”

Chero smiled, “I’m glad.”

Chero leaned in close and closed her eyes, Dino met her in the middle, giving her a sweet kiss. In the distance one could see a camera flash, catching a beautiful sunset and the couple sharing a kiss.

Happy Valentine’s Day<3