Valentine's Day OHC style

When Chero woke up the next morning she was very confused to why she had slept in the dress she had worn to the party. She blushed when she realized that Dino must have carried her up to her bed.

Chero got dressed for the day, wearing jeans and a blue t-shirt, and slipped out of her room. After getting lost in the mansion she finally found the way down the main stairs. She spotted a maid and asked her where Dino was.

“Master Dino is in his study working on paper work, shall I inform him you are asking for him?” she asked.

Chero shook her head.

“No, no…That’s alright. Let him work, I’ll see him later,” Chero said.

The maid nodded.
“Brunch is at ten, ma’am.”

Chero smiled at her, “Thank you. I will be going for a walk outside around the manor if you need me…”

Chero opened the door and stepped out into the sun. She took a deep breath of fresh, only to have her head covered by a large sack. Chero struggled against her attackers, but it was useless, because she soon blacked out.

Dino sat at the dining room table waiting for Chero so they could have brunch together. He had been working very hard to get everything done for Valentine’s Day the next day. He looked at the clock. Chero was late. He frowned and stood up to ask around to see if anyone seen her recently. It was then Luna ran into the room. Dino blinked in surprise.

“Luna?” he questioned.

“It’s Chero! She was kidnapped by some really weird people! COME NOW!” Luna exclaimed, dragging him along. He quickly followed, grabbing his whip along the way, a worried expression on his face.

When Chero came to…she realized two things. One: that she was dressed up as some sort of princess in a blue and purple dress and a tiara and her hair in a loose bun. Two: that she was locked in a weird round room with one window that was currently closed. She walked over to the window and opened it to reveal sunlight. She looked down and started to panic.

“OK OK OK…So…you’re locked in a tower…No big deal…A very tall tower, but it’s nothing you can’t handle…” Chero told herself.

This was right out of her favorite fairy tales. Chero looked down and facepalmed.