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Thu Apr 2, 2009, 9:34 PM

* Mood: Nervous
* Listening to: "Driveway"-Making April
* Eating: I ate a slice of pizza...but that was it

It's in a language I just made up =D It means...
I hate being a teenager. I'd like to just skip to college right now. Or just move out...can't wait until I move into Minto's house. A while ago, I cooked up a plan while I was talking to my boyfriend(?) about how I could live at my school. I would snatch a spare master key from Frankie or Mike, get used to sleeping in the nurse's office(or I could set up a comfy tent on the roof), get some locks and separate my stuff in the lockers in the girls' locker room, and when summer comes I can stay a week or two at a friend's house, move on to the next friend, and if I can't sleep over somewhere I could live somewhere in the park. Of course, I would have to secure a job first =)
But who am I kidding? Nice plan, but it wouldn't last; and if I ever had to come back home I'd be in deep shit.
I envy my friends that can just wander around with their friends. They simply just let their parents know where they are and call them time to time that same day for an update of what's happening. I envy the people that can sleep over at a friend's house without expecting to know everything about the family their not like I'd be marrying the person-a female, might I add(I'm straight and plan to stay that way). I envy those stupid teens that can go on dates with a boyfriend or girlfriend without the parents wanting an adult with them or another friend(the 3rd wheel). I envy those that can go on a field trip and not have their family follow them to every place they went(my dad dragged my mom all the way down to Key West trying to keep up with my school's field trip; they followed me to Disney, too). I envy the girl that can ask her parents and not be afraid of a definite "no"...cuz that's what I always get.
I want a normal life without anyone expecting top marks and to just go out with my friends and have fun. I want a relationship that isn't hindered by house rules.
What would you choose? A normal life where you're free to be with your friends whenever you could, but less, perhaps significantly, less creative than you are now? Or the sheltered life of a person overflowing with artistic-loveliness but could only show the internet.
