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Hey, Guess What?

External ImageI ACTUALLY FINISHED ALL MY HOMEWORK!!! =DDD I finished my chapter outline and report(I had to retype it) for Psychology, my Precalc sheet, and I did most of my AP Government homework!! I say most because I left 3 of the questions blank for one of the assignments, but since I'm helping Cal with the Federalist papers, I'm pretty sure he'll help me with the US v. Madisson questions.

The battery on this laptop is on 24% remaining, so I'm gonna have to cut this short. Oh, I forgot to mention this: it's 4:36am here right now, and I gotta get up at 6 so-you guessed it-I'm staying up all day AGAIN-and I have a club meeting after school, how lovely XD


Why is it that...

Why is it that when there's a really long weekend(Labor Day weekend) you still end up procrastinating on homework? I've been trying to get my history done, but I just can't get myself to do so. I've finished my Psychology homework and studied for Spanish a bit(quiz on Monday). Maybe it's cuz I don't have history class 'til Wednesday? Ah well.

But it's not just schoolwork, it's also the comic-I've REALLY gotta get these pages done...but I just keep getting distracted!! DX *sigh* Ah well, enough complaining-I'm gonna [try] to do work...b'bye, wish me luck (x_x)

