My name is Samantha and I usually go by Sami. I'm a total dork, crazy and random. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ^_~
Some facts about me:
My birthday is December 21, 1991.
My parents are divorced, and I just refer to my dad as Donnie. And sometimes my mom as Sherry, depends on if we're fighting or not.
I have a younger sister and an older sister. My younger sister used to have an account on theO but she has abandoned us XD
I live in Ohio.
I'm a Christian.
I've had problems with depression so occasionally things can get a little dark here. But I'm doing much better now.
I go to an AMAZING church. I can't get there very often, but I go whenever I can.
I do not have a boyfriend as of yet. But I'm in the market ;p
I am very random. VERY. Crazy and I love it. So be prepared ^^
I like to write fanfics and random stories. I have a fanfic on my other world and it will be finished eventually, I swear!! Just... Don't hold your breath, ne?
I love music.
I've been home schooled since the tenth grade and recently graduated high school.
I have a kitty named Artemis. He's my baby and he's what helped me through my depression the most.
I babysit and I like to talk about the baby and post pictures because while I may not have the "math gene" I definitely got a double dose of the "mothering gene."
My email is [email protected] if you want to email me. Please do, because I never get email. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO CHAIN MAIL!!!

I have parasites in my brain.

at least, i possibly have parasites in my brain. lol. toxoplasmosis: you can get it from cats. had two cats when i was little, and one now. so yeah, i'm thinking it's likely. but since i don't have symptoms (most people don't) i won't know for sure unless i have a blood test. which i'm not going to do. but if i do have it, all their doing is making a home in my brain and making me like cats, so they're free to stay up there as long as they want XD
okay, randomness over. my birthday is in 21 days, woot! i'm having a party on the 19th and i'm very excited. my mom went birthday shopping for me today lol. i keep reminding her how much i want the sleeping beauty dvd that got released recently. i want it SO BAD. sleeping beauty is my favorite disney princess. even though the brothers grimm version is kinda creepy. it wasn't the prince's kiss that woke her. it was the kicking of twins in her stomach. yeah, my favorite prince is a rapist -_- i'm addicted to disney movies and i'm not ashamed to admit it XD but most of the ones we have are on vhs. we need to start switching over to dvd. our live action 101 dalmations vhs broke T_T but my mom bought a new one the other day, so that's okay i guess.
b-chan is writing a really awesome book. and she put me in it :DD we always put our characters into our conversations when we're texting and she put in one from her book. so i started talking to him XD and apparently she liked what i said cuz i'm now a part of the story. we've been role playing so she can get my dialogue exactly how i would say it, and i've been writing it all in my notebook. 58 pages. of just dialogue. and still counting. it's the most fun i've ever had.
unfortunately, history class is calling. i have to make up a lesson.

Today's Random Thought: SHut up, you stupid cupcake! Muffins are beautiful no matter what you say!

Happy Thanksgiving!

happy thanksgiving otaku nation! i found time to post in the midst of all the busyness.
My mom always has us name one tihng we're thankful for. Well, I have a lot to be thankful for. But this year especially it's my friends, both in the real world and online. Some people say that you can't really know someone you met online. I say that's crap. You guys mean just as much to me as anyone I've ever met in the real world, and I love you all. :)
1. how are you celebrating thanksgiving?
2. what are you thankful for?
3. have you ever been so scared you could taste it? (notihng to do with thanksgiving. i'm just nosy :D)
my uncle and cousins and their kids are coming over. but goodness knows when -_- uncle ed is always late. always. which means we'll probably all end up eating at different times XD
i should probably go. short post, i know, but i stopped in the middle of putting on my makeup XD

Today's Random Thought: I lie to get what I want and I'm not afraid to take you down with me.

short post cuz i'm sick

@#$%^&*! i'm sick, my computer restarted in the middle of my post, my cat bit me, i had a bad dream, and i'm wearing my mom's clothes cuz my pajamas are getting washed. i want to go back to bed now.
i think my head's going to explode. and i'm about to fall asleep sitting up XD.
i have searched every inch of my laptop and still can not find the short story i was going to enter in my library's writing contest. i have another one but it's not as good. so now i'm going to look through the desktop even though i swear i wrote the stupid thing on my laptop. oh well. i hope it turns up eventually.
very short post, i'm gonna go now before i fall asleep lol.

Today's Random Thought: Don't make me go all crazy white girl on you.

tummy ache

it's been longer than i meant it to be, but hey, a few days is better than a few months, ne?
halloween rocked. even though it was cold and i was freezing my butt off, and then i was hungry but the hotdogs were gone. no one new who i was except two of my friends XD apparently there are no death note fans at my church. i will be putting pictures up here and on my myspace when they get developed. speaking of myspace, if anyone wants my URL let me know and i'll give it to you.
my mom gave me an early christmas present lol. it's a death note blanket! :D it's nice and warm. she and my sister were shopping and britt called me to ask if i wanted the blanket and of course i said yes. but she said nothing about it being for christmas so i thought they would give it to me when they got home. not so. so i begged my mom until she gave it to me yesterday ^_^
*sniffs* ...ew. stinky kitty litter box.
geez i don't have much to talk about today. i am trying to get my christmas shopping done early, and i'm getting kind of close to finished. i have b-chan's, becca's, loralei's, and momo's presents. that leaves rachel and judah, who are nearly impossible to shop for. of my family i have my cousins' and their kids done, and my grandma and uncle. so that leaves my mom and sister. i kind of know what i'm going to get them. so i'm in pretty good shape. i love that my birthday is near christmas so i get to give my friends their presents at my birthday party ^^
i tihnk that's really all i have to say. not a very long post. but now i'm going to go post the one shot i wrote for can't spell love without L. *uses mind control to make everyone go read it*

Today's Random Thought: Those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them.

i'm much too lazy to think of a title

two posts in two days, woot!
i've started saying woot out loud all the time. it drives my sister crazy. so i will continue doing it :D
i have something to put up on can't spell love without L. it's not really a chapter *dodges thrown objects* it's a one-shot i wrote after finding a deleted scene on youtube. i might put it up today, but probably not. if i don't i will tomorrow tohugh, that's a promise. i saved it to a disk since i wrote it on my laptop and the disk is upstairs of course XD
my computer finally has sound, can't remember if i've said that or not. my mom finally caved and bought a new monitor. so we don't have the same one we bought with windows 95 anymore. it be very cool and i loves it.
once i can remember to bring my folder downstairs, i have some drawings to put up. i've been drawing like a crazy woman lol. and i usually draw around 1am XDD i can't sleep anyway, i figure why not.
the computer desk is driving me crazy. i'm so OCD and stuff isn't lined up, and i keep having to lean over to use the keyboard and it's making my back tired and my brain spastic. yes, i have a spastic brain XD
hooray for halloween tomorrow! i'm handing out candy at my church. since they want everyone to be in costume, i'm going to be L. i've got a nice wig that i had to trim a little bit, but still. i'm going to act L-ish and have my mom take pictures for me to put up lol. and i'll try to take pictures of my little cousins in their costumes too. becca (who will be 2 in december) is a bunny, and issac (who's 8 months old) is going to be a pumpkin. he's the perfect shape for a pumpkin XD
i think that's all i'm going to type for now. see the aforementioned spastic brain.

Today's Random Thought: Evil is a dish best served crazy.