Name: Kimberly
Nicknames: Kimi, Kimi-chan, Kim, KitKat, Kitten-chan, The dumbest smart person in the world (courtesy of my friends and family), Crazy/Psycho/Insane, Genius, la-fee-de-morte(deviantArt), Katana Black(FanFiction.net), Katana Black (FictionPress.com), Katsody (GaiaOnline), Katsody (TinierMe)
Residence: East Coast, USA
Interests: Reading, writing, music, gaming, manga, learning. I'm a writer, a musician, a gamer, and a scientist. If Barnes and Noble, Game Stop, a biological research lab, and a ramen shop all decided to collaborate on a single store, I would live there for the rest of my natural life and be in pure bliss.
Genre(s) of Music: Classical, neo-classical, rock, reggaeton
Song(s): Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, One-Winged Angel, Vanessa-Mae, Bach Street Prelude
Artist(s): Bond, Clint Mansell, The Used, Ludwig van Beethoven, John Williams, Black Violin, Muse, t.A.T.u., Killswitch Engage, 30 Second to Mars, Vanessa-Mae, Utada Hikaru, Emilie Autumn, 3OH!3, BoA, Dir en Grey, Tokio Hotel, Paul Oakenfold
Game(s): Kingdom Hearts, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat, The World Ends With You
Gaming Platform: Xbox 360, PS2
Character(s): Train Heartnet (Black Cat), Ludwig Kakumei (Ludwig Kakumei), L and Light (DeathNote), Axel and Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Kakashi-sensei (Naruto), Curious George, Sho Minamimoto (TWEWY)
Book: Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Manga(s): Black Cat, DeathNote, Rurouni Kenshin, Buso Renkin, Ludwig Kakumei, Kuroshitsuji, Axis Powers Hetalia, and Deadman's Wonderland
Color(s): Black, red, pink
Food(s): BBQ chicken, ramen
Dessert(s): rum raisin ice cream, chocolate pocky
Fruit: watermelon
Animal: felines
Tools of the Trade: Mental instability and something to write with. A good soundtrack doesn't hurt, either.
Favorite Quote: "When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me more than I with her." --Michel de Montaigne
Welcome to my world! Please buckle up and keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Don't worry about emergency exits; there are none. If you wish to exit before the ride is over, you do so at your own risk. If you sustain any form of brain damage, IQ reduction, and/or psychological disorder from any of these rides, I will not be held liable. Have a nice day and enjoy your trip!
...my mother isn't as supportive of my writing as I thought. I love my mother, really. I think she's pretty cool and relaxed. She trusts me for the most part and isn't very strict at all. But lately, she's been...I don't know. Forcing certain things on me. Like, the other day, I told her that I didn't want to go to the Queen of Hearts Dance, and she told me I'm going, whether I want to or not, on the grounds that I need to socialize. I don't like going to my school dances. The last to times I went, I regretted it and wished I'd stayed home. I happen to not want to waste three hours of my Saturday night at a dance I know I'm not going to have fun at. And then yesterday, she said we need to discuss my schedule for senior year. I told her I'm definitely taking Creative Writing 2 (the whole reason for taking Creative Writing 1 :p), and she said no, on the grounds that it wouldn't look serious on my college applications.
I let it drop for the time being, and brought it up again today. I told her that I had told my counselor my plans, and he said it was great. But she still thinks that it's a frivolous class, and is upset that I didn't take a math this year. I told her I can't just load my schedule with "serious" classes like she wants me to; it's just not feasible, A, and B, I don't want to do that again. I did it sophomore year and nearly killed myself. Then she said I had a choice on taking honors and AP classes, so don't blame it on that.
So I just dropped it...again. And now I'm really, really upset. I don't think she understands exactly how crucial and important writing is to me, and she doesn't realize how upset I am. She's here playing video games with her ex-husband...and trying to read what I'm writing. :p I really just want to go to my room and cry, but I can't. And won't. Crying is stupid and doesn't solve anything. Instead, I need to figure out exactly how I'm getting Creative Writing 2 on my schedule. I'm going to have a nice happen chat with guidance on Monday.
But still...
On a happier note, we won at our mock trial competition today!
We lost our first trial against Brick, won our second trial against Central. Everybody thought we should have won against Brick, even the Brick coach. This happened last year as well. So we were waiting to find out who was advancing, and found out we did! So we went to our last trial against M.A.T.E.S., and that one was pretty close. We weren't expecting to win AT ALL! When the lawyer announced that they had chosen for the defense, we were so HAPPY! They were really nice about losing, too. We all shook hands and congratulated each other. Unlike Brick, who, when they lost at finals last year, refused to even look us in the eye. But the funny thing is, they advanced to finals, too! So now it's like, Mon Don vs. Brick, Part Two. ^_^
Legit is NOT a word. Just saying.
Anyway, I have a lot of writing to do, so I'm going to go now.
I don't know if I've addressed this issue before, whether in passing or in full, but it needs to be said now: my school is, quite literally, the gayest high school EVER without anyone actually admitting being to or knowing if anyone else is gay. This line of thinking has been discussed between my friends and I on several occasions, especially comparisons with other school. Guys at TR North don't randomly grab each others' asses in the hallway. Guys at Brick don't slap each others' asses in the locker room. Guys at Lakewood don't try to molest each other in the quadrangle. Guys at Howell don't call out to each other, "Bend over and let me see that ass!" from second floor windows.
Guys at Mon Don...do.
The reasons for me considering this little-known fact on this particular day?
Reason One: Today, as we sat waiting for the second bell to ring in English class, two of my esteemed gentleman classmates began mock-waltzing in the front of the room. Actually, it was more real than mock, but for argument's sake, it doesn't matter. Now, I knew for a fact that one of the guys has a girlfriend,and it was (probably) just a joke between friends, but it nevertheless reminded me of how utterly gay our school is.
Reason Two: is much gayer. I happened to pick up a juicy bit of gossip from my friend that a pair of freshman boys were seen kissing. Where, I don't know. Why, I'm not sure (I think she said they were trying to hook up with some girl. :p), and don't really care. But honestly, the only thing I could think was, "That is so Mon Don." Way to go, Catholic school.
That said, I love my school. We're weird, we're gay, we're bisexual, we're Wiccan, we're Asian (we have a HUGE Asian contingency, mostly Filipino), we're everything under the sun. And I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Wow. I just reread that. That's extremely corny. But true. Ugh.
Cannoli are really good.
Now...on to more relevant things. I hope my friend doesn't feel like I'm pushing her away. I'm not...I just had an entire conversation in my head. Sorry. I'll continue.
I used to like her a lot (for the sake of clarity, let's call her Aimee [not her real name! XP]). I was two seconds away telling her so. But I didn't. I'm not sure what would have happened (I don't think she would have gotten mad or anything; in fact, I think she would have liked it, but whatever. On with the show.), but what I didn't do, I didn't do. Then, and this is some time after, I first realized I liked her...second half of sophomore year, and this next thing happened beginning of junior year, then one of my other friends (we'll call her Kathie) asked me if I liked Aimee. At first, I told her no, because she told me that someone else had asked her if I liked Aimee, and I didn't want her just going and telling anyone. I trust only certain people with certain secrets. So, after worming it out of Kathie who it was that asked her, I told her the truth, and she was a little shocked. I think it was just an initial thing, probably from the way she was raised (her parents are SERIOUS Catholics), because she and I still have a great friendship. But after talking to her, I started thinking about exactly why I liked Aimee. Probably the biggest mistake I made in dealing with this. I tend to analyze and over-analyze things, until they no longer hold any meaning. So, I analyzed the hell out of Aimee and how she and I relate, and came to the conclusion that I only liked her because she was one, a source of physical affection (she's always hugging me for no reason; she's very girly like that) that as a teenager, my hormones dictate I must have, and two, she was a source of feminine attention that I didn't feel that I was receiving from my mother. Then I realized that any relationship we had could possibly be ruined from the fact that I hate talking about my emotions (hence, the writing here :p), and the fact that she wears hers on her freakin' sleeve. After that was the Christmas concert, a time for some reason every year when I get extremely emotional. I avoided her a lot for a while, but eventually the voices in my head made me get close to her again, but this time it was different. Now, I'm not sure if I still like her; I think I do, but I've been shying away from physical contact with her. But then again, even as I'm writing this, I'm joking with her and want to go sit next to her (we're in Mock Trial practice, by the way, last one before competition tomorrow, woohoo!!). So, I don't know if it's just me acting up and in a mood, or if my own analysis has been driven into my brain so hard that subconsciously I'm trying to avoid anything starting between us.
*Sigh* Emotions are way too complicated and overrated.
P.S. My best friend is not mad at me. All is well. 
I put up a introduction on that intro board thingie, and, like, twenty people PMed me in quick succession. No joke. The second I asnwered one PM, three more appeared. Like magic! I felt like Harry Potter. Then my friend IMed me. Times like these make me glad I have multiple personalities living in my head. :p
This is going to be really quick, because I have things I need to do (like homework!) and I'm a bit tired. One, I really hope my best friend doesn't break up with me. Long story short, she's been replaced on our mock trial team because she hasn't shown up for practice all week, and competition is this Saturday. But the real thing is, she absolutely hates the girl that's replacing her. :P Real girl drama impending, and I don't want her to drag me into it. But I have a feeling she will, because the same situation occurred with me, only it was that I was a backup for him, he didn't show up to a few practices, I ended up filling in, and proved that I deserved the spot on the team. I have a really bad feeling that she's going to misconstrue the entire thing, get mad at our moderator, be upset with me, and just bitch the other girl out. I really hope she understands, especially since out moderator asked me to try and break it to her. :p, again.
Social justice is fun.
Band was canceled Wednesday, which kind of sucks, because we really needed the practice.
I just ate a bowl of soup, five mozzarella sticks, and an apple.
My neck is killing me.
I've managed to memorize one character of hiragana: お
Oyasumi nasai,
...is my new favorite word. No, seriously. It's in the script for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
And before I get to me, I want to make a shout out to Waffuru and her world, Adventures of Action!Axel, a web comic about Action!Axel and his quest to find Action!Roxas. It's really great, a promising comic, and the first page is up, so GO READ IT! ...Please. ^_^
So, our mock trial competition is on Saturday. We can only pray that we do well. I think we will, but there's a good chance we won't We didn't really prepare as well as we have in past years, and our lawyer buddy didn't come to any of our practices. Then again, a big part of our trials is finesse and style, so it's really not that big of a deal.
Also, my new class has started: Social Justice. My bestest buddy John is in this class with me. I love his head. Not him, just his head. :p No, really, I love him. He's awesome. I'm also good friends with his sister, Annmarie, a.k.a. "Shawtay," who celebrates her 18th birthday today. They're both in band with me; he plays the trombone and she plays trumpet.
My other three classes are all A.P. (Biology, English, and U.S. History), so they haven't changed.
Um...I had something else important to say, but I can't remember it now. Oh well. New topic. I have this story I've been writing this story since seventh grade, it's over a hundred pages long in Microsoft Word, and I've only ever let one person read it in its entirety. I was thinking about posting it somewhere, either here or in my dA, but I'm not sure. I think I'll post an excerpt of it in here, and if anyone reads it, please comment and let me know if you think it's any good. ^_^ (Also, on that note, if anyone reads The Life and Crimes of Michiko Okada [from which the title of this world came], could you let me know what you think of it? I'm entering it in a local writing contest! ^_^)
I think that's about it for now. I'll be back later,
I just realized Love Day is coming up soon. In 19 days, to be exact. And I haven't got any Love. Nor do I want any.
Okay, that last part was a giant, fat lie. I would like some Love. But Love isn't coming to visit me anytime in the foreseeable future. So, I deal.
Love Day gives me stomach ulcers. By the way...Love Day = Valentine's Day, if you hadn't figured it out.
Also, pit orchestra for Camelot, our spring musical, has officially begun. We did our first run through tonight. It actually wasn't too bad. We have the coolest band director ever.
I'm actually pretty tired right now (I keep having to fix my words because I'm typing them wrong, and I'm starting to repeat words). I just spent an hour and a half looking for this dumb book for English I forgot to get over the weekend. It's Othello, but our teacher is anal and wants everybody to have the same version. I lied. Our teacher isn't anal. She's cool. But it's still annoying that we have to have a certain edition.
Let's see...what else? Oh, did I mention I'm never going to fall in love? Yeah, we (the people in my head and I--more one those later) were discussing exactly why I said that I would never fall in love. It went something like this:
Me: You know, the sad thing is, I'm never going to find love.
Corinth: Don't say that. You have me! ^_^
Me: Precisely, darling. As long as I have you, and all the others, for that matter, the chances of me finding love are very slim. As long as I can find happiness somewhere outside of reality, I won't have the desire to actively search for love.
Diana: You know, you may have a point there.
Me: Thank you.
Diana: But it's not feasible for you to say that you'll never find love. You never know what might happen.
Corinth: Yeah, I'm sure someday you'll find a guy better than me...
Me: -_-' I created you, Corinth. There is no guy better than you.
Corinth: Well...I'm not going to argue that. *is punched in the arm* Ow!
Camrin: Don't listen to him. You'll find love someday.
Corinth: Of course she will. It's my job to make sure she does. If she's not happy, I'm not happy--
Me: What a lie.
Corinth: --and if I'm not happy, then I will make everybody's life here as miserable as hell until you're all just as unhappy as Kim and I. Hmph.
Me: Alright, Cor, relax. Appreciate the concern. Really.
Camrin: Seriously, though, don't give up on love. You really never know what may happen.
Me: Okay, I got it.
The terrible musings of a girl who gets so terribly bored talking to herself that she invented a bunch of people to talk to in her head. There's two main groups, actually, the High Court and my Team. The High Court is made up of six women, all derivatives of myself, each one specialized in a trait that I lack and/or need to work on. There's Kylie, the Socialite, Diana, the Intelligence, Dolce, the Emotions, Jolie, the Romantic, Charlotte, the Guts, and Morti, the Rebel. They each have their own personality. My story in my other world, The Life and Crimes of Michiko Okada, is based loosely off them.
And then there's the Team, Team Discordia-1 of the super-spy agency known as FURIES. You should know, I lead an extremely rich fantasy life. Discordia-1 is part of an ongoing fantasy world I have in my mind and partly in story form. I only recently began writing it down. But they're Faeries (except for Nate, who's Vampyr), and they're international agents. One of them, Kimi Jaye, is based off myself, because she originated as me pretending I was a super-spy in an alternate reality in my head. But then she evolved into her own person, with her own special world and friends and such. So there's Kimi Jaye, Corinth Saunders (her boyfriend), Nathaniel de Lovelle (his best friend), Camrin Cristal (his girlfriend), Lex Rhodes (her cousin), and Jonathan Connolly (his doesn't-want-to-admit-it boyfriend). There are more relationships between them than that, but I don't feel like explaining them all right now. Like I said, I'm tired. Plus, I may or may not start a world just for them.
But I'm gonna go now, and maybe post some stuff in Quiet Desperation now.