lovely lil shadow zakura....(...or mizunderstood me)

Chapter 4
A New Life

The next day, Zyrok went with Takado, Saya and Veronica to town. They were getting some stuff to bring back to the Estate, like food or cleaning supplies and some fun stuff for Maru. Suddenly a voice was yelling at the four of them saying, "Wait up you guys!", repeatedly. This person was Bella. A friend of Marina and Veronica. She is a royal guard, leader of Kira's finest fighters the Sapphire Squad. She is also one of the greatest trainers. At the Estate she would always talk to Veronica. Bella was also close to Saya, because Saya is the leader of the Onyx Ops.


Veronica-"Jeez, can you yell any louder?!"

Bella-"Haha, funny."

Saya-"What are you doing in town??"

Bella-"Getting my weapons sharpened, beating up some guys, getting a few drinks you know the usual."

Veronica-"(....I'm not even gonna ask about the drinks..)Aren't you supposed to be in class right now??"

Bella-"Yeah, but I'm skippin today....besides aren't Saya and Marina supposed to be..."

Saya-"Marina and I are top of our class, I make sure of it!"

Veronica-"Umm....let me guess you're skippin today because you have elements class right?"

Bella-"Well duh, I always skip that class...Hey who's the 'SPELL BOY'??"

Zyrok-"Spell Boy?! I'm a Spellcaster!"

Bella-"I know that's what I anyway, who are you? You look like you're not from around here."

Zyrok-"My name is Zyrok..."

Bella-"Wait you're that dude?! I knew Marina had a human pet but...."

Zyrok-"HUMAN PET?! I"m not a human pet, I'm a friend."

Bella-"You're not use to some of the terms here in Kira are you?"

Zyrok-"What terms?"

Bella-"Ask Marina, cuz I have to, bye!"

Bella left in a hurry because she saw the class prez coming. Zyrok was still wondering what she meant be terms. After Veronica got some stuff, they headed back to the Estate. On their way back, a vortex opened up. Takado sensed that something was coming from the human world, but it wasn't something it was someone. Three of them to be exact. Yelling and screaming these three people fell from the sky. Those three were Zyrok's friends from home, Tama, Rai and Riku.

Tama,Rai & Riku-"AHHHHHHHHH!!"


Tama-"Owie, that hurt!"

Rai-"Is everyone ok?"

Riku-"Yeah, maybe hurt but ok."

Tama-"Where are we??"
Zyrok. Takado, Saya and Veronica came running over to them.

Zyrok-"How'd you get here?"

Tama-"Zyrok!! *Mwah, mwah, mwah*! Omg we've missed you! Especially me!"

Zyrok-"How did all of you get here? Tama can you please stopping kissing me?!"

Tama-"Oh sorry, we went to your house."


Rai-"Well you were missing, Tuni said you were sick."

Riku-"We found you're notebook on the floor and read it."

Tama-"How dare you say our world is boring! But anyway, We read your wish and some little brat and his sister pulled us through the vortex."

Rai-"He was cute but his sister looked vicious!"

Riku-"She looked cool and Hot to me!"

Takado-"GRRRR! Back of she's mine!"

Riku-"We'll just see about that!"

Zyrok-"Stopping arguing!"

Tama-"Zyrok who are those people? The maid looks normal, but the other two..."

Veronica-"I'm not a maid! I'm a royal servant to Lady Marina and her clan."

Zyrok-"Tama, Rai, Riku I would like you to meet Takado, Saya and Veronica."

Saya-"Takado and I are demons, Veronica is human."

Riku-"I would be mad if I were you Saya...cuz your Takado wants my girl!"

Takado-"Excuse me but I'm not SAYA'S!! Oh and that girl is Lady Marina and that so-called brat is her little brother Lord Maru!!"

Riku-"Wow! My girl is royal!!"

Takado-"SHE'S NOT YOURS!!"

Zyrok-"Both of you Shut Up! Besides she's Zeke's girl!!"

Takado-"!...@*#?! WHAT?! No she's not!!"

Riku-"I don't know who this Zeke person is, but if I ever see him, he's a goner!!"

Takado-"Last time I checked, humans are extremely weaker than demons!"

Saya pulled out a crystal and let her demonic aura surge through it. By doing this it allows her to call for Marina (normally it's used for emergencies). She used it so Marina would come and keep Takado from killing Riku.

Saya-"Jeez, you guys just cool it!"
(Marina arrives with Zeke and her brothers)

Marina-"Ugh......what's wrong? Why'd you want me here?"

Takado-"Marina, who do you like better?? Me, Zeke, or this pathetic human named Riku?"

Marina-"Wait...isn't Riku that human that was with those two girls in the human world?"

Riku-"You remember me, my sweet angel!! You're sooo wonderful~"

Marina-"....umm.....okay?....hey Zyrok I hope you don't mind but I brought these three here for you so you could feel more at home...and I.."

Zyrok-"That's ok, just had to, didn't you?! You just had to take my DeathNote Hoodie."

Marina-" was just lying there on your chair in the human world."

Zyrok-"Whatever you can wear it."

Marina-"Yay!! I got a new hoodie, I got a new hoodie!"

Zyrok-"You can wear it, NOT keep it."

Marina-"Jeez Mr. Cranky, don't be're with friends."

Tama-"Yeah you're with friends!"

Rai-"So you can forget about those demons..."

Marina-"Hey for your information, I'm a friend too!"

Tama-"We meant real friends....NOT demon!"

Just then a big argument began. Tama and Rai wouldn't leave Marina alone about being friends. Some punches were thrown. Unfortunately Tama and Rai forgot that Marina was a demon, well a half-demon. They didn't think Marina could hurt them...they were wrong. Zyrok started to sense a change in the atomosphere. Roru knew what was going to happen, so he got he got Sephiro and Takado and told them. They made a plan to get Marina and keep her from ripping Tama and Rai into shreds. Only problem was how were they going to keep them from messing with Marina...

Tama & Rai-"You're not a friend!! You're just some demon that thinks she can get along with humans!!"

Marina-"GRRR!! YOU JUST SHUT UP!!! If it wasn't for me, he would probably be dead!!"

Roru-"Marina, please calm down you're..."


Sephiro-"Oh boy.....Marina just cool it or else..."

Marina-"Or else what?! You're gonna chain me up, and not release me until I calm down?!"

Sephiro-"Uh......JUST SHUT UP AND COOL IT!! We don't wanna see anymore dead people."

Marina-".....heheh....good point."


Roru-"Our dear sister has anger issues...*cough*killing people because of anger*cough*"

Sephiro-" Roru, real smooth..."

Zyrok-"...then why hasn't she..."

Sephiro-"You=Friend! She doesn't kill friends no matter how annoying...unless you happen to be Zmo...heh then you're dead."

Zyrok-"Nice, that's real reassuring(I think...)"

All of a sudden, Zmo came out of no where but this time he brought another old friend with him. This demon was in the same league as Zmo and Marina, but kind of more cunning. He was intelligent, resourceful, and cool. Like Zmo, he was a friend of Marina's until a horrible event happened. This demon was Mark Ituriza.

Zmo-"Hahaha, what's wrong sweetie, the humans not obeying you?"

Marina-"SHUT UP ZMO!! Just go away I'm not in the mood to deal with you."

Mark-"Wow...things never change do they."

Zmo-"Afraid not...You know if we team up, we could probably convince Marina to join us then we could rule the land."

Mark-"You amuse me. You base everything on 'if'....besides I have my own plan."

Zmo-"Ha, I amuse you?! You amuse me with your intellectual nonsense! You always try to be precise about things!"

Marina-"Ya know guys, this little reunion isn't so bad! You're both quite entertaining. Jeez two friends much drama."

Zyrok-"'re such an idiot! They lecture you about it and you turn around and do the same thing!"

Marina-", I'm just trying to have some fun!"

Zyrok-" gotta be kidding me....if any of your stupidity rubs onto my hoodie, your dead."

Marina-"I'm sorry but I think your stupidity that you left on the hoodie is rubbing of on me."

Zyrok-"!....@*#!...I'm gonna kill you!"

Marina, Zmo & Mark-".......HAHAHAHAHAHA!! A death threat from a human!HAHAHAHA!!"

Zyrok-"SHUT UP!"

Zmo-"OMG, That was a good one! Hey Mar you better be careful, he looks serious!HAHAHA!!"

Marina-"Hahahahaha!! You're right, I might get hurt badly! Hahaha!"

Mark-"OMG, I can't believe a pathetic human threatened one of the most powerful demons! hahahaha!!"


Marina-"Just cool it, we're just kidding. Dont' take it so seriously. Ha, that's still funny!"

Zyrok-"Whatever.....hey bell-bell why are the three of you getting along?"

Zmo-"Because we used to be friends why else?"

Mark-"Probably because a human said something stupid and we all agree that what he said was pathetic."

Marina-"It's because we were close friends, and since we went our own ways, we probably missed each other...(yucky thought, and yucky knowing that they were the ones who thought it)"

Zmo-"Oh definitely we missed you bell-bell sweetie!*mwah*!!"

Mark-"Do us all a favor bell-bell and don't read our minds ever again!!"

Marina-"HA, you just admitted to thinking that!"

Zyrok-"(wow...Zmo and Mark are pathetic)"

Marina-"I know!"

Zyrok-"AHH don't read my mind!!"

Zmo-"Well since there's no human killing, I'll be going I just came for entertainment!"
(Mark went over to Marina)

Mark-"*Mwah* Til' next bell-bell~"

Marina-"Get Lost!!"

Zmo an Mark left the area. Marina was annoyed by what Mark done, but she was still laughing from Zyrok's threat. Tma and Rai were starting to think that Zyrok liked Marina more than he did them. Zyrok thought this world of Kira was kind of unorthodox but exciting, he liked this. He also thought that since he's gonna be staying here for awhile then he better stay with friends if he wants to survive. Because now friends and new friends were family. Even though some of them were kind of strange, and one of them was a half-demon.