I watched Nora as he took a long drag of his cigaret. "Christmas? Yeah, I don't care for it all that much. Why?" He put the cigaret out in the ash tray and gave me a confused look. I looked at the wall. "Never mind. It was nothing." Truth was that this would be my first Christmas in a long time. My parents always had me locked up. I never got any presents. Besides I really wanted to spend it with Nora. Now that everything was over with and I finally had everything I ever wanted I just wished to have a special Christmas with my boyfriend. "KIBA! Your mom called. She said it's time for dinner!" I got up to go. "I guess I'll see you later then." I was almost to the door, when I felt Nora grab a hold of my tail and yank me back. I lost my balance and fell right onto his lap. I blushed and he smiled down at me. He leaned in and gave me a long kiss. He smelled like smoke. I hate it when he smokes and kisses me, but I can never get angry at him. "KIBA!!" I leaped off of his lap. "My mom's gonna kill me! I have to go!" I heard him laughing as I made my way down the steps. Nora's mom was waiting for me. "So did you have a nice visit?...You smell like smoke. Has he been smoking again?! I SWEAR THAT BOY HAS A DEATH WISH! WELL NO SON OF MINE IS GOING TO SMOKE AS LONG AS HE LIVES UNDER MY ROOF!" She smiled at me, and then charged up the stairs. I heard Nora's door slam and cringed. Man he was in for it this time. He wasn't used to having a mom yet. He was still getting used to it....just like me. After the battle with Zurui we wished for normal lives and with that got the families we had always wanted. It's hard to believe it's only been 3 months. Even now when I entered my house I expected my mother to throw something at me. Or for my father to hit me. Instead my dad sat in his chair watching tv, and when I came home he always greeted me warmly, and my mom always hugged me and smiled. Then there was Subaru. My little sister who had died. It was weird seeing her alive. Running down the stairs to give me a hug. "ONII-CHAN'S HOME!!" She leaps off the last step and into my arms. Yes, it takes getting used to, but this is always what I wanted. I sat down at the dinner table. "So, are you spending Christmas with Nora-kun?" I poked at my shashimi. "Uh...I don't know." My mom stoped eating and gave me a worried look. "What's wrong Kiba? Did you two have a fight?" I gave her a smile. "No nothing like that. It...well it's just that I don't think Nora cares much about Christmas." She gave me a knowing look. "Ah." I looked down at my food, but I couldn't stand the thought of eating right now. "May I be excused." She nodded. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the kitchen. Right then the doorbell rang. "Kiba honey, could you get that?" I opened the door to find myself looking into two pairs of red eyes. Tsuki and Awai smiled at me. "Hello Kiba! We have come to study with you for that big test tomorrow!" I rolled my eyes. "No, you guys just came over because you like to bug me." They smiled even more. "Kiba? Who is it?" My mom walked up behind me. "Oh, Tsuki-chan and Awai-kun! Please come in! I see you brought school work. So then I'll leave you three to it!" I sighed and walked them up to my room. As soon as the door was closed though they threw their books onto my bed and stared at me. "So, spill. What's worng?" They always knew. It was even creepier because they don't have their powers anymore. "It's nothing!" They smiled at each other. "Does this have something to do with you and Nora. And maybe even Christmas?" My face must have given it away. "HOW DO YOU TWO DO THAT?!" They burst into a laughing fit. Tsuki looked up at me. "Well, when it comes to you and Nora hehe." Awai grabed his stomach. "It's just too easy!!" They both fell to the floor. "Ok ok it's not that funny." I grabed one of their math books and threw it at them. "Christmas is in 2 days. I really wanted to spend it with Nora. They both quit laughing and looked at each other. I thought I saw them nod, but it must have been my imagination.
~Ok this is going to go in 4 parts. This being part one!Next is Tsuki and Awai's part. Then it's Nora and lastly back to Kiba for the final part! ^^ If I do this right I should have it spaced out so that the final part is right before Christmas. Hope u guys enjoy it!