Yeah, this world is what is going on in my head and my life. (Well some of what is going on in my head...not everything. Just wanted to clear that up for you.) So yeah, hope you like reading what I have to say. Don't forget to comment to. I would like to know what you think of my world you know. Cause if it sucks, I would like to kno. So, yeah, that's it!!


Taste awful
But oddly good at the same time
So rich in color
Such precious texture
A quick stab with a dagger
Maybe to the kidneys, maybe to the head
Covered in it...
but is it mine...or yours?
Who knows?
Who cares?

Wow I am so bored right now.

I am quite bored so I guess I'll try and come up with a another poem or something??maybe? Anyways I'm at school. It has been a long while since I got on the O form at school. Brings back wonderful memories of not trying to get caught on a site I wasn't suppose to be on or watching papa to kiss in te dark (by force) with CrimzonN3k0 z. Good times, good times. Actually one of my best high school years outt aof all the years I have been here. Yes, Don't think I mentioned this beofre but I am a senior this will be my last year at this schoool and then I will be going on to beiiger and better things. Like being confused on what college I am going to go to and what I am going to go for. I have been thinking bout this for a long time and still haven't gotten an idea.

ah well.

What do to?
Where should I go?
It wont fleet me
nor will it disappear
It is comming fast
and it's going to hit me right in the face
no, im not talking about a ball
I'm talking about my future
Its there and very near
It used to be only a dream
But now it has been come a reality
No more can I live in my little fantasy
But I must 'grow up'
accept things as they are
ha. What a laugh.
Accept things. Never.
I'll change them to my own perferances
The world is my easel
And I am the artist
I'll make it how want it
change to suit me

.....and I got nothing. Poem is not finished. Please do note I thought of this fromt he top of my head and just kept writing what ever thought came to mind. If it seems a little off or unorganized thats is the reason why. Hmmmm I think Maybe its time for another confession soon. on another note, I really wish I could put some art on here.

Anyways, something pretty to look at:

External Image

External Image

External Image

Monsters in my room

This is a poem I'm still working on. I dpon't feel as if it's complete yet or not. I may add some more things and change some things around but here it is

She stares
Her eyes, like daggers
they pierce my soul
She stares
seeing through me like glass
She knows
Who I am, My dreadful past
It scares me
Those eyes
That stare
It never breaks se never looks away
I can't hide
There's no escape
They're searching
for me

So yup that my little poem right there ya know so read it if you want. Or pretend to read it. Or completely ignore it all. Anyways, I know your probalby wondering...what happened to all the awesome stuff I was going to submit on here? Well you see I haven't forgooten about it nor have I been to lazy to do it. The problem is I haven't been able to find my camera charger and the camera's dead. So I couldn't photograph my masterpieces and show them all to you kind people. I know you been waiting..longing to see what I have been drawing but I can't post them until I that camera gets charged and that won't happen unless I find the charger lol. I think monsters ate it. Yes monsters. I have some in my room, they get hungry because I don't feed them. So it is very possible that they are the culprits. That is also another reason why my room gets so messy. Because the monsters like to trash it when I'm not around. I guess it's pay back for not feeding them and trying to starve them to death. *sighs* the problems of being human. -_-
I guesss I'll leave you all on a postive note.. ummm errrr picture.

(my boyfriend Ulquiorra)

