
Little butterfly
oh my little butterfly
gently flow into my arms
oh gently flow into my arms
keep me smiling sweetly, sweetly
Oh keep me smiling sweetly, sweetly
gently very gently hold me, hold me please
Oh gently very gently hold me, hold me please
Kindly love me more than you could ever do so please
Oh Kindly love me more than you could ever do so please
Oh please...oh please...love me more than you ever could before.


good mornin' sunshine

good morning
take a bath
i'll wait here for you.
i'll clean up,
you don't worry,
i've got a suprise for you.
i wanna thank you properly
so don't peek okay?
just go relax and come back later
i'll make you smile
for the longest while.
for i love you that much.

you left like i told you
now your back
and i'm done
with your suprise.
close your eyes
and count to three
then open them please.
i sewed you a teddy bear
to sleep with at night,
because i know you need a friend
whenever the storms crash down
you're sweet you see
and i love you.
i love you that much.


(i think?)

Etrernal even in death

Even in death your words are sweet
little soul come to me
i want to feel the sweet breeze
that envelopes me as you to me
so tender that little flower drooped
as your heart just skipped
That final time, that final hour
i still love you...
Eternally even in death.



Hey, sorry bout this guys but im probably not gonna be abl eto post for an estimate of a week. im grounded, and i really dont feel like killing myself about it =w=...so night all!~ ~SasukiMimochi!~ ...

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Th day the earth stood still

The day the earth stood still
Not any, there was no will
Rain froze in its tracks
Making humans taken aback
Where angels flew not
And demons did not sin
Even those who'd thought to rot
It couldn't help, you're in what you're in
Tears held so delicately, in hands of gold
Sadness having not one prey
But millions, billions, that day
All, young and old, this story is told
Yet not everyone is affected
Someone greater was the cause
Now every heart, every soul is infected
Just for that one very pause
The day that the earth stood still
