
Dark rain might appear
But when I hear your voice
It disappears
It’s not my choice
But how I feel
The way you make my heart feel healed
The way you make me feel real,
Rain’s gonna disappear

With the tips of your fingers
Touch my outstretched hand
You don’t have to say I love you
Just let me know you’re here

Dark rain might appear
But it’s good to know
That you’re right here
It’s my choice to hold you dear
I hope I’m being perfectly clear
How I feel
The way you make my heart feel healed.
The way you make me feel real.
Here with me,
Don’t forget,
I’m always waiting.

What have i done

What Have I done

What are you doing tonight in the cold air?
Why are you here tonight and why are you so scared?
The skin on you is as pale as the moon.
The hair on your head is like strands of black embers.
The blood practically makes you sparkle.
What have I become.
What have I done.
I am sinking into the shadows,
To run away.
Of course it was a wise choice,
Whatever it was has happened now,
So I guess now I have become what they call
A Murderer.


lovu lovu

love love,
i hear your voice
hug hug,
I feel your skin
kiss kiss,
i taste your lips



Drain my life
Drain my kiss
Drain my eyes
Drain my heart
Drain my being
Drain my colors
Drain my senses
Drain my hearing
Drain my thoughts
Drain my happiness
Drain my thoughts
Drain my hearing
Drain my senses
Drain my colors
Drain my being
Drain my heart
Drain my eyes
Drain my kiss
Drain my life

But take all the happiness away
Take all the happiness away
All the happiness away
The happiness away
Happiness away

But leave all the sadness behind
Leave all the sadness behind
All the sadness behind
The sadness behind
Sadness behind

I’ll give all of it to you
Give all of it to you
All of it to you
Of it to you
It to you
To you



wake up

I hear the wind blow
Past my ears

I feel the gentle snow
Land in my tears

I see the sun shine down
Reflect the water, I drown

I smell the blood on your lips
And it just drips drips …

I taste the pain in my voice
As back to me, it whispers

I sense the gentle touch of your hands
Wrapped around my own

I sleep tonight, I won’t wake up
It’s too serene, too quiet
I want to dream, let my senses rest
This night I won’t wake up.
