Let me rest my head

After a Tiring day And meddlesome hours I come home to stay and smell the flowers I see your smile and i wait a while Let me rest my head on your loving shoulder and sit on the bed to let our l...

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Just another day eh?

Hm its just another day. well, i have a friend who likes...rainbows...so i told her about a picture i had and she REALLY wants to see it, so i thought i would just post it anyway today. (if you have not seen my new poem, look below this post). ^^...

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I am like the wind

I am like the wind You can feel but not see I am like the snow Quiet and forgiving I am like the rain Sad, Yet sometimes pleasing Im something you cant touch but i can touch you I am like the sun...

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I descend to collapse to perish to surrender to sink to kneel to break to shatter to recede to fall to diminish to decease to ruin to defeat to decline to dr...

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A crime of emotions

Surely you would know About the crime of emotions? Yet its time to show all of these motions As you think about this you shall understand the hurt of a kiss or rough of the sand A kiss isnt meant...

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