Goodbye misery


Hello to all my misery.
Are you doing fine tonight?
"I'm Still doing divine."
Or so said Misery.
Oh i couldn't be worse.
Misery loves me too much.
It drives me absolutely bonkers!
Misery just won't leave me alone.
I mean, what's its problem?
I mean...He...or she...whatever.
All i know is I AM READY.
Ready to gouge my eyes out.
Stupid misery.
Find another friend.
I'd rather Die-
CHOKE! (cough) GASP!
GOoDbYe MiSeRy...

I'm cold, i am.


Freezing cold
I feel my face.
Warmth its hot
But I'm so cold.
The endless air
Chills my bones.
It calls me names
It tells me lies.
Violent shivers
Break my spine.
I curl my toes
To break the ice.
If i cried
My eyes would freeze.
Sealed shut
Unable to open them.
Blind now
And cannot see.
The bell rang.
So I'll take my shit
And leave!!

Just another day eh?

Hm its just another day. well, i have a friend who i told her about a picture i had and she REALLY wants to see it, so i thought i would just post it anyway today. (if you have not seen my new poem, look below this post). ^^...

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I am like the wind

I am like the wind You can feel but not see I am like the snow Quiet and forgiving I am like the rain Sad, Yet sometimes pleasing Im something you cant touch but i can touch you I am like the sun...

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Am I the One

Am I the one To cause you tears of doom Am I the one To cause you bloody sorrow Am I the one To hurt you so badly Am I the one To cause your death to bloom Am I the one To give you that arrow...

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