Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746

Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5

Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items


I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.


Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe


X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch

To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.

"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."

Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up

Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.

Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.

Begin the Search

I had conceded to help Marlex...the advantage was I was able to get out of that Oblivion...if only for a little while. There was so much going through my mind. Freeing Verex...the argument with Triskix...coming up with a counterattack against Xraktos. Somewhere inside...it was telling me he would not be so easily "dealt with"...my intuition was screaming at me...something had changed. I was yet to discover what though.

We stood before Abyss, figuring this would be the place he'd be taken, slowly I scanned the outside...just trying to sense Anamx's energy signature.

"Anything RaXi...?" Marlex muttered beside me. He seemed a little antsy.

I side-glared at him, then returned my attention to the immense fortress. This place...it was so hard to read...there were definite presences within...but just like the inside they were jumbled and confused...I would have to be closer. Sighing I turned and looked Marlex square in the eye. "Take me inside, I have concealed my energy, so I won't be sensed...but I need to be closer."

"Understood." Marlex acknowledged, immediately opening a portal. We entered in a secluded hallway, I walked to the wall and placed my palm flat on it's surface.

"Nothing...nothing....there's nothing...." I mumbled. "I don't sense Anamx here...not a single trace. It feels like...there aren't many presences here...most of the ones that ARE here...are fairly weak...except for...one...no....two...."


"An energy I haven't confronted before...and this is my third time in Abyss now..." I continued mumbling...more to myself. "Xerebus isn't one of them...he's not here. But this presence is approaching...I feel it would be quite interesting..." I smirked.

"Interesting? What?"

"To FIGHT this presence...they are of the ice....yessss....I could quite....enjoy...." Gasping I stopped my sentence. Clasping my head I shook off my rising adrenaline. Damn you...this isn't the time... How she loved battle...but no...I could not do this now.

Marlex was gazing at me through narrowed eyes. "....ummm"

"He's not here. We have to try somewhere else...I suggest we leave quickly...like I said...the presence is approaching." I stated quietly and flatly.

Steps could be heard in the hall, and we pulled close to the shadows. A short girl emerged at the end...pink hair, the underside of it black. She walked straight up to the nearest door and banged hard.

"Fenrex you pranking layabout! Get out here! You know we were summoned!" She shouted.

"Siluxsce...you're so lame..." The man from inside mumbled as he came out.

I felt my blood pumping just looking at the girl...she was the ice user. I wanted to fight her...to destroy her...I clenched my fists tightly. And then, I calmed down...I felt Marlex's hand on my shoulder. He opened a portal and the pair walking down the hall stopped for a moment. We slowly backed into the portal he created, my eyes never leaving the girl who slowly turned around...but not in time to see us...we were gone.

I opened my eyes on the other side of the portal...to a familiar site. A place I almost loathed...the site of my greatest failure. The mansion at Twilight Town.

"Why...in....the worlds..." I began.

"Because...this is a place where they STILL like to experiment. There was a room in here where...Anamx he....he liked the pictures on the walls. He used to draw in there too...just like Namine..." Marlex spoke.

I gave him a somewhat sympathetic glance. "We will get the child back. Anamx is stronger than he looks...he'll be just fine." I consoled placing my hand on his shoulder. "Well then...let's investigate shall we?"

With that, I began the walk to the front door...yet part of me was seeing scenes from the past...Roxas walking forward...on his way to become one with Sora...

Kira: *bows* Sorry I took so long....wowza...it has been awhile though huh?? I've been insanely busy...but I caught up! Yes I did!!! LOL

RaXi: Did you all miss me huh? Yeah...lame Kira and her "falling behind"....come on...think about ME here!

Kira: I'm sorry RaXi...but plz...keep the mental abuse to a minimum will you...NOT IN THE MOOD. *-*

--Anyway, let me know if you would like to continue okay Mei? ^-^

Triple Feature Comeback! ROFL


We were sitting in the dining hall when the girl...I think her name was Kyxsha appeared. But she wasn't alone. There was a little girl with her. She had nobody energy...but it was very doubtful that she was a member of the Organization.

"Kyxsha...who's this?" I found myself asking. She turned quickly to look at me.

"Uh...well....this here is...."

"XYTA!!!!" A sudden shout interrupted us. I turned away from Kyxsha to address the other little girl who'd come in. Her and Xyta were locked in an embrace and I couldn't help but sigh. Lexian and Nyx came in shortly after, they claimed to have been sent here by RaXi as well.

"Well, she should be here right after her meeting with the Leader." I explained. Since we were all waiting on the same person, we all took a seat and did just that.

Instead of accompanying me in the meeting with the Leader, Rexikat had retreated to her quarters. I could only think she was leaving her fate completely in my hands. I really had no desire to tell the Leader anything though...if I didn't have to report in after every mission I would just go to take care of my injury...but as it was...I would just have to make this fast.

Xraktos sat in his chair...his back to me. "....." His head turned slightly at my entrance. "humph...RaXi..."

"I come to report." I began without hesitation. "I have returned with Rexikat as ordered. She is now within the castle and awaits any orders given her."

"I see, very well then." Xraktos spoke slowly.

"If there are no further orders...this concludes my report." I turned to leave.

"What's that...no sarcasm RaXi? Very unlike you....oh wait....is that blood I smell?"

I rolled my eyes and narrowed them as I glared back at him. "I see no reason to make small talk with you...I've many things to attend to....that is all."

He laughed at me. "Oh, you mean like going to lick your wounds? My, how the mighty RaXi has fallen...so tell me...who gave you trouble?"

I was getting angry...I wasn't in the mood for this...

"Well...they must've..." Suddenly he stopped. His voice got very low...."....who...is this child?" I heard him mumble. I turned around quickly.

"What child?"

"None of your concern RaXi!" He suddenly stated forcefully. "Off with you now...but be aware...I shall be calling a meeting soon. Come when you are called. That is all."

"Fine with me." I recounted angrily and left immediately. I appeared in the dining hall and found Setxune quickly enough. He was sitting with Kyxsha, Nyx, Lexian, and Aidex...along with another child. Sighing, I plastered on a fake smile and approached. Just as I was about to sit down with them though, a nobody appeared and ordered the elite to "Where Nothingness Gathers".

"Never a moment...is there?" I smirked. "Well then...off we go..."

"RaXi...you HAVE to take care of your injury." Nyx insisted.

"I've stopped the bleeding pretty much Nyx...it's just a quick meeting. It'll be alright." I rebuked once more. "Oh and Kyxsha." I stated facing her immediately. "That child there is not a resident of this castle."

They all looked down at the little girl who clung suddenly to the bottom of Kyxsha's cloak. "She's...I found her RaXi...she..."

"I'm not the one in which you will explain." I stated coldly. "You will bring her to the meeting....understood?"

"...RaXi..." I heard Nyx mumble.

"Come. We should report. As for Aidex and Xyta. You two should stay here with Setxune." I ordered. "We won't be long."

Without another word I walked through the portal before them and took my seat. Now, I merely awaited the start of the meeting.


Standing atop the tower, I relished the cool breeze that blew past me. Pashnirix had taken off...and I really didn't care to follow him. I had delivered the message...that was all that was expected of me. My mind drifted back a bit...to what Tanex had just said. It bothered me...and yet at the same time, I could do nothing about it.

-We had just portaled back to the Citadel. "Tanex, what the hell happened?!" I spoke in anger.

"I could ask you the same Marlex." Tanex merely smiled, giving me a slight glare with those eyes of his. "It shouldn't have mattered how outnumbered you were...why did you hesitate to dispatch them?"

I fell silent and turned away. "Humph...they weren't worth the effort anyhow...besides I could care less for.."

"Be silent." Tanex halted me with his malicious deep tone. "You will play the role assigned to you until we are ready to do otherwise. There is still much to be learned...do you understand?"

I nodded slowly, slightly downcast now.

Tanex stood up from his hunched over position and I stepped back as I felt him about to use his power. I only noticed it now but...his lips were turning blue. Something appeared before me and seemed to sparkle away into nonexistence. And then Tanex sighed...a breath of relief from the sound of it.

"That RaXi is quite meddling. Even the slightest of cuts...and she threatens to destroy you." Tanex laughed. "I don't know if I should feel happy...or upset that she was seriously trying to take my life."

I looked at Tanex seriously. "What happened between you two? Tanex." I stated forcefully. He gave me a empathetic look, then came in close.

"You sound pathetic Marlex...what do you think happened? We clashed."

"Not that and you know it! What did you tell her...you of all people...aren't one to keep your silence..."

"I gave her a warning." He admitted before I could finish...bringing his voice to almost below a whisper. "And so, she may....NO...she WILL be making her move soon. You can count on that much from someone like RaXi. She will not hesitate...not against any opposition."

I didn't know what to say. Part of me wished I could help her...but then...I knew she would never accept that. Just like...she could never accept me.

"Marlex." Tanex stated completely serious, he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Do not falter now. Not when that man is so close to making his move....you know what actions we must take...I'm counting on you."

I looked into his eyes...which were for once...sincere. I nodded. "I know my place..."

"Good." Tanex accepted. Xeros appeared behind us.

"They are gathered." He reported.

Looking once more at me, Tanex smirked and walked through a portal after Xeros. "So it begins..." I heard him say as they both left. -

"Yes....but to what end....?" I found myself mumbling atop the tower as I portaled back inside and walked the long and empty hall back to my quarters.

~ Setxune/RaXi/Marlex

Kira: lol...this was fun. Anyway! I'm sorry I took so long everyone. If you were waiting for me...really...so sorry!!! I was pretty busy this week, but now I'm all caught up! ^^

RaXi: hah...apologies will not avail you! I'm wounded here!!! HEAL ME DA****!!

Marlex: Stop whining...and don't do anything rash!

Setxune: Emotions are useless....

Kira: haha...anyway...hope you all enjoyed this TRIPLE FEATURE!!! I HAD to put Marlex POV...lol...btw...Tanex was able to get RaXi's crystals out with his void. Just in case you forgot, if RaXi gets a cut on ya...they go into the blood stream and freeze you. ^^

Marlex's confusion

Marlex was down on one knee, his gwan-do carelessly beside him. He was gasping for air, the entire room was ablaze and yet he couldn't put the flames out with his wind...no matter how hard he tried. They weren't orange colored flames...but a red so deep...it was almost black. And they seemed they could burn through the very walls, if Verex wished them to.

Verex himself stood over Marlex coldly...with the harshest face he may have ever worn. He made no move on the man, just stood there, waiting for him to recover from his shock...to regain his composure.

"...this...this isn't possible..." Marlex stumbled on his own words as he stared at the ground. "You....someone like you...COULDN'T POSSIBLY BE THIS STRONG!!!" He shouted standing up.

"How would you know Marlex...you've only ever judged me by what you knew of me." Verex stated coolly. "Which was nothing. Therefore, you SAW me as nothing. You are completely in the dark and mislead. But you aren't alone...almost all of the others in this place are as well."

"What's that supposed to mean? You lowly dog...don't speak to me as though you're better than me?! Just who are you?! How do you have such power?!" Marlex spit on the ground in disgust.

Verex was sweating profusely, it wasn't from the battle or the flames...but Xerebus's own power seeping into him. He suddenly laughed. "See what I mean? You looked down on me...treated me as though I were one you could EASILY crush...yet look at you as you beg me for answers."

Marlex twitched and prepared to charge him again. Yet he was stopped by Verex's outstretched hand, pointing at him dismissively.

"Know your own limits Marlex." Verex suddenly spoke in a harsh and condescending tone. "My power...isn't as it seems. Remember that...maybe next time you'll take the time to UNDERSTAND your opponents."

"How DARE YOU lecture me!!" Marlex snarled. Yet his words went unheard...Verex was gone. He had disappeared and Marlex hadn't even seen him leave. The flames around him slowly died out...yet the anger HE felt DIDN'T go away. He cursed the air around him, and wondered just how someone like Verex had obtained SO MUCH power.

"WHY?! Why does he remind me of that brat Triskix?!" Marlex grumbled heading down the hall. "Talking down to me with such confidence...as though he HELD BACK! I swear...I'm going to get to the bottom of this...I'll make that punk pay for insulting ME!"

His thoughts were cut short though...as he walked he felt the entire defense of Citadel Abyss shut down. It appeared RaXi had completed her "mission". She had subdued Minx...question was...would Marlex DO anything about it now?

hehe, what'd you guys think!? X3 Know why Verex is so strong? Of course you all do!!! And if you don't...I'm not telling! rofl. >:x THIS WAS FUN!!! hehe.


Opening his eyes slowly and sitting up...Verex couldn't believe how well he felt. Looking at his wound, he found it to be missing completely...all that was left was the crusted blood from where he knew it to be. The wound itself was completely healed up. Yet somewhere inside...something was off. He felt an ill chill run up his spine...but he couldn't explain why. All he could think about was the dream he'd just had. A dream of his past...about a ill-fated experiment he'd performed against the laws of nature.

"Minx." He mumbled to himself sullenly. Closing the door behind him as he left his quarters, he made his way to her room, in hopes of thanking her for her kindness.

Marlex walked casually down the hall. Stopping only for a moment when he noticed Verex approaching. The two men locked glances, for only a moment...a hard competitive glare. Marlex smirked a bit waiting for Verex to address him...but was only left speechless as Verex passed him by without a single word.

"Verex!" Marlex finally growled, stopping Verex in his tracks. They stood back to back. "Don't you have an ounce of courtesy in your being? You're supposed to greet your superiors with respect upon meeting."

"Is that so?" Verex finally spoke. "Then forgive me. I hadn't realized you as my superior. I'm sure you can understand." He started to walk once more.

"Where are you off to? On another one of your field trips to Castle Oblivion perhaps?" Marlex smirked. He couldn't get over Verex's insolence.

At this Verex turned to face him. They glared each other down. "How would you know of my trips...lest you were there on one of your own? Tell me...how often do YOU go there Marlex? To remember old times? Or is it something more maybe?"

"I don't have to answer to one lower in rank than I. And you are the lowest...nothing more than Xerebus's pet. I may come and go as I please, unlike you." Marlex scoffed angrily.

"Whatever you say." Verex dismissed. "I'm just curious why you would throw something like that at me...unless you plan to tell on me...has it come to that now?"

"Humph! You misunderstand my character completely. I'm not one to run and proclaim others misdeeds like some town crier. Though I'm also not above hinting on the matter...should I truly dislike someone enough. Therefore...you would do well to get on my good side. Verex." Marlex explained forcefully.

Verex smirked. "If you say so. But I really don't care Marlex. Tell Xerebus whatever you wish...your words are nothing to me."

With that he began to walk off once more towards his destination. Marlex was thoroughly disgusted how nothing he said seemed to matter in the slightest to him. He hated Verex...such a deep hatred...yet he couldn't do anything to touch that man. Until suddenly a thought of the current event flowed into his mind. A smile formed on his lips as he coolly prepared his next words.

"Verex, you have heard the latest? Have you not?"

Marlex's tone had taken such a turn it caused Verex to almost fear what he was about to utter. Keeping his cool demeanor he turned around slowly. "I honestly doubt it concerns me Marlex. So I really don't care." He dismissed.

"Well true. It Doesn't Concern You." Marlex made clear. "I mean, the letter itself, coming from the villains means nothing...but I would think the contents are of SOME interest....at least to you I think they would be."

Verex's eyes narrowed. "Fine. I'll bite. What is it?"

Marlex smiled. "The villains have captured RaXi of Castle Oblivion. They wish to hand her over to us...in exchange for their own lives. Pathetic really. Considering we never wanted their lives to begin with. The others were just...expendable. Yet if they so willingly offer to give us a piece...why not accept? It's great isn't it? Soon RaXi will be here in Citadel Abyss where she belongs. Perhaps as a permanent resident."

Verex clenched his fists tightly. He bit down on his tongue to avoid any sign of emotion.

Marlex examined him closely. "Oh...I thought I'd get more of a rise out of you...I was sure you'd wish to go after her. But that's right! Your leash is getting shorter isn't it?! I mean...it must've taken a lot to just get to Oblivion the last time you went, after all, you are only supposed to leave when ordered to." Marlex grinned. "Oh well, no more time to play today Verex. I'm off to get her now. I would take you with me...but I really don't like you...so I think I won't."

This time Marlex left with the satisfaction of angering Verex. He could feel the tension flooding from him in waves all the way down the hall.

Verex decided NOT to see Minx. He went to one of the abandoned rooms nearby and incinerated EVERYTHING. Marlex had done it this time...he'd hit Verex where it truly hurt. And it was all true. Verex couldn't leave now...going with Domix had been hard enough...his bonds were too tight now...the only way would've been if a superior ordered him to accompany them...and that wasn't going to happen. No...this time Verex was completely and utterly powerless.

Kira: So what do you guys think of the confrontation? I had to write it in 3rd person becuz I was doing BOTH of their roles. hehe...did it turn out alright?

Lies, Deception, and Trickery

I walked fowards through the city. I was going to find Marlex and Xeros and beat them bloody for trying to break this order. The Land of Dragons was one of the most orderly places around, and for that I adored it. I was not about to have them ruin it.

Suddenly RaXi said something. I didn't catch what she said and turned around to try and hear better. Suddenly I saw Marlex grab RaXi. I was about to throw a fireball when Xeros grabbed at my wrist.

"You have your own problems to deal with," Xeros smirked.

I glared at him and ripped my wrist out of his hand.

“You emo flower boy, go away,” I glared back.

“Still calling me emo? I’m surprised you remember that much,” Xeros said.

It suddenly hit me that I hadn’t known he was an emo…. A strange distorted memory was coming back, but I had to time for it. I shot off a fireball at him, and he backed away quickly into a portal before I could do anything.

I turned back to RaXi and launched a fireball at Marlex. Marlex backed up to avoid being hit. I glared straight at him.

"Marlex...long time no see." I smirked. "Ready for your punishment? No one messes with my order...and lives..."

Another portal formed and Xeros stepped through again. I stopped for a second and wondered where he had gone…..

"So you were here Xeros." RaXi nearly yelled "And I see you remember me as well...so tell me Marlex! Why is it that you all remember us...yet we've known NOTHING of you?!"

I really didn’t want to hear their answer. I glared at Xeros who smirked back at me. Where had he gone in that few seconds? It was really starting to annoy me. I kept my eye on him while Marlex’s voice entered my ears.

"Triskix...RaXi...it's been so long. We knew you'd act like this...just look at the both of you...you attack without hesitation...even without explanation at times..."

"Your point?" I asked still glaring at Xeros, "As far as I'm concerned...those willing to destroy the order I enforce are enemies. Why should I question my duty? Enemies are to be eliminated. It's pretty simple really."

RaXi dropped her sword away from Xeros, and I all but wanted to kill her for it. Destroy them! Destroy them all Triskix! I demand it! Make them fade away right this instant! The Leader was yelling in my head so loud I wondered if anyone else could hear it. I felt my scythe forming in my hand without my consent. The Leader wanted them gone…..but I wanted to know why…….

“Why?” I asked in my head.

“Just do it! You have already been disobedient today! I will force the pact if you disobey me now! And it will tear you apart!” the Leader yelled back, “Destroy them now!”

I felt the scythe finish forming and it screamed out for destruction. Fire was already forming at the ends in small sparks.

"Marlex..." RaXi mumbled "Please leave. Just go...I don't want to have to kill you now."

"RaXi..." I growled.

"I would have you explain everything, Marlex...but I'm afraid if you stay now...you'll be killed." RaXi pleaded. "Triskix...isn't in the mood. And things aren't all as they appear. Many things have...changed..."

"Humph...you're telling me..." Marlex laughed "Oh, Verex has told me all about your little "adventures." I'm surprised actually...I never thought you would travel with a 'whole' RaXi...Why didn't you come to me...or one of the other apprentices? No...you just ran away...didn't you?"

I shot off another fireball at Marlex, but it was destroyed by a gust of wind. I felt my eyes changing colors as anger was washing over…..

"GO NOW MARLEX!" Raxi shouted. "That's your last warning...next time you die..." Oh how true that was……

He turned away from us. Mumbling something to Xeros...they walked towards a portal. "RaXi, Triskix...we shall meet again. Honestly though...you don't belong on that side. Hopefully you'll realize that yourselves and take your rightful place with us..."

“I’d rather die than go with you,” I answered back.

I turned and began walking towards RaXi. So much anger at her letting them leave was washing over me that I was ready to take it all out in one hit. Suddenly I realized that it wasn’t my anger it was the Leader’s. I shoved it away and instantly calmed down.

"RaXi..." I said calmly.

"You must've felt it...that was wrong. Something is all wrong!!!" RaXi shouted"I don't like this Triskix...not one bit...how dare they....how dare they steal what belongs to me!!"

RaXi stared at me and looked like she expected an answer out of me. My mind wandered off to the other organization. Why did they expect me to join? Didn’t they know that I was sealed to the Leader? And they talked so friendly as if they knew us…..and then there was the thing with Xeros………none of it made sense…….I tried to get at the Leader’s thoughts, but he had left my head and gone off to release his range off on something or someone. I knew very well that when I got back to the castle I was to expect a boat load of screaming nerves……

"I want to get to the bottom of all this...but now I can't help but worry about the others..." RaXi said interrupting my thoughts "Those from the past...they're coming back now. So what will they do? Will they confront the others? Because Triskix...I honestly don't think many of the other members can take them on. Not those trained by the former XIII..."

I sighed. "That's why they're all in groups. There's no need to worry yet. If Marlex was seriously trying to fight us...he wouldn't have taken off so quickly,” I answered. RaXi’s face still looked cross.

"But Xeros was there too..." RaXi answered more to herself than to me.

"We still have something to do here RaXi." I answered. "Let's hurry so we may move on to the next world..."

"Right." RaXi answered.

I pulled up my hood, and RaXi did the same. We walked straight up to the palace, and anyone that got in my way was toast. We walked up the steps and took a leap up to the main floor. I pushed the door open and saw the Emperor, Mulan, and Shang. They appeared to be in the middle of a conversation as we walked in.

“Who are you and how did you get in here!” Shang demanded.

“Sit down and be quiet,” I ordered, “I don’t have time to deal with a man that gets saved by a woman more times than one.” I turned my attention to the Emperor. “I am Triskix of Organization Oblivion, and this is RaXi also of Organization Oblivion.” I slid off my hood and met Shang’s glared.

“Nobodies?” the Emperor asked, “What are nobodies doing here? This place has been proclaimed at peace! What are you doing here?!”

“At this point in time we are here to warn you,” I answered, “A rival organization threatens the worlds at the moment by trying to destroy all its leaders whether they are heroes or villains to upset the balance. They also threaten to flood the worlds with lesser nobodies and rampant heartless. My Organization is trying to preserve the balance in the worlds. We have merely come to bring you this news.”

“And how can we trust you!” Shang shoved in again.

“If you don’t then this world is as good as Triskix toast,” RaXi answered. I felt my eyes roll.

“We have to keep China safe,” Mulan said quietly and then slowly got louder.

“Yes,” I answered, “and preserve this pretty little order of yours.”

"And how do you intend to do that?" Shang shot back.

"Simple," I answered, "Destroy the heartless and lesser nobodies and then seal it off from the portal ties."

"What!" RaXi nearly shouted, "But then we can't come back!"

"But neither can the hearless or lesser nobodies," I answered, "It will keep this world safe."


A portal opened and a sleepy-eyed Minx walked through.

“Minx welcome back,” Xerebus said calmly.

“Leader-sama!” Minx smiled the sleepiness seeming to disappear, “Did you miss me?”

“Yes of course,” Xerebus answered. He was lying to the child, but it was a lie that was demanded. “How goes the nobody and heartless production?”

“It’s a lot of work Leader-sama but I’m getting it done,” Minx answered, “I’m so sleepy though……*yawn*”

“I’m sorry to have to work you so hard Minx,” Xerebus lied, “I know what a stress it is.”

“No don’t worry Leader-sama! I’m ok I promise!” Minx said quickly, “I’ll be fine! Don’t make me leave! Please I don’t want to be alone!” Minx was on the verge of tears.

“Calm down Minx,” Xerebus said calmly, “You are still useful.”

“Thank you!” Minx said quickly hugging Xerebus, “I will do everything I can for you Leader-sama! I promise to make a billion heartless and a billion lesser nobodies just for you.”

“Good….” Xerebus answered


XD how will RaXi react? This should be good.......