Welcome to Castle Oblivion 10 years after the deaths of all the original members of Organization 13. *tear* Despite their deaths, new nobodies have been created and have begun to call the castle their home becoming the next generation of Organization 13 members. New things await as things change and adapt in this new season.

Leader: SojiRem (Triskix- The Red Shinigami)
Co-leader: CrazyFangirl5746

Other Members, Power level
LoveKouichi (Lexian- Daemon of Darkness)
Support KIRA (Raxi- Frozen Duplicity)
KiKaiya(Nyx- Maiden of Light)
Rexikat Rhapsody (Rexikat- The Chained Rhapsody)
Dark Smile (Ximh- The Lightning Emperor)
khismylife(Xemmsur- Silent Waves)
Kill Sasuke(Kyxsha- The Air Mistress)
Shadweh (Xakiah- The Shadow's Gnomon) 100
Soichi (Tamex- Ladies Man)
Sasukelover001(Deidrex- The Suicidal Flame) 35
Luna Chan (Amaterasux- The Unknown) 20
darkittylove (Setxune)45
ShizukoxIchimaru (Yuumeix)8
Dangodumpling (Tsukux)8
Troublesum Shika(Syrix)15
Blood Moon Wolf(Sparkx)5
rikusgirl101(Lerxia- The Lone Demon) 8
moonlight9 (Saphirax) 5
tigerlilly (Xena- The Techno Freak) 25
YuiKaueru (Alkaline) 8
cross roses (Healx) 20
Sixth Hoshikage (Narexurk- Silent Thunder) 50
Sukki Chan(Xetira) 35
AtticusPersona (Xatticus) 25
wofldemonchild9 (Lexanis)10
Ryochin30 (Vox) 5

Orginization #, name, Title, gender, element, weapon, items


I Xraktos-M, ?, Cypher (black whip)
II. Triskix- M, Fire, duel shadow scythe
III. Lexian- M, Darkness, Apocalypse keyblade
IV. Nyx- F, Light, Electric Guitar
V. Raxi- F, Ice, giant clear blade
VI. Xemmsur- F, water, No Existence keyblade
VII. Ximh- , M, electricity, Buster Sword
VIII. Kyxsha- F, Air, Hurricane Bazooca
IX. Rexikat- F, spirit of the tigress, Four 2" long steel chains.


Tamex-M, Water, Duel Wave Scythe


X. Xakiah- F, Shadows, Ninjatô
XI. Narexurk-M, Lightning, Charakin
XII. Deidrex- F, Fire, fire shadow blade
XIII. Amaterasux- F, morphing, any part of her
XIV. Xena-F, Techno, FCCS bracelet
XV. Healx-F, Fire, Scarlet Death (ribbon)
XVI. Setxune- M, unknown (Darkness), Shadow Blade
XVII. Yuumeix- F, Darkness, Lunar Scythe
XVIII. Tsukux- M, Spiritual, twin blades
XIX. Syrix- F, Manipulation, White Chess Piece
XX. Sparx- F, Electricity, swords
XXII. Lerxia- F, darkness, bloody mary sword
XXII. Saphirax- F, Earth, golden thorned rose
XXIII. Alkaline-F, Poison, spell book
XXIV. Xetira-F, Darkness, Sirai Blade
XXV. Xatticus- M, Earth/Blood, Staff
XXVI. Lexanis -F, Shadow, Spiked Star Chain
XXVII. Vox-M, Time, Pocket Watch

To Get into the Elite you must be very active in this club constantly contributing. Elitists also get special privileges, if I am thinking of modifying something you will be one of the first ones to know via PM, you will be squad leaders on missions, and you're major quote will be displayed on the intro. Also, Eliters's point numbers are cleared because they have already reached the higher status in the club. Everyone else still have points to rack up in activity.

"..When I gave up my heart....I didn't mean to give up my soul too....oh well no sense in dealing in the past....I will keep order in this castle...or die trying...."
"So far into the darkness that I can no longer see the light...and I like it..."
Remember, darkness does not always equal to evil. Just as light does not always bring good.
"Could one such as I, one without a heart, dare say they have felt the emotion of Love...or was it an illusion cast upon me in this endless darkness?"
"It doesn't matter how pure, full of light your heart is, It doesn't matter how cold, full of darkness your heart is. What matters is knowing if you made the right choice or not"
"Strength decides who lives and who dies. If you're strong, you survive; while if you're weak, you simply fade away. There is no "In-Between"."
Better to be a Nobody without a heart, then a somebody with a heart.
"Why would I want a heart...when everyone I would love is already dead? I have been avenged, I have no one to avenge...life as a Nobody is all that is left for me."

Organization Oblivion's sister world:CLICK has information on the apprentices if you need to look it up

Also check out here which is used for the randomness of the castle.

Prospective new members: we will decline every new member that wishes to enter the castle at this time until this arch in the story line is over. After that time, people may apply for membership. Once this arch is over, I will give more details.

Settle the Grudge!

"We need to talk..."

No sooner had the words left my lips that Lexian looked up at me with a defiant glare. He analyzed me...as though he KNEW what I wanted to talk about. Without a single word...he turned and started towards the exit.

"You know..." I spoke loudly...he stopped in his tracks. "I'm not one to interfere in the business of others. Because frankly...I don't care...and there's NOTHING to be gained by it."

"What's your point RaXi." Lexian asked...not even turning to face me.

"Look at it...Zexion's marker...along with so many others...falling into disrepair since we've been gone." I commented glancing down at the ice I'd placed in an effort to mend it. Yet...it was beginning to melt away. Slowly I refroze it. "Why is Zexion's more mangled though? Almost as though someone did this..."

I got a reaction this time...he slowly turned...glancing back out of the corner of his eye.

I walked past Lexian, turning to then stand before Axel's marker. "You must hate him...don't you Lex? I did once too you know...and part of me still does...hates the traitor in him..."

"A Traitor...like Master like Pupil..." I heard him mutter.

"That's not so." I answered looking straight at him. "Triskix...no, not just him...but All of the Apprentices, You...and even myself...none of us had ANY part of what transpired. We were kept in the dark... blind until the very end."

"No...Triskix he..."

"Wasn't innocent. He was a traitor JUST LIKE AXEL....right?" I finished for him. I laughed. "He was just as much in the dark as I was. He didn't want to believe Axel was capable of such treachery. It didn't fit in with his Order...his unbendable organization. What did he say to you Lexian? He must've exploded at some point. Was it after Axel's death? Before?" As I questioned him, I came closer and closer. He wanted to avoid my eyes...but it was bothering him. He would break...he HAD to let it out. Perhaps clear himself. I could see the sweat on his brow....

"I'M NOT A FAILURE!" He suddenly exclaimed frantically...looking at me in desperation. As though hoping I would clear his name instantly...believe in him....console him.... "I didn't KILL ZEXION! I...I didn't know! I was too late...maybe I AM a failure...I should've been there to stop it...but...I didn't know..."

The more he continued to ramble on...about how he was a failure for not saving his master...the more I visualized the fall of Marluxia...of Saix. Anger started to rise within me and I let it out in a single slap. It echoed throughout the room and Lexian fell into a stunned silence.

"THEN AM I A FAILURE LEXIAN?!" I shouted. "Neither Xeros nor myself....We COULD NOT save him! Therefore have we been labeled thus?! FAILURES?!! Larxene, Saix, Vexen...they all died yet I could do nothing for them...nor their apprentices!"

Lexian started to think on this more. He began to realize...he was not the only one to have lost his Master...just because we couldn't stop it...didn't make us failures.

"Is that what Triskix did? Call you a failure?" I suddenly realized. Lexian looked at me with a face that screamed I'd guessed it. I started laughing...truly laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

"Stop laughing!" Lexian growled...a dark aura started to fill the room.

I huffed and tried to catch my breath. "No...really. I thought it was something...bad. I had NO IDEA...you two were squabbling over words said in anger!" I started laughing again.

"When you say it that way...you make it sound stupid."

"It IS Lexian!" I confirmed. "Both of you didn't know what was going on at the time. What you DID know...you didn't want to believe. And because your masters were on opposing sides...that is the side YOU were forced to take. Don't you see? You lashed out at each other...not because you meant what you said...but because you didn't know what else to actually DO."

Lexian fell silent again.

"Lexian...please. End this pointless grudge. I need the two of you. We ALL need you..." I emphasized. "Don't you want to help me Lexian? Help me free Triskix...Help me rebuild the XIII...as it SHOULD HAVE been?"

His face snapped up and his eyes narrowed. "What?"

I smiled. "All in due time." I stated quizzically. I sensed Triskix return. He'd come back rather quickly...odd. "However, now is NOT the time. Triskix is back from his little escapade. Don't you think NOW is the time to bury the grudge of the past?"

"I guess so..." Lexian affirmed in a low tone.

"Don't worry. I'm coming with you whether you want me to or not. If Triskix starts something THIS time...I'll Ice him." I sneered.

"What about Anamx?"

"He's in a safe place I told you. Don't worry, I'll let the Leader and Triskix know my intentions...maybe." I verified opening a portal. "Coming?"

Lexian sighed and we walked through.

RaXi: Yes...though I did feel loathing for that man...now I slightly admire him. He was always true to his nature...walking his own solitary path. Axel...that Baka. He betrayed Marluxia, and that blinded my eyes with rage...but it was not HIM to kill my Master...
Kira: You grew up! Grudges only get bigger the longer you hold on to them...seriously.
RaXi: Yeah...but part of me STILL can't let go...just the part that wonders what would've been...had Axel NOT betrayed Marluxia...

A Decision?

I covered Anamx with a blanket for good measure, didn't need him getting cold...and then returned to my seat in the corner of the room. I sat comfortably in my lovely velour covered chair. So comfortable in fact...I was beginning to fall asleep. Slowly, it began to take me...and then...there was a tiny knock. My eyes snapped open and I sat straight in attention.

"RaXi? I… I don’t want to interrupt and if you wish not to open the door it is fine, I’ll understand. I just wanted to know if you are okay, and to say sorry about… about everything. I should fight more. Tanex, he told me something… I mean...…” The familiar voice of Nyx explained, only slightly muffled by the door. “Are you okay RaXi?

"Enter." I directed in a firm tone. I hadn't locked the door...I rarely did. After all...any who dared to enter MY ROOM with malicious intentions... let's just put it this way...they were safer OUTSIDE and worlds away.

Slowly the door opened, followed by it softly being closed once again. Nyx came into view...she approached the bed...thinking it was me. "RaXi...were you sleeping? I can come back later..."

"Nyx." I spoke up. She snapped in the direction of me at once. I laughed lightly...for just a moment. "Did I scare you?"

"No! Not at all!" She shouted. Liar. I thought happily. "Who is this then...?" Slowly she looked at his face. "RaXi! That's...!"

I smirked and motioned her to be silent. "Allow the child his rest, and keep your distance...unless you want another memory so soon." I instructed. She backed away slowly. "What is it Nyx? What have you come to speak with me about?"

She fidgeted nervously. I knew almost immediately...she feared what my opinion of Tanex was. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry...I never fight and..."

"In your own time Nyx." I cut her off. "Not all of us are MEANT to be fighters. Sometimes it takes greater strength to stay your hand. I realize this...there is no need for you to apologize for who you are."

She smiled at me gently. Then gave me a serious expression. She'd decided to tell me something. "RaXi. Tanex wishes for us to return to him. He's warned me...once our memories have returned...we will have to make a decision. To stand with him...or against him."

I turned to the window and placed my finger to my lip reflexively. Sighing deeply...I tried to ignore the memories flooding me. That and the biting feeling...telling me our place was with those of the past. It was the path that made the most sense...the apprentices reforming and reestablishing the XIII. THAT was what I envisioned.

"I owe this man nothing Nyx..." I began. "However...I will not leave...not hand over Oblivion to him. This castle is OUR inheritance. Well, there's that and..." I stopped momentarily.

"And?" Nyx coaxed me, coming closer.

"And he has one more thing of value to us. Something perhaps greater than all the stone, mortar, and memories...He has Triskix. And we cannot be whole without him." I smirked. "Therefore...I will seize them both...out of his cold, fading hands if necessary."

"So you intend to return to Tanex?!" Nyx spoke quietly...as though trying to hide my intentions.

I gave her a sideways smirk. "I haven't decided that yet Nyx. Who knows? Maybe I'll seize power and reunite XIII under MY banner."

Her face went totally emotionless...I could tell she was trying to decipher whether I was serious or not...I didn't reveal that. How she would be torn...just who's side would she choose in such an event? I toyed with the thought in my mind.

I felt Triskix leave the castle and smirked. So then...Lexian should be paying me a visit soon...very well....

"Nyx. A favor please." I asked rising. "I know...I'm sorry for always asking so much of you...but I cannot leave this child alone and unguarded. You must watch over him until my return...if someone should come...anyone...even Lexian or Triskix...spike your power and let me know. I won't let him from my sight just yet...but there is a matter that demands my attention. Do you understand?"

Nyx recognized my countenance immediately. She smiled. "Count on me. Not even the Leader himself will enter without you knowing."

I grinned widely and put my hand on her shoulder. "Now that is what I like to hear! Very well then, I will return shortly."

I portaled to the Proof of Existence and waited patiently. It didn't take long...Lexian appeared and slowly approached. I could tell he was still slightly drowsy, yet he had come specifically following MY energy. No doubt Triskix or the Leader's order...to retrieve the child from my possession.

"Where's Anamx RaXi?" He questioned just as I'd assumed, trying his best to ignore the monuments around us.

I smiled gently. "In a safe place." I answered. "No need to worry about him. But Lexian. I think we need to talk..."

Please don't continue! Hehe, I have the conversation between RaXi and Lex going already.

But I don't mind you continuing with your POV Nyx! ^^

Please...Make Me Forget...

"I knew it! What happened just then...our worlds are connected!" I reflected loudly pacing the room. "I knew those castles looked alike in more ways than one! They're linked! Damn that Xerebus!" Then I remembered the pair of eyes glancing at me with fear. Anamx sat against the window, perfectly silent and unsure of what to do. I stopped and approached him...he slid to the side slowly, wanting to keep his distance.

The moment the ceiling had started to crumble, I'd prepared my escape. Triskix had asked me to protect Anamx...but I had already moved to do just that. Not on his order...but because I needed to have a word with the boy. I'd grabbed him hastily and brought us here...to Saix's quarters. Where I was SURE to have no intrusions. For none passed through the Proof of Existence...all of the nobodies in this castle feared that room.

"RaXi...are you going to yell at me too?" Anamx stumbled, his eyes still glowering with anxiety. "It's because...I broke the deal right?! I didn't mean to...just when I unlocked everyone else's memories...yours just sort of...slipped out with them too. I'm REALLY SORRY!"

I put my hand on his shoulder gently. He was among very few that I ever treated with such kindness. His purity though, was too overwhelming to ever treat him harshly.

"There is no need for you to fear me Anamx. I asked you to take those memories from me...and I shouldn't have...except for one." I started, looking him straight in the eye. Placing my hand where my heart should be, I closed my eyes. "This...must NOT be remembered. I need you to reseal it...you must put this out of existence once more. I cannot fail him."

Anamx looked at me, his expression slowly taking on the look of a determined child. He was a teenager now...but I still remembered the him from a couple years back...he didn't seem to have changed much...except maybe he'd become more timid than before.

"I'll do it RaXi! But...I don't know how long you'll be out for..." He exclaimed.

"I won't be out at all. Not this time. Before I was weaker." I smiled. "I've recently gotten...much stronger."

He looked at me with doubt, but as I kneeled before him, he put his two fore-fingers to my forehead. He searched through my mind gently...I allowed him through all of my barriers. Finally he found it, and in a moment there was a flash of brilliant light. I fell back slowly, but caught myself. Slowly I stood up. The room was blurry as I stumbled to the window and leaned on it's cold pane. Anamx supported me slightly, looking up with a worried expression. I pushed him away, my eyes fixing themselves upon that MOON...It blurred...then slowly came into view. I hated the view of it from this room...


"I'm fine Anamx...I told you I wouldn't be knocked out this time. Just dizzy...Wait...why am I dizzy?" I mumbled.

Anamx smiled very slightly. "It's nothing RaXi." He sat back down against the window. "It's really beautiful...isn't it?"

"No." I denied flatly sitting next to him. "It used to be beautiful. The most beautiful moon in all the worlds. That is...until we learned of its truth..."

Anamx looked suddenly very sullen. "What's going to happen to me now RaXi? Serix WILL come for me...but I don't like him...I'd rather it be Marlex..."

"Marlex..." I mumbled. I wondered if he got out alright...I had been so....NO! He HAD TO HEAR IT! I could kill him...WOULD kill him... it was better this way. "I won't let you go back to him Anamx. Xerebus just wants to use you."

"I don't want to go back to HIM! That's why I want Marlex to come! For Tane..." Anamx suddenly fell silent. He slapped his hands over his mouth and wore a face that screamed he was hiding something.

Before I could investigate further I felt Triskix and Lexian return to the castle. As well as a few others, slowly forming and rushing around in various directions. I looked crossly at Anamx...I wanted to question him more...but I knew I had better check on Tris and Lex after their blow up. I had a feeling I would be needed to set this all straight. After all...I shared the same side as Lexian when it came to Axel...but Triskix...he'd had NO PART in that mess. I had to get that through to him somehow.

"Anamx stand up." I ordered harshly. "We're going to see Lexian and Triskix. I'm sorry, I would leave you here...but I can't trust that you'll be safe...not unless you are at my side. Do not leave it, understand?"

"You don't trust the people in this castle RaXi?"

"I trust no one." I stated coldly. "Those I DO trust...they needn't be burdened with a task I can handle myself. Just heed me and you'll be fine. Come."

I opened a portal to Triskix's room and we both stepped through. Triskix lay on the bed...Lexian in the nearby chair...both were totally drained...I couldn't tell if they were even AWAKE. The Leader was standing beside the window, gazing out and giving off a strange aura. He turned to face me quickly.

"RaXi." The Leader spoke, acknowledging my presence.

I ignored him and told Anamx to stay where he stood. Walking over to Lexian, I gently brushed back his bangs and placed my hand on his cheek. He was completely exhausted. I transferred some of my energy to him...at least with this, he wouldn't be out very long. I turned and went to Triskix. Picking his hand off the bed, I held it firmly in the grasp of both my own.

"What are you doing RaXi?" The Leader asked...slightly impatient and irritated. I glared at him...signaling him to be silent. I then turned back to Triskix. "You should mind your own business...foolish woman."

"This is MY business...Be silent cur." I growled with irritation. Closing my eyes once more I focused and transferred some energy to Triskix. When I finished I put his hand back down gently and turned my attention to the Leader at last. "You can at least have the courtesy to keep your voice down." I lectured, my own voice low.

"The attack as you guessed was..." He began.

"A failure. I know. Our worlds are linked...that mission was naught but folly." I nearly laughed. "So what action shall we take now, 'O great and noble leader'?" I stated with sarcasm. I could feel his irritation with me growing...but I didn't care...I felt nothing but loathing for him at this moment. Rage that begged to be loosed upon him...but this wasn't the time or place.

He was silent. I walked back to Anamx and opened a portal to my room. "Very well then. I await your orders in the privacy of my quarters. Do send someone to get me will you? After you yourself have figured out our next move that is." I smirked and rushed Anamx through. I looked back at the two men who seemed so peaceful right now...and then I stepped through and into my room.

"What now RaXi?" Anamx questioned standing perfectly still. "That was your Leader...should you talk to him that way?"

"You've done well Anamx. Make yourself comfortable...I've a feeling we'll be here awhile. HE doesn't even know what to do now." I commented sitting in my chair.

Anamx walked over to the bed cautiously, no sooner had he layed down that he was out cold. All the stress he'd endured, I didn't blame him. Therefore, it was now my duty to guard him. Just in case Serix or Marlex DID come to claim him.

Kira: RaXi...what did you want Anamx to seal?? That was weird.
RaXi: If I told you...it would take out all the excitement...but you know...I don't even remember now... =-='
Kira: DUH! Anamx TOOK IT! No...HID IT! Ugh, whatever...nvm. Heh, Triskix and Lexian are probably going to have chills now! rofl.
RaXi: Shutup...I just touched them for a minute...T.T'
--It's long because...I'll be gone all day Saturday! lol. I know you guys post a lot on the weekend XDD So, hope you all enjoyed it! See you all later!


WHY! Why did memories flood me now?!........

--One by one the castle was filled with children. At first...I had thought I would never get along with ANY of them...but slowly I began to accept their presences....and without realizing it...even became fond of them. The way Triskix would TRY my nerves...how all of the boys' ruff-housing would drive me up the wall trying to keep the peace...the sincerity in Nyx as she followed me everywhere loyally and kept me company...and the way Xemmsur always seemed so peaceful and happy.

"Why must they always scuffle? It's so straining keeping them in line." Sarixen moaned walking through the halls. "RaXi, you have to keep your composure a bit more as well. Triskix gets under your skin too easily."

"I know...but I have to fight fire with ice!" I emphasized. "I'm the only one who seems able to keep him in line...I don't mean to go overboard..."

Sarixen laughed. "Relax...no need to feel bad now. Want me to lock you in Marluxia's closet?" He joked.

I laughed. Sarixen was older than me...he was...the closest thing I had to an 'older brother-like figure'. Ari had brothers...but they were all cruel...Sarixen wasn't ANYTHING like them. Sarixen and I...we tried to keep the peace in the castle. He did it because it was in his nature...but I did it for Marluxia. I had promised to protect the other children...and to keep them in line. Therefore, keeping them safe...because Xemnas wasn't one to hold back punishment simply because you were a CHILD.

"I still don't see anything wrong with it..." I moped. "Marluxia-sama's closet I mean..."

Sarixen laughed and looked at me...his jade green eye so brilliantly offsetting his amber-colored one. "That's because you idolize that man." He stated flatly. "Well RaXi, I'm off now for my training. Behave yourself."

"I always do!" I shouted after him. I was suddenly tackled from behind.

"RAXI!" It was Tanex. "Hide me! I don't want to train today!! It's so hard and...I NEVER GET TO HAVE ANY FUN!" He whined.

I sighed and stood up. "Tanex...you know Xemnas would be FURIOUS right?"

He didn't say a word...just looked straight at me with those big-blue begging eyes of his.

I sighed and formed a portal. "Hurry up...we'll go to Twilight Town for awhile...alright? I'll get you an ice cream...but then you have to promise to go STRAIGHT BACK and train!"

"I promise!" He shouted rushing through. It was TOTALLY against the rules for me to even LEAVE the castle...Portals were FORBIDDEN to students. But that never stopped me...and I sympathized with Tanex. I don't know how many of Saix's lessons I'd skipped out on. Escaping to various worlds...just to get away from the TORTURE and PAIN I HAD to go through...though I could never run from it FOREVER....

As we sat there...all Tanex seemed to go on about was how cute Nyx was, how she was like his little sister....how we were ALL family and could NEVER split up.

"Because the apprentices of the XIII...we'll never truly split apart no matter what happens. It's our destiny to be one. No matter what..." He spoke after finishing his ice cream...his eyes strangely serious and fixated onto that glorious sunset. "Right RaXi?"

"Whatever you say Tanex...whatever you say." I acquiesced.

Upon our return...I'd gotten scolded harshly. First from Marluxia...and then from Saix for missing my lesson. They claimed to have saved me from Xemnas's wrath. For my punishment...

My eyes snapped open and I stood up. Xakiah was standing over Nyx...still trapped inside her mind.

"RaXi What the...?!" Xakiah started. I ignored her...zoning in on the presence within the castle...

"He's here...that child..." I muttered. "That's why...grrr...."

In a moment, I left Nyx and Xakiah to appear where he was. He rushed me. The boy named Anamx. Pulling on my cloak he began begging me in a flurry of words.

"Lexian and Triskix! You have to stop them!! RAXI PLEASE!!"

It was then that I saw them. Lexian was standing before Triskix...both had their weapons drawn. I crossed my arms. "No." I denied.

"WHAT!?" He shouted.

I analyzed the looks on Triskix's and Lexian's faces. Then I looked at Anamx. "This is something they must settle between themselves. I will not interfere...at least not now."

Anamx fell to his knees in defeat, still clutching onto a piece of my cloak. I stood idly by...watching and waiting...

Kira: Ur such a hypocrite...you keep THEM in line...then break the rules!
RaXi: Hey...YOU go through the PAIN I WENT THROUGH! Think Being a BERSERKER is EASY!!!!
Kira: o_o' whatever...I just think it's weird. Oh! Since you are all putting quotes from songs, hehe...try and figure out where mine is from! lol. I'll tell you...but you have to guess!

A cloud hangs over and Mutes my happiness,
A thousand ships couldn't sail me back from distress.
Wish you were here...I'm a wounded satellite.
I need you now, put me back together, make me right...


Aidex and Xyta were gone...my mission was complete...and yet still I lingered. As though I INVITED Xerebus here...awaiting our eventual and unavoidable confrontation.

"RaXi!!" I heard from down the hall...the familiar voice belonging to Nyx. I turned quickly, relief flooding over me in waves. She had made it...as promised...Suddenly her face changed as she saw me and she halted. Her smile vanished and turned firm and she appeared to take a defensive stance. "You..." She uttered lowly.

"Nyx?" I questioned moving closer. Why...why was Nyx giving me such an expression?

"RaXi! Fight it!" She shouted at me. I laughed in sudden realization. "What? You're...laughing?" Nyx dropped her defense and looked at me questionably...

Putting up a wall of ice, I formed it into an ice mirror. Gazing into it...I saw for myself. While this was not all the markings of my berserker form...I now had two very distinctive marks on my face. Proof of our union. Therefore, they would always remain. This was the new me.

"Nyx...I've conquered her." I explained with a relieved smile. "We are now one person...these marks...are proof of that."

Nyx looked surprised but smiled and out of nowhere hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad RaXi...you're free...and you're alive..."

"Alive?" I questioned pulling away. "What do you mean by that? What happened to you Nyx?!"

"Nothing!" She denied quickly, but I could tell she was lying. Then, as if remembering something she looked at me seriously. "RaXi, do you remember Tanex?"

I took a deep breath and turned away. "I do." I answered honestly. "I have not only remembered him...but the others as well...since my confrontation with Marlex in China." I admitted. "I just fail to remember the "specifics" of certain memories...there are gaps still."

"What?!" Nyx nearly shouted. She seemed to look at me with despair filled eyes. "All of them? But why...can't I remember them all...I've only just remembered Tanex and he...he was..."

"Big Brother Tanex." I smiled. "I remember all too well his kindness and how you went on about him. I also found myself conversing with him on more than one occasion." I remembered back to when I'd first met him...back when his presence in the castle had been a secret. "But those times are in the past Nyx...we can't do anything about that now. All we can do is decide what actions to take based on what is happening NOW. Even though..."

"You don't feel this is right either...do you?!" Nyx exclaimed. "RaXi!"

"What do you WANT me to do Nyx...do you want me to sabotage this mission?" I pleaded. "You know I would do that in an instant...I have no loyalty to that man and yet...somehow I don't think this will do ANYTHING to them. I have this gut feeling...this attempt is doomed to failure."

"Then why do you go along with such a mission RaXi?" Xakiah interjected as she casually made her appearance. Her eyes lingered on my face but a moment.

I smiled. "It is not my job to ensure the mission's success. My mission is complete....I have subdued Minx as promised. Therefore, I no longer have any obligations to fulfill."

"I see. That's true, but...what of us?"

"We helped RaXi...we aren't in the group chosen to attack. That means we are also released...right?" Nyx hoped.

"Yes. That's how I see it...but before we go..."

"You WON'T be going." A man interrupted. It was Marlex...he stood at the end of the hallway, approaching slowly.

Xakiah prepared to attack, but it was I who grabbed her this time. My hand on her shoulder, I slowly shook my head from side-to-side.

"Marlex please! We don't want to fight you...you have to get out of here!" Nyx shouted impulsively. It was the kindness in her that forced her to warn him...for if she didn't...she would be consumed by her guilt should he die in the blast.

"So then Marlex...I take it you and Verex have settled things." I overruled Nyx's cries. "What? Come to try and stop me? You're too late..."

"That's right. I've settled things. Verex is dead...how does that make you feel RaXi? I KILLED him." Marlex stated smugly.

I smiled. "Impossible."

Marlex was slightly angered by my response. "Why do you say that?" He stated clenching his fists. He continually grew closer and closer to our position. "Do you really have such FAITH in that man?"

"No such thing. I just know he cannot DIE by your hands." I answered and started walking forward to meet him. "What is your infatuation with me Marlex? Perhaps I haven't regained that memory yet...but I could swear you WANT something from me. Why else do you CARE so much what I think?" I stated coolly analyzing him.

He was silent and we stopped...standing face to face.

"RaXi..." Nyx mumbled from behind. I wondered if she KNEW something... I signaled her to stay back with my left hand. I would settle this...NOW.

"Tell me Marlex...what do you want from me? Hmm? Out with it."

"I...I want..." He stumbled, looking to the side.

I KNEW what he expected of me...the one thing I rejected...love. The same as Verex. Impatiently I gripped him by his collar and shoved him to the wall. Perhaps harder than I intended...but I was no longer my former self. Everything about me had seemed to increase...just by the slight influence of my berserker merging. I could even feel her emotions seeping through...her cold cruelty. I brought myself within an inch of his face.

"Is this what you want Marlex? Me?" I whispered. "My embrace, my love, my....kiss?" As I said the last part I drew in closer. He seemed to relax, as though waiting in expectation. I stared into his eyes coldly, just from my expression I knew he realized my response. But I said it anyway. "If I gave you what you wanted...I would freeze you from the inside out and you would turn to dust and fade away. Your love is suicide...therefore, I can NEVER grant you your wish Marlex. Give up on it...unless you seek death." I pulled away and left him there stunned.

As I returned to Xakiah and Nyx's side, I avoided eye-contact with both of them. I didn't need to hear their judgment of my actions. Marlex had to know that his wish was futile. Whether it was the coldness of my dark side coming out...or just a reflex on my part...it was the truth.

"We return to Oblivion. The rest is up to the others. We no longer have any part of this folly." I stated opening a portal. Xakiah stepped through immediately but Nyx hesitated.

"Marlex...just get out alright?" She called out. It was hard to tell if he heard her... She then turned and followed us through.

There was no time for Nyx to confront me on my cruelness. The moment we stepped into Oblivion we both seized our heads in our hands. Receiving a lost memory from long ago...


RaXi: Hey...he had to know the truth. *shrugs* Want me to kill him?

Kira: No but....you broke his heart... TT-TT

RaXi: Did not. We don't have hearts! >XP