One Order Of Chicken Noodle Soup Coming Up!

What was the most disgusting thing you've tasted?

Lately it seems that a lot of people are getting sick with sore throats. Perhaps it's because here in the US we've moved into the colder weather with winter approaching. Or perhaps it's just that time of year for cold and flu bugs to be running around.

Either way, it got me to thinking about the thread over at OtakuBoards where the question was asked: What was the most disgusting thing you've tasted? Of course you had the standard foods and other odd things, but medicines such as cough syrup kept popping up in the thread.

So you tell me, which is worse, some random odd food or some medicine that you've had to take in the past when you were sick. So far, the worse thing I've had was some medicine. I swear, it's like they want you to not take your meds and stay sick! =P That stuff is just vile!

Anime shopping tips?

OB member Udon has started a useful little thread in the Anime Central forum.

Online Anime Stores

Do you have a favourite online store to purchase your anime? Any special tips for online anime shopping?

If so, drop into this thread and add your two cents. As someone who really never buys DVDs online myself, it'd be great to read some of the tips and recommendations that regular shoppers have.

Thanksgiving Fun

Thanksgiving plans?

If you live in the United States then you already know that one of the most looked forward to holidays is fast approaching. Thanksgiving, which is a harvest festival where family and friends get together to enjoy good food and celebrate what they are thankful for. If you’re in Canada, then you have already enjoyed this holiday and those of us in the States hope you had an excellent time. ;)

Now over at OtakuBoards, members have been discussing what they have in mind for this year’s holiday, as well as sharing what they did. I know that for myself it’s something I always look forward to. I positively love making turkey and all sorts of scrumptious goodies for the day.

Then later after the feast, it’s often a wide variety of social events from watching sports, playing games together to braving the crowds on what’s known as ‘black Friday’ to do some holiday shopping. I always have a good time.

So what do all of you like to do? Any special traditions or dishes that your family makes? If you’re not in a country that has this holiday, what do you have that is similar?

Thread of the Week

OB Time Capsule

This is another little gem that has recently popped up within the Convention Center.

I won't repeat the thread for you here, but basically the idea is to pack this thing full of info about ourselves (including any kind of submission - like art, poetry, etc) and then bury this thread until 10/10/10, when it would be unearthed for everyone to view.

I think it's a really clever idea and it hasn't been done in our little community before. It'd be great to see more and more submissions going here.

A lot of people are talking about where they see themselves in two years and how they think their lives will be. It would be fascinating to see how accurate their predictions are when the time comes!

So do yourself a favour and head on over to the Convention Center to check out the OB Time Capsule. All Otakuites are very welcome!

Convention Center Growing!

OB Werewolf Game: SIGN UP!!

Golden oldie Sephiroth has launched a new event in the Convention Center based off of the popular Mafia/Werewolf party game. About a year ago I made an event similar to this and most members seemed to enjoy it so I'm really looking forward to participating in this one.

This time around things have been skimmed down a bit to fit the online environment. If you've never really touched the Convention Center before or just don't know many OBers then this is the perfect time to jump in! To start just go to this thread and reply.

And while you're in the Convention Center why don't you check out the OtakuBoards Time Capsule? </shamelessplug>