ATOMIC CLOVER: Finished Version

WINGS: From The Mountains To Clover
It crept up suddenly then really took over like a storm set far away moving rapidly through a village, and ripping right through it without a care in the world. It was the middle of the night and Yuki felt like something was violently attacking his backside. The itch of pain was tearing at him fiercely to the point where he was banging up against his bed trying to make the itching pain go away. Yuki sat up straight in bed now scratching wilding at his shoulder blades and began to cry as the itching started to burn. His shoulders were now on fire and it hurt tremendously. In the room over, at that exact same moment, Bara was going through the same thing trying desperately to calm the persistent itch that wouldn’t go away. It started quite a commotion that Fazil and Casee were awakened. Bakta stood watch outside of Yuki’s door as Fazil and Casee exited their rooms and out to the hallway to find out what was going on.

Fazil wiping sleep from his eyes:
What is going on? Why are Yuki and Bara screaming so loudly?!

It sounds like they are dying if you ask me. Bakta what are you doing out here and what is going on?

Bakta quietly with a smile:
It is quite all right young ones Bara and Yuki are experiencing what it feels like to gain flight!

Casee stares at Bakta for a moment confused while Fazil tries hard to stand up and not fall to the floor and sleep. He was tired; they all were and now was not the time for Yuki and Bara to keep them awake. Casee, however, not worried about sleep anymore, has finally put two and two together and smiles eagerly as she listens to Yuki screaming for help.

Casee with quiet excitement:
They are getting their wings! Finally!!

Yes young one and we must not disturb the process. It is the only reason we can’t go inside the rooms with them. Beeker is standing outside of Bara’s room making sure that everything is happening accordingly.

Casee with a bit of a sad expression:
Yes, but getting your wings is a painful process. I warned Yuki of this. He cut me off! Still I feel so bad for them.

Bakta staring at a clock on the far left wall:
Yes it is, but a more painful process is about to take place in less than two minutes. It is now two minutes to Clover Dawn.

Fazil sleepily with a heavy yawn:
I’m confused how does the clover clock work again? I’m still trying to catch up to it. It has me going through a hard time. Even the hands move differently.

Fazil a Clover Dawn is simply 12:00 am in the morning, but since there is no true morning we have to express it in the since of the way the sun rises and sets. It’s quite simple. You just haven’t taken the time to study.

Fazil scratching his head unconsciously:
Well forgive me I’ve been trying to get through these five hour classes that you put us in and force us to sit through and understand. Most of it is just plain old confusing to me.

But you’re doing so well you know. You’re learning to use your powers and to communicate the way the four Heads did centuries ago. Don’t worry so much, just concentrate on not going crazy. It is now time.

Casee frowning up her face:
Time for what? (Scratching the left shoulder) I’m not sure I understand what you mean.

Beeker, another one of the teachers and a Traith, walks up with his hands behind his back and a modest expression on his face. He has an older face with frown lines around his mouth and forehead. He is wearing half circled glasses sitting comfortably on his nose. He stands next to Bakta who, smiling from ear to ear, is waiting for whatever is supposed to happen to take place. It has indeed been five months; three since the incident in the Wares Moss house, and everyone, though at ease, were on alert for Baarda. For Fazil and his three friends it was finally the first night of a decent sleep and now he was about to get an awakening like none other. None of them were truly prepared for it. Yuki and Bara were not only getting their wings, but something far greater. As Fazil continues to scratch Casee begins rubbing her arms across the walls of the hallway they are standing in. Fazil then looks at Bakta with a horrified expression trying to figure out what was going on, but Bakta and Beeker just stand there silently with smiles.

Fazil shrilly:
What is going on?! The itching is burning my skin!!!

Casee wide eyed scratching wildly and yelling:
There’s something more to Yuki and Bara just getting wings isn’t there?! Yuki shouldn’t be crying like that! He sounds like he’s dying in there!! And Bara too!

Yuki and Bara were now screaming at the top of their lungs waiting for the pain to subside. It seemed like it would never end. Yuki runs from his room and falls to the floor of the hallway and Bara stumbles against the door before throwing it open in shear agony. Beeker looks on at Bara and notices a slight change in appearance but shrugs it off; it couldn’t be what he thought it was after all they were in a safe place. The Castle was impenetrable by evil, but there it was the black lines around Bara’s face running throughout his face and back into his eyes. Baarda couldn’t get settled within the changing boy until the transformation was complete. He forces Bara to keep his head down until it was safe to look up again. Beeker comes closer to Bara and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Beeker in a quiet, icy voice that only Bara can hear:
If you are in there we will get you!

Bara looking up innocently through the hurt expression upon his face:
What are you talking about Professor B?

Beeker looks at Bara again and sees no more Black lines tracing the young boy’s face. He only sees a hurt Bara with tears falling from his large eyes. Beeker can’t understand it, but he doesn’t say another word on the matter.

Beeker stammering a bit:
n-n-n-nothing dear boy I’m sorry. You are in great pain right now, and here I am being a bother. Forgive me.

He pats Bara’s back again then goes back over to Bakta and sends her a warning glare. She sees this, but can’t do anything about it until the transformation was complete. Besides the children were truly in a heap of pain and it would be another full two minutes before the transformation was complete.

Fazil in a shocked voice:
Look my skin is changing colors! I’m changing from blue to black back to my own!!

Yuki hysterically:
Why are there ridges on my back?!! There are two sets going up and down my spine!! I feel them growing! THIS IS HURTING ME!!!

Casee sitting on the floor shaking:
We’re-we’re-we’re-we’re ch-ch-changing into our animal forms g-g-g-g-guys. It’s almost o-o-o-o-o-over. Just hold on. (In an even quieter voice) just hold on for one more minute longer. W-w-w-we’re almost done.

Bakta going over to Casee who is about a foot away:
It is okay guys you’re going to be fine. Casee is right just hold on for one more minute. You’re almost there.

Fazil trying to stop screaming:
How long is a minute on Clover?!!

Well, let’s see…it is about seventy-five seconds long. Clover operates on a different type of time than the rest of the islands. It’s okay. You have about thirty seconds left.

Casee forcing the words out despite the pain:

He’s getting the serum to make sure you four don’t revert back. There is, though we’re not quite sure, a possibility to revert back when the transforming is new and fresh. To keep this from happening there is a serum you four must drink…here he comes now.

Just as Bakta finishes this statement Bastian walks up with four clear, golden chalices on a tray full of something thick and green. He hands one to each of the children who are hovering over face down to the floor. Casee is pale as she shakily takes the cup. Fazil can barely lift his hand to take it, while Bara has the cup lifted to his lips by Beeker. Yuki snatches the chalice from the tray angrily, and they hurriedly drink the substance. The looks upon their faces clearly shows the disgust for the serum but Bakta makes a motion for them to keep drinking it down. It was to be taken in fully without a drop to spare. They continue drinking but want to spit it out, but swallow it reluctantly. Yuki feels as though he is about die as he downs the last bit of the serum in his chalice.

Yuki with a sour look on his face:
That tastes like feet and slime!! What is this awful stuff made out of? This taste will stay in my mouth for at least a week!

Bara with the same look as Yuki:
Oh that is horrible! That is the nastiest thing I’ve ever tasted! And I’ve had some nasty tasting stuff in my life!

After about a minute however, the pain is gone. They all slowly gather to their feet and feel normal again, minus a few changes to their appearances. The changes are in shadow form, or rather almost invisible, while they still resemble the same four children before the transformation. Yuki looks at his friends then at himself and feels different. They all did. Bara however, felt the most different from them, but not physically… It was emotionally, or rather, unemotionally. Bara had no feeling in his eyes now. Something was indeed quite off, but for now no one was any of the wiser as to what was happening internally with Bara. By the morning Fazil, Casee, Yuki, and Bara felt the changes growing within them still. During a Clover day the sky was dark, but always looked like a sunrise. They gather in the courtyard and sit and eat breakfast. As they are eating there is a noise from somewhere beyond the clouds to the North of the Courtyard near where they entered just five months before.

Yuki looking at the sky:
The sky here is so pretty at this time. It’s sad there isn’t any natural light here from the sun though.

Yeah. I miss daytime sometimes. I can’t really remember what it looks like.

Yeah and we’re supposed to get used to this. (Taking another bite of his food) So, Yuk, have you and Bara tried out your new wings?!

Yuki looking at Bara now:
No, not yet. I’m a bit scared to try them out since last night’s episode. I was asleep and then all of a sudden I feel this intense itching feeling on my blades and then all I could do was scratch until I scratched my skin off my back!

Bara doesn’t say anything he just looks at Yuki and smiles. He was feeling the same way about trying his wings, but didn’t want to say anything.

Casee with a weak smile:
Yeah I know what you mean. For some reason I started out scratching and then the feeling had me cold and numb. I was shaking so violently that I couldn’t even control my fingers. My transformation kept me weighted down to the floor.

Yeah mine kept me feeling as though my skin was literally on fire. It was like I could see flames dancing on my skin and then the color change was freaky. I went from a blue to a black and back to my color. What’s that about?

I think it’s the colors of our spirit animals. I saw Bara changing in to the colors of Tog. I glanced up and saw him changing colors and these lines running through his face. I’m not sure about the lines, but the colors were definite.

Bara glares at Yuki menacingly, but Yuki doesn’t see this. He is too busy talking with Fazil. Casee is lying on the grass now with her eyes closed and tears in her eyes. For some reason she’d been crying all morning. But there was nothing wrong with her.

Fazil noticing the tears:
Casee, what’s the matter? Every time I see you you’re crying. Is there something the matter?

Casee making a face:
No there isn’t I just can’t help but cry. I’m not sure I’m really the one crying. I think it’s my power settling. We still can’t fully control our powers and we’re still coming into them, so I think that’s what’s happening with me.

Yeah I’ve had this massive headache since this morning. It’s not painful; more annoying than anything else.

Yeah I know what you mean.

Suddenly Bara gets up without a word and heads back into the Castle. Fazil, Yuki, and Casee look on puzzled then go back to talking.

Yuki in a lowered tone:
Guys have you noticed that Bara has been acting just a bit strange? And even after the transformation it’s like he’s not truly here with us. His eyes are so vacant.

I have noticed. He’s been this way since our council meeting. It’s like he doesn’t want to be around us anymore. Do you think there is something more to him?

I’m not sure I think Bara is just trying to adjust to this new life. He may be happy for a new start, but it still takes some getting used to.

Yeah well I’m not sure. Bara usually has something to say to me at every turn and now he doesn’t argue with me as much.

Fazil looks at him laughing while Casee rolls her eyes and goes back to lying on the ground.

Yuki, who wants to keep arguing with you all the time? Sometimes it’s just old. Maybe he’s just tired of it.

Uh we’ve been around each other long enough to understand one another and I don’t buy that. I think he’s off, but if you guys don’t want to see it then fine. If you noticed the guy just got up and didn’t even tell us where he was going. He hasn’t really said one word to us since we’ve been out here, and he barely talks to us now. Something is wrong.

Let it go Yuk. Just enjoy the day. We didn’t have class and I for one, am truly happy about that. The “transforming get out of class free card” really was a big help I’m so tired I could sleep the month away.

Yuki looking back up at the sky:
Fine. How about we all go and fly around this place. I’m willing to try my wings if you guys come with me.

Fazil looking at Yuki with wide eyes:
You fly?!! I’m in!

Casee laughing:
Of course we’ll go with you. After all it’s your first flight with your new wings.

I know I’m always afraid of things and I’m definitely afraid of trying things out for the first time, but considering what we’ve gone through I’m willing to make a change. Besides I’ve wanted my wings for so long. I can’t believe it took all this time.

I know, but time here flows differently. Even though your Birthday surely has come and gone, Clover doesn’t operate like that. I think that it’s cool though, that you and Bara got your wings the same time as your spirit forms. I can’t wait to meet our animals. Bakta says we’ll get them pretty soon.

Fazil bringing out his wings:
Well until we get them let’s use our wings and check this place out from above…