ATOMIC CLOVER: Finished Version

A DARK PRESENCE PT 2: The Ahn-Kin Door And The Release Of The Lost Souls
Casee looks at Bara mortified and realizes that Bara is clearly out of his mind. She is aware that he is different somehow; not himself at all and she was down right terrified. She kicks him to get away but he is ready to have it out with Casee whether she wants to or not. She finds herself in the air noticing that her wings are still stored between her shoulder blades. Casee is amazed at this but doesn't have time to stop and wonder how it's possible since Bara is coming full speed after her. She runs through the air dodging bara left and right and sees the castle in the distance. She knows that evil cannot get inside and does a double flip towards the castle steps. As she reaches them Bara, with a wicked smile, grabs her by the foot. Casee tries desperately to kick Bara away screaming while Bara laughs sinisterly. Finding herself sapped for strength Casee feels the weight of bara's hand finally grasp firmly around her ankle. She tries to crawl up the steps and the attempts are futile. Bara finallly has her and pulls her into his darkness. In a cloud of billowing black smoke both Casee and bara disappear, but not before Casee sees Fazil finally coming back from seeing Bakta. Fazil runs out and sees a frightened Casee struggling with Bara and doesn't know what to do. They are both hovering over the castle steps making Fazil feel even more nervous. Before he can move any further, though, Bara and Casee disappear into nothingness.

Fazil scatching his head frantically in confusion and frustration:
What in blue blazes just happened?!!! What in the world am I supposed to do now?!! I can't go back to Bakta and Bastian with this!! Aaaggghhh!!! Why is this happening?!!!

Fazil falls to his knees trying to figure out what went wrong; why were bad things happening in a place that was supposed to be protected. But he remembered that since the four clans weren't fully restored Clover was just as vunerable as any of the other five islands on Arcantha. He stands and begins to walk quickly towards the wares moss house when he feels a tug at his side. It isn't strong at first and he chooses to ignore it. But then there is a second more persistent tug on his side and he feels himself being pulled in the direction of the holy fountain of the Sinth Clan. After a few moments he finds himself standing in front of the fountain confused and afraid. The face of the relic looks down and smiles at Fazil as he feels himself being sucked in through the mouth of the relic which opens up into a large hole replacing the smile. He is swirling about in a small tube that seems to go on forever until, without warning, he is thrust out of the other end of the tube and onto a floating island surrounded by white pillowy objects. They seem to move in a circular pattern around the floating island as fazil gazes in wonder and fear. He tries not to look down but does and jumps back instantly for fear of falling over the edge.

Fazil trembling in fear:
THIS IS DANGEROUS!!! why am I up here like this? What is going on?! Okay Bakta you can stop playing with me now! I want to go back bring me back!!

as Fazil spazzes out in fear he fails to notice several stones rising to make a trail of some kind. They lead away from the floating island towards a city also surrounded by large, pillowy white clouds. Just ahead of the city is a large building of some kind. Fazil, after finally taking notice and without a word, shrugs his shoulders defeatedly and begins to hop across the stones to each the building in the far distance. Once there he notices beyond the building are mountainous forms with small waterfalls coming from several areas of the mountain. There are dragon-like creatures flying around it and into a large opening that resembled a mouth with razor sharp teeth coming from the top and bottom of the opening. It closes after the creatures fly inside leaving Fazil stunned mouth gaping open in wonder. He finally knew where he was, but still didn't understand what he was doing there. A being that resembled hot, white light emerges from someowhere that Fazil couldn't see, but he knew the being came from the building. It wore a long black toga like dress with hanging shoulder straps that wound around its arms and reached around its back. The straps then were wound around its next and around the face sticking up from the back of it's hair like tree branches. The being smiled at Fazil then grabbed his hand and they disappered in a swirl from the building to the mountains of the Heavens. These mountains were called Morlan named for the first animal form created by the Four Clans. Landing on Morlan Fazil, still holding the being's hand thingy, as he couldn't really make out fingers, Fazil turns to it with questions.

Okay who are you and why am I here? What is going on?

Being with a smile bearing blinding white teeth:
I see one our heads have made it here to receive his shadow form. Tell me which one are you? Sinth, Traith, Fourtuth?

Fazil shaking his head in confusion:
Wait a minute what?! I thought was supposed to take some time. I'm not supposed to get it just yet!

Yes my dear now tell me from which clan are you from?

fazil stil confused:
Sinth. The Sinth Clan. What's going on here?!!

I am a form of Sidia and Charma. My name is Deena I'm also an animal form and water form. You may know me as Atala.

fazil wide eyed:
Wait you're a holy relic you're my fountain!! You really exist?

Atala making a face:
Yes we all do we're just forms though we're not whole if that's what you mean. We're supposed to meet with our respective clan heads and help them to receive their animal forms. We have to pass power through you so that you may use them--well us-- to change into your forms. We have three forms you know.

Yeah I'm aware of them.

Good now you have to walk through that opening and stand there and wait. Your animal will show itself to you and I will stand between the two of you and transfer the form into you. It will be able to transform from one to the other two forms as you call it.

So I'm really doing this? This is crazy!! What about the others when will they get theirs?

Atala frowing:
When they have been released by Baarda. We brought you here before schedule because Bakta and Bastian know, but aren't able to do much. They've known for a time and now it's time to take action. Baarda is very powerful and they can only do so much as spirits! He's gone under the radar for a time, but once Baarda captured Casee he exposed himself. Baarda never could stay hidden for long; the down fall of a flashy person such as he.

Okay I get that, but what am I supposed to do?

you're going to have to find that door and open it then get into that Lair.

Hold it! We're not allowed to access that door! Bakta said it was off limits!

Yes I'm aware of this, but Bakta called to me and told me what was going on. We both agreed that you need to do what you need to do in order to protect Clover and the heavens again. (Fazil opening up his mouth to speak again) Now no more questions we must get started.

Atala grabs Fazil's hand and leads him towards the opening of the mountain and makes him stand there still until she summons his animal.

Just stand there and wait until I say otherwise. It's one hit and if I miss we're in for some trouble.


Down in the lair Casee is standing against a wall bound and gagged. Yuki is against the same wall with his hands stuck in the dry fountain the Pure Heads used to send those souls that were lost upon the world. The fountain was squeezing Yuki's hands and he was screaming loudly while Bara/Baarda laughed at his pain.

Yuki screaming at Bara/Baarda:
Bara this is low even for you!!

Yeah it would be if it was Bara's doing!

You're not Bara?!

Ho Ho you didn't see that coming did ya?!

Oh My Goddess it's Baarda!! We're going to die!!

Casee is yelling despite being gagged and Bara/Baarda holds up a hand and shoots out a dark light that hits her in the face to shut her up. He then goes over to Yuki and stands there watching has his hands are continuously being squeezed.

Now then You're going to open that Door and lead us to the Serpant Waters get me those lost souls.

Why me? I don't know how to do this! What did you do to Casee? Where in bloody hell is the REAL Bara?!

You're looking at him. I have his body! Hee hee aww don't worry I'll take great care it since I need it anyway. Igara I'm very happy you found a new way that won't take so awfully long to execute!

Well I figure since they are the new heads then using what little power they have by inserting it into the dry fountains might do the trick. They wouldn't need to be turned we'd just need a bit of their power; mold it and shape it and send it through the fountains which would in turn reach the unholy waters of Babry. As you know the history of Babry and Serpent: They were the Goddesses that guarded the gates to the heavens but were both cast out due to their brief war in the heavens. Sidia and Charma cast them at either end of Arcantha, but failed to realize that their waters would soon create a circular effect causing them to once meet. Clover is at the beginning point and Crale is the ending point. Using this here boy's powers we can awaken the two waters' souls and bring the waters to life so to speak. Master you'll be able to bend them to your will releasing the lost souls!

That is the plan but what do I do with the girl? I only brought her here because she was so suspicious of Bara and annoying to me!

Yuki makes a face as tears roll down his cheeks. He could now see a dark substance rolling down his arms and turned his head away at the sight of his own blood. It was a grayish black color that made him feel weak and sick. He was ready to throw up. Suddenly the fountain that held his hands began to fill up with black waters and the other fountain began doing the same. Black water was pouring from every opening on the fountains spilling over the sides and surrounding Yuki's feet. Baarda/Bara sees this and is delighted smiling from ear to ear with wicked glee. Outside in the open the courtyard was looking a bit darker though they were on Clover where there was no real sunlight. The Relics sat their heads up and stared at the sky black running from their eyes as they wept for Clover. The Lost Souls had finally been awakened and brought back from their watery grave.