ATOMIC CLOVER: Finished Version

Finally it happened! Casee and Yuki had returned from the holy mountains with the gift of their forms received from their fountain spirits. Atala was all but defeated as her time with Yuki proved to be a difficult one. Casee came back first, but Yuki took a bit more time to return to Clover. Once he got there Fazil was ready to get into gear and stop the madness from spreading on Clover. Baarda was now in the Heavens trying to figure a way to destroy Sidia and Charma using Bara to do so. Fazil, Casee, and Yuki needed to get Bara back before he was gone for good.

It's about time you guys get back down here!! Baarda is--

Casee cutting Fazil off going to sit next to Coil:
Is in the Heavens with Sidia and Charma. Yeah, yeah, yeah we know what's happened. Toma had the hardest time giving me my forms and Atala kept falling to her knees every time she tried on Yuki. I'm surprised she was able to finally do it! We weren't allowed to move from our spots so it was hard watching them go through that.

Yeah I know Atala fell out when she was working on me. How does Clover look?

Coil staring at the monitors:
It looks so bad! Bakta, Bastian, and Beeker are all down. Several spirits are also out and won't be able to get up and fight again until Clover Dawn. That stairway has now become our target. We have to get rid of it and seal off Arcantha from the heavens until we are able to get rid of Baarda for good. We can't remove him from the heavens until we have a Nameth.

Wait we can't dismantle that stairway just yet we have to get Bara back before we can do that.

yeah well the souls are going to fight back. Besides you have your forms. You have to become shadow forms and disappear to the Heavens and Baarda may already be expecting you to do just that. He will have a trick waiting for you once you get up there. You need the element of surprise. Bara doesn't have any of his forms so that's a good thing. He can't dispel you guys since he doesn't fully have powers.

Well that's good and all but how do we get Bara back and fight off Baarda while doing it? He knows we want Bara back.

That's the hard part. You guys can weaken him in your forms, but Bara has to fully awaken and expel Baarda from his body. He's very powerful, but without proper knowledge on how to use his powers he's useless.

Yuki sarcastically:
Well Coil you've really helped us out here! You've told us everything except how to get Bara back and if I'm going to risk my life anymore for this dope I need more to go on.

Casee harshly:
Yuki watch it! Bara is still our friend and Baarda is still in charge over what happens to us at this moment so if you want to live I suggest you stuff it!

Fazil in a softer tone of voice:
Casee's right Yuk you've got to understand that we are in a tough situation right now and it does affect us all. Bara would try to find a way to help you so you need to think of that and work on thinking of a way to save him and us from Baarda instead of being mean spirited.

Fine, but right now I'm not in the mood I'm still angry at what happened to me down in that damn lair! My arms will never be the same thanks to Bara.

It's not his fault and you know that Yuk!

I can't help but to think that Bara enjoyed some of that!

Listen now isn't the time to go through this right now we have to get Bara back and seal off the Heavens from the rest of Arcantha. Okay Coil, what do we do?

Well you know that you have to change forms. Now once up there you're going to have to make sure you're in your spirit forms. They are the clearest form and can be virtually undetected. Baarda will sense this but Igara will not. You can take him down easy. You have to get close enough to Baarda and Casee you have to dig inside of him and pull out what little bit of soul he has left. Fazil, you and Yuki need to hit Bara's head with a cleansing shot so that Baarda falls away from Bara releasing his body and expelling the evil for good.

That sounds crazy! How are we supposed to do that? He won't let us get that close to him!

Yeah that's because we're doomed! We might as well wait and let him pick us off one by one!

Casee yelling at Yuki:
YUKI SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! You have been sort of a pain ever since Bara came and you have been an even bigger pain ever since we got to Clover!! You are so pessemistic and scared of everything that you won't even try to help us figure this thing out! I was proud of you down in that Lair when you had your arms stuck in the fountain because even though you cried out of shear pain, you still handled what was being handed to you by BAARDA not Bara! Get it together and stop being such a wimp!!

Wow Casee! Very nice. Well said!

Man! You're right Case, but I don't know how not to be! He takes over Bara and Bara and I don't get along so I figure that Bara had to be enjoying hurting me in some way. I just felt that. But I know it's just me being a downer and not even trying to see how to fix this situation. Bara is our friend and even though we don't get along all that well he's been there for me at some point; even agreed with me a time or two. I know this affects us all so I really need to get it together and be braver, but it's not going to happen in a split second.

Well at least try that's all we ask!

Fine. I will try! Now how are we going to get close enough to Baarda to get Bara back?

I don't know yet...Let's just get up there and wing it!

Forgive me for this Case but, winging it sounds like a bad idea.

It's all we've got.

Okay well dead kids walking...

They leave the Wares Moss House and out to the courtyard. They see the lost souls stairway and decide to use their powers since they were now fully powered to do so.

We can try blasting the stairway down with our powers. Bakta and the rest aren't powered because they are only spirits but we could tear it down.

Let's see if that is true. Okay surround the stairway and let's blast it down.

The three of them corner the stairway and begin blasting away at it. It is a difficult task since the lost souls are fighting back and the fountains are also fighting against them.

Our fountains are hitting us to and I've been hit!

So what, you have to keep going!

This coming from the boy who'd soon as duck away then to keep fighting?

Listen this stairway puts a damper on our home since it's all evil and whatnot so we need to get rid of it! Do you really want Baarda coming back down using the stairway as an entrance like he's king of the place?

Keep blasting that stupid stairway!!

They continue to blast away dodging the shots being fired back by the stairway of lost souls and their fountains who have been possessed by the impure waters turned by Baarda. It doesn't seem like much is happening until Casee starts to see the stairway growing smaller with each blast fired. She is hitting the center of the stairway which has the most impact.

aim for the center of the stairway that's where most of the damage can be done to get rid of these things! (Oww!)

Casee is hit hard and taken down. Fazil wants to go to her, but feels like he should continue blasting away at the deadly stairs. Yuki is growing tired but with determination in his eyes he keeps going. The stairway of souls is almost gone they only have a little ways to go until Yuki is then blasted away after a shot to the chest. He is also down leaving Fazil alone to handle the rest. He is being blasted from all sides as the shots from the fountains find their way to him. Baarda was really powerful to have the fountains from the four corners of the courtyard attack the way they were attacking. Their long range shots had a mighty sting, but Fazil wasn't giving up. He sees another blast to the stairway coming from the direction of the Wares Moss House and notices Coil helping him out.

Coil with a smile:
I'm good for more than just sending messages and staring at monitors.

Fazil out of breath:
Thank Sidia and Charma you are! Help me finish them off! These shots from the fountains are starting to really grow in power!

I'm on it! We can't lose concentration! Aim for the center and we'll blast them together on the count of three!

Alright let's do this!! One

Fazil and Coil:

There is one final blast to the center of the stairway before Coil is hit by a fountain shot and there is a great explosion of souls and debris going everywhere. The stairway was now done for and Clover's sky looked normal again. Fazil looked around him and noticed that Clover looked as though it had been through hell! And in a way it had since Baarda was the Devil God. He runs to Yuki and Casee and tries to help them by placing Casee's hand over her own chest and his hand to her forehead; the other on Yuki's. He then places Casee's other hand on Yuki's chest to heal the hole. After a few minutes they are healed again and Fazil helps them up.

Okay that stairway was the first part now we have to go deal with Baarda. It's not going to be easy but well--

Yuki using his hand as a visor and staring up at the sky:
Yeah I know--we have to anyway. Come on before I change my mind...