ATOMIC CLOVER: Finished Version

BAARDA'S ASCENT TO THE HEAVENS PT 3: Bara's Return To Clover Pt 2
As spirit forms it felt different to fly around almost invisible. Unlike the shadow form they were practically vapor particles floating through the air. Unless you were looking for them they could not be seen. They make it past the gates and up the stairs through an opening with no door. The three of them see a great hall doorway that went from floor to ceiling of the large hallway with large black and gold door handles that jutted outward in a rectanglur shape.

Won't we have to pull that great big door open? We can't do that without being detected by Baarda who probably already knows we're here.

Maybe we can slip in somehow.

Yeah and I know how just follow me and please don't screw this up for us!

Yuki moves at an angle towards the door and just as he thought there was a crack that seprated the doors. There was just enough space for them to slip through. Since they were in a spirit form then they had no shape and therefore they could get through with ease. Once inside, they have a look around and notice that there is stone everywhere. Baarda was torturing Sidia and Charma in their weakend state by chipping away at their stone likeness wanting to break them free and exposed to Baarda's destruction. It was a terrible sight to witness but they held back as Baarda was enjoying himself greatly.

Fazil whispering:
We're going to have to get out this form and into our animals instead. We can't defeat him this way.

And why not?!

Because we can't touch him this way. I tried to touch you two down in the lair and it wouldn't work because I wasn't in a full form. This isn't a full form just like our shadow forms aren't. We need to be in animal form to even come close to defeating him.

Now how do you suppose we do that? Once we try and change he will belt us a good shot and take us all out! You know he's capable of doing it.

Yuki's right we need a better plan than that. How about we get that stupid helper of his first!

I'm with you Case.

Yuki sends out a vapor wave over towards Igara who is standing back as his master has his fun destroying the stone figures. Igara has the idea to go and check the door when he feels a hand of some kind digging inside of him and pulling out everything within. Casee is yanking his soul from inside of him. His mistake was taking it back from Baarda and putting it back in its rightful place inside his body. But it was the only way to make him whole and as alive as he could be with the help of Baarda's powers. Casee pulls and yanks out Igara's soul then squashes it in her formless hand. It was the most vicious thing that Yuki or Fazil had seen of Casee and were quite surprised and pleased by this. Igara falls to the floor turning into nothingness as his body breaks upon it. Baarda doesn't notices this, or so it seems until he feels the three children behind him in animal forms. They surround him on all sides ready to take him on.

I have been looking forward to this for a very, very, very long time. I am pleased to say that it is with worthy opponents even if it is with a bunch of kids. Even this brat whose body I'm holding captive has a lot of fight in him. So let's have it out shall we? We'll see who goes down and who is still standing.

Well enough talking we've got a home to repair.

Baarda laughs loudly and slings another blow at Sidia and Charma's statue, which is close to being destroyed, and the three children jump back just in case he tries something on them. They prepare themselves to fight when Baarda sends three shots each hitting Fazil, Yuki, and Casee. Their animal form begins breaking apart and they realize that they needed to stay alert and on their toes if they were going to get Bara back. Their animal forms resembled the shadow form except the colors were more pronounce and they were whole with feet and tails. They could stand upright like humans but they still looked like the dragon-like creatures that they had taken in as their forms. Baarda shoots out three more shots; six more shots; twelve more shots; doubling each time making them jump, dodge, and roll out of the way so as not to get hit.

Yuki rolling:
Ahh!!! I'm hit! My leg is out!!

Keep moving it will heal on its own! You're in a form that can be healed as you move!

Fine, but this is painful!! We need to stop running and fight back!

Yeah I'm getting tired of trying to get out the way and deflect these shots! We need to do something.

Fazil using his head to think and get inside Yuki's brain:
Yuki you go high and I'll go low. Casee will catch on, but I can't say anything for fear Baarda will catch on as well.

Fine then let's do this!

Yuki stops running catching Baarda off guard by jumping up and scratching him in the face! Baarda/Bara is thrust backwards and almost falls but holds his composure. Yuki then starts blasting him will small spurts so as not to truly hurt Bara. Fazil then comes up and hits Baarda/Bara in the right leg before hitting him with a small blast spurt of his own. Casee does catch on and starts creating a type of rain that falls and hits Bara in the head. It was her shower blast as she liked to call it.

Good one Case! Do it again!

Before she can Baarda/Bara creates a storm of his own one with a mightier blast than theirs combined. It hits Fazil in the head and arms, Yuki's legs and hands since he's covering his head, and Casee's face, arms, and legs as they all run for cover.

Casee trying to whisper:
We should try and use our wikguns! Bakta says that they are supposed to be really powerful! We can't get close enough but maybe the wikguns can!

Yeah, but Yuki and I don't know what ours are! You're the only one that does!

fine then I will use mine while you two finish blasting that monster!!

Fine now let's go we can't huddle here for long.

They break from their spot of security and go back into the fight where they are greeted by several blasts as Baarda/Bara shoots out blast after blast; nonstop giving them a small window to shoot back. Yuki and Fazil, though they keep taking hit after hit, fight on as Casee concentrates on her wikgun. Her hands begin to transform into what look like skinless hands with metal fingers where her human ones were supposed to be. They look menacing as Yuki notices but he keeps calm under pressure and continues to fight. He is hit in the side of the face and goes down leaving Fazil to fight alone. Casee holds her hands out straight in front of her and feels a ton of pressure shooting from within her and out her metal fingers in a string of small, thin rays that pierce through the blasts that Baarda/Bara continues to shoot out! The rays pierce through his head, hands, and stomach controlling him; holding him still. Fazil is stunned by this, but moves towards Bara's body and puts his hands at his side to keep him from blasting any more shots. Yuki gets up after a few minutes fully healed sees Bara finally captured by Fazil and Casee. He moves towards them cautiously just in case it was a trap.

Is he really immobile?

Yeah, Casee pinned him internally with her wikgun. He can't move, but he keeps trying. Since he's used Bara's powers Bara is weak to fight back against Casee's wikgun. Her form combined with her cleansing powers stopped him.

Yes and now we can extract Baarda from Bara's body. After that we have to leave immediately it only takes a few minutes for Baarda to heal and start trying to kill us again.

Okay so how do we do this?

Grab him and hold onto him while I do what Coil told me to do.

Yuki and Fazil hold Bara while Casee, hands back to normal, digs inside of Bara and into Baarda feeling that bit of soul. His soul was intact since he was never allowed to return to Clover. She pulls out Baarda's soul and feels the pressure retreating as she pulls from within Bara's body. He falls back into Yuki and Fazil's arms sapped of his strength. Both Yuki and Fazil then shoot out a small blast to Bara's Head and watch as Baarda's liquid form falls away from Bara's body into several liquid balls. The balls scatter away to find a place to regroup while Fazil changes back into his animal form, and picks Bara up slinging him on his back ready to leave the heavens. Casee and Yuki transform as well, but not before sending the remains of the statues of Sidia and Charma away to the inside of the mountain and cloak it behind a waterfall. She'd figured this out while receiving her animal form and found that it had worked. She was pleased but couldn't relish in it now. It was time to go their mission was complete...