I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!


Today is Halloween, as everyone should know, and I’m being Mia Fey from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. XD; So far the day’s been okay, but then I got to Yearbook where we were supposed to have a huge Mortal Kombat tournament, but the dude who brought the game didn’t even check the CD and it was like, the worst scratched CD I’ve ever SEEN. XD; It kept freezing at the start screen. And I was all ready to dominate everyone with my awesome Playstation Controller Button Mashing Skills ™!

In any case, Alex and I discovered that minus the visor (and her wig, so her wigcap showed ), GODOT IS A FUCKIN’ PIRATE. HELL YEAH.

Everyone keeps asking who I am, and I go “a lawyer” and then they stare at me puzzled for a minute and add, “What’s with the nine?” and I reply, “It’s a magatama.” I love how many utterly confused looks I’ve gotten today. XDD; It’s probably nothing compared to Alex, who’s got a white wig and a toaster-face visor. When people ask her who she is, she goes “a blind prosecutor.” I doubt even anyone knows what a prosecutor is. XD;

Welcome, KitsuneWannaBe2! And the Lock-in

I can't believe how many subscribers have started watching me in the past month. At least 5! Anyway. I went to a lock-in last night, which is basically a pa...

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I discovered that one of my subscribers went away, and got replaced with Clairia almost immediately, 'cause I didn't even notice until now when I went to go see who my new eleventh subscriber was~ So, welcome to both Clairia and The Kaze Da...

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A quizzeh

1. What time did you get up this morning? At like, 8:00, but only because my whole FAMILY woke me up by talking very loudly about Palin and whatever else. 2. D...

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OH MY FUCKING GOD. I’m in yearbook right now, and on one side of the room, Daft Punk is playing. Which is good music. And then on the other side of the room is fucking COUNTRY MUSIC. THE BAD KIND. They’re layering into each other and it sounds HORRIBLE, and the country people refuse to shut it off. They’re calling Daft Punk garbage!

Fuckin’ hicks.