I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!


LOOK!! OVER 2000 VIEWS! Guess how many hugs I have on those TWO FANFICS? It's a whopping......... 10. XDD; That makes no sense. Probably people click on my fanfics going "Ooh, Death Note!" and then they realize how long and smart sounding it is so they don't bother even reading it.

Also, I'm nearing 700 views for this here world, as you can see. And Despero Occult is still under 100. XD; There's not much there yet, though, so that's understandable. (Plz be ignoring the glitch that says I have another world of this with 0 views. I still haven't figured out what that is, and I'm too afraid to delete it in case it deletes the actual world, too. )


I was looking at my view stats today, and it's freaking insane because I've got almost 2,000 views on my fanfiction world, which only has TWO FANFICS. So, because I'm a curious bugger, I go to my porfolio to see how many hugs I've gotten on them, to discover I've only got TEN. WTF, Otaku?! That makes no sense! DD:

Anyway, in other news, I finally persuaded my parents to let me go to the convention in September!! *dances crazily* The one thing I need to do though is compile a list of questions to ask different panel people (animators, comic artists, etc), because saying that it would be a good learning experience on the job front was the clincher in letting me go, I think. Soo... any of you got any ideas of what I should ask? :DD (Since my dad is being a poophead and wants to see the list before I go to the con D:)


So, anyone who cares, I completed a meme on Deviant Art. XD; It's a girly meme, for which I used my MALE character Zeikery. Oh yeah, I'm weirder than you. :P

So yeah, here's the link: LOL

OH SNAP, so uh, I just realized... that since it's got a Mature filter on it (for Zeikery in a dress and his DEEPESET DARKEST SECRET), you can't view it unless you have an account on DA. Sorry.

You could always get an account, just for me! :D;;

...Hang on, I'm going to try something. Hopefully this works. DD:


If you have an account though, please use the first link, 'cause I'd like to hear your feedback. :3


I'm leaving tomorrow for a week long vacation, so I won't really be able to check my messages or update anything for then. Um, yeah. That's all I really need to say. XD

Parody "Game"

Well, I made this Phoenix Wright/Monty Python and the Holy Grail crossover "game" (it's more of a fanfic, really), but I figured I'd link to it here since I might get more views that way! :'D