Christmas Special!!

((Note: I know it's too early for this but I was in the Christmas Spirit and it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Besides, I think we all needed a break from the tense atmosphere we have been breathing.))

Toshiro walked over to Kita and placed a blanket over her to keep the chill that seeped from him out. Since he could not sleep he let his mind wander. Questions formed in his head such as: Where would she be most safe, What were the memories he has seen lately, Why a toy store, Will he always see them with physical touch?

He knew one thing, she would be most happy in the Human Realm. All her best memories were there. Even after she became an Arrancar. The memories in Kisuke's Shop were her warmest, and no doubt she would be safe. Urahara is most formidable and the substitute shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki, was there too.

He glanced at her and softly stroked her cheek, even the slightest touch brought memories. She was dreaming. She was back in the Toy Shop. There was laughter and joy all around. Children ran back and forth playing with the toys. The parents watched them with joy, remembering their own youth. Suddenly the dream turned dark, soldiers burst into the room firing their weapons!

Amongst the chaos one girl stood watching with uncaring eyes. He knew this girl. Sumi. He saw as she stared at a boy who lay dying. He knew what would happen there, but he was not interested in that. He looked around the room and in the corner found what he was looking for. Couched in a corner with her face buried in a doll cried a very young girl. Kita. She was scared, sad, and confused. He walked over and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Kita about jump out of her skin as a hand rested softly to her shoulder. The muffled, tear covered words escaped her lips, “Please, make it go away. How can she stand there and do nothing. She can help him, but she does nothing to help that poor boy. He is going to die. She is not even crying and here before her lay dozens of dead innocent people.” See looked out at the horror before her, “Why?”