Christmas Special!!

He chuckled and lifted her up in his arms, "You will never be her. You have friends now that wants to help you any way we can. We can help you learn your new emotions by helping you experience them. You are not a monster." Using his free hand he dried away her tears, "Now then, what do you say we go have some fun, and eat some hot fudge? Sound good?"

Kita nodded with a bright smile, her tear stained cheeks glistened in the light. She wrapped her arms around his neck again hugging him tightly, “I like you mister. You’re nice. Just like I am going to be when I grow up.”

Pulling back from the hug she looked at him, "What's your name? I know its not Mister." Her smile even brighter.

"Call me Captain," he smiled.

She giggled softly, "Captain? You don't look like no Captain I have seen. Their scary with one eye and a pegged leg and a HOOK for a hand." She paused for a second to take a breath.

"And they have a scruffy long beard. BLAH!" She stuck out her tongue. “And they need to take a bath cause they stink. Their ugly!” She grabbed his face gently turning his head to look at her. “Your handsome.” Her eyes shown bright as the stars.

He laughed at her description, "True, I am not a Pirate Captain, nor am I the captain of a ship, but I hold the rank just the same."

"Argh," he added on as a joke.

She laughed at him covering her mouth, "Your silly."

"Well I am in silly company," he grinned.

Laughing again her eyes caught the ice cream parlor across the street. Quickly she pointed. “Hot fudge?”