Christmas Special!!

"Yes, but you can control that girl. You can make her feel because you have a heart. You can express those emotions, and with it you can turn any depressing or sad situation into a positive one."

"You have that empathy, you just have to learn to use it."

Kita looked at the man confused, "I control her?" She began to get scared and let go of the mans hand. Tears rolled down her cheeks once more. "Is that women me when I grow up? Am I that heartless monster with no feelings?"

He knelt down and looked at the little girl, "You were...but some things happened and the gods gave you a heart." He put his hand over his own heart remembering the experience, "They wanted you to be able to feel, and now you can. If you choose it you will never be that girl again. You can help people. Turn their sad, scary moments into happy ones."

"You are a Seraph, you hold many memories of many different lives, but that also means the emotions that come with them." He put his hand over her heart, "and with your new heart you can became the most powerful Empath in the world. You can literally project your emotions into others and be able to turn a sad person into a happy one using kind words to help them."

"You could help a dying person find peace, or help and emotionless person find their heart."

Kita shook her head quickly tears falling from her cheeks. "I don't want to be her. I don't want to be heartless. I want to be kind, loving and giving like you said. I don't want to be a monster." She rushed toward him grabbing him tightly around the neck almost toppling them into the wet snow. "Please tell me I won't be that monster?" She sobbed into his ear.