January FYEcon - Casual!Zatsune
U-con@Uconn 2011 - Miku Zatsune from Vocaloid, Luki from Dogs, Sync!Rin from Vocaloid.
April FYEcon - Matryoshka!Teto
Anime Boston 2011 - Zatsune from Vocaloid, Matryoshka!Teto, Trap!Ciel from Kuroshitsuji, Panda Hero!Miku, Ball Gown!Miku, Youji from Loveless
Connecticon 2011 - Luki from Dogs(remaking the hat and tail),SURPRISE COSPLAY <3, Youji from Loveless (will have a new wig)
May Cosplay Picnic- School Girl!Ciel
AAC 2011- SECRET COSPLAY AGAIN. Not sure of what else

Stalk- I mean... Follow me?



random dream and stuff...

mkay so its like 2:36am right now....
and i actually fell asleep at like 11pm!!
which is really early for me XD
anyway i had this really weird dream...and i cant really explain it...
and right now im still kinda half asleep lol
uh in my dream there was this weird dude- i think is was a dude- and he has blue hair with two peices of red...and he looked a little like Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji...and he had envy-hair green eyes- as in his eyes were the color of Envy's(FMA) bright green hair....
uhhh he was like a stalker...and he actually has been in my dreams/nightmares ALOT recently
like for the past month or so...
but he is really creepy...and had a square head....
all of my dreams usually have me in anime form...and everyone/thing else in anime form too...and as im writing this im actually also drawing a picture of the little stalker thing...
its definatly not gonna look as creepy as it should...but hey ive never actually drawn a creepy person before
and the twists in his hair are also gonna look weird cause i've never done anything like that either XD

ill put the picture up later cause frankly right now im really tired...and i wanna go back to sleep
i only really wrote this cause i needed to say it somewhere...and i dont really wanna start texting Risa at this hour XD
you know what? too bad for her ill text anyway XD

and if your reading this...=D love you <3
kay well buh-bye

and if anyone is actually reading this, i would love ot know if you have ever had a really weird dream!!
or if you, yourself have ever had a dream stalker like i do!!!

