Alright! Thanks to those who already PM'ed me Q's! I didn't think I'd get any {so soon}. I'll do my best to answer them, but remember they're just my opinions based on my experience right now. ;)

- [1] Can the saying, "love at first sight" be real?
Honey, anythin' can be real if you believe. People do fall in love with the so called 'love at first sight' ordeal. However, sometimes you just needa ask yourself, is that mutual. Kay, just think on it a bit. If you're fallin' for this super 'hot' guy that's really buff...WHAT are you really fallin' for? Appearance really is only a fraction of the whole relationship. So in answer to this question, I say that 'love at first sight', can be real, but if you want it to be mutual, this is a lot of other work and effort you need to put into it. ;)
- [2] Can you fall in love with someone you met on the internet?
Yes you can. I've seen friends who have dated online, or who have really good friends (of the opposite sex) from online. It's not impossible to have both, you just have to be [1] very careful, [2] determined, [3] you. So let me explain maself a bit. Everyone I know knows there are creepers out there. I was just readin' a post about someone creepin' an Otaku on her tumblr site. Seriously, be careful, but after you get to know them, your conversations can develop into what you'd discuss with a friend in RL. Addin' with that, you have to be determined. You cannot want to fall in love with someone and not be. Fallin' in love is not some spell that happens to people, it takes time and effort. THINK. It's a person you want to spend the rest of your life with [or not], so make it count ;) Lastly, be yourself. OMEHGAWD, I can't even begin to tell you guys how many people act differently online than they do in RL. If you want people to like you for being someone you're not, then you're only foolin' yourself gurl [or guy if you're reading this 8D].
I should mention, after gettin' to know them really well, try doin' stuff like videochat and see how well that progresses. If you both think this might be going somewhere, the next thing you have to do is MEET. And that, is up to you.
- [3] How can I get a guy I like to fall for me, even if I know he has a GF.
First of all, if you like this guy, you will accept his decision to like someone else. Next, if he liked you back (AKA MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP) he won't be dating another gurl, unless he's a cheater, then you want nothing to do with him honey. . You relationship should be mutual and you shouldn't have to tear another couple apart to achieve your happiness. If he's right for you, then he'll do the tearin' apartin' AND time and patience will help determine that!
That's it for Q's right now! Thank y'all for readin', if you read this far. Leave a comment of what y'all think about it, or if you have Q's shoot be a PM. I love hearin' from ya. Especially my #1 fan. ;) LATERZ
Hai hai :) Just here with some more questions!
The main theme for this post is: How do you know if a guy likes you? Seriously. It's pretty hard to know sometimes, especially if that guy is a close friend of yours (and of course, you like him cause then you'll be purposely lookin' for clues that he likes you X). ;) So I've found these 10 ways to help you know if that guy is really into you (or not lol).
#1. Body Language! Most guys don't really know that they're even doing this, but observe and see if he watches you. Most guys that have some interest in you will tend to look in your direction, and you may even catching him lookin' at you once and a while. As well as this, posture (i.e. when he's sittin' his toes point towards you) is an indicator that he's interested in you! :)
#2. Eye Contact! Heh heh, kind of mentioned this before, but eye contact really is helpful 8) Be careful not to confuse a shy guy's dartin' retreat from eye contact with a guy who is clearly disinterested. A shy guy who is interested will continue to steal glances at you. Be patient and wait!
#3. What is he saying? If he likes you, and he's nervous or anticipatin' the chance to get closer to you, he'll probably start talkin' about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves, especially if you talk about another guy in his company.
#4. Touch. Notice his interest in touchin' and being touched. Touch is an important sign of interest in a developin' relationship and you can assess interest both by observin' how he touches you and how he reacts to you touchin' him. ;)
#5. Teasin'. Ha. I think quite a few girls have been teased at some point in their life, mostly in the younger school grades and it's often because a guy likes you. If a guy teases you in a friendly and fun manner, it could indicate his interest, especially if he's young AND of course, if it's not with every girl! X)
#6. His Friends, will give you hints. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. Study their reactions to your presence––do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that suggests they know somethin' that you don't? XD
#7. Compliments. I.E. If you do your hair or makeup differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a very good sign that he likes you. Most guys won't notice, or if they do, they won't be bothered to say anythin' unless they're totally into you. Anythin' like, "You look nice today," "I like that shirt," or even "Did you do your hair differently today? It looks nice," are all indicators that he could be interested in you<33
#8. If he chats to you often on a social networkin' site, it may mean that he likes you. After all, when online there are many things competin' for his time, like games, connectin' with mates and checkin' out sites that might not be so interesting to you… Of course, he could also just be talkative, friendly, or even bored, so don't assume he's into you just for chattin'––this should be treated as one extra indicator along with some of the others outlined above.
#9. Watch his actions to see if he treats you differently from the rest of your group. If he's really interested in you, he may start to behave protectively toward you, or in a "gentlemanly" fashion. Look for signs like shiftin' his chair closer to yours, puttin' his arm around the back of your chair, leavin' his jacket on the back of your chair or even going so far as to place the jacket around you to ward off your complaints of being cold.
Be aware that some guys flirt with other girls to get your attention. It gives him a chance to see your reaction, and helps him know if you really do like him or not. (Yes, it's an odd sort of logic, especially since you might end up so offended or confused that you just give up on him!) However, you can usually spot a "get-your-attention" flirt if, in the middle of his flirtin' scenario, he keeps taking the chance to look at you, seekin' out your response. You can also try a quick trip to the bathroom and find yourself a sneaky observation point to check out how the flirtin's proceedin'. If he stops the moment you've left, it's you he's serious about, not her. Alternatively, ask a friend to do some observing for you while you're away. XD
#10. Be receptive to his signals. DUH, lolz. If he shows genuine interest in you, (i.e. he smiles at you a lot whenever the two of you pass each other or he goes out of his way to say hello to you), be friendly and polite back. If you've already decided that he's someone you'd like to date, don't let it go too long before facilitatin' an opportunity for the two of you to get together to talk in a quiet place ;). On the other hand, if he's not your type or you've changed your mind about flirtin' any further, be honest and let him know that you're flattered but you're not available!
I hope that helped! If you want other questions answered, don't hesitate to ask meh!!!! Laterz! 8)