Evan Marks, Vampire

I was still alive. The pain was excruciating, but I would live. I shot him in the face with my pistol. Dracula grabbed his face as I pulled his sword out of myself. My wound closed up almost immediately. I lunged at him, tackling him through the wall. We crashed into a small apartment. Thank goodness no one was there. Dracula grabbed me and smashed my face through the table. I punched him and threw him into the marble counter. I ran towards him only to get kicked fifty feet backwards. I crashed into the large alley, water splashing up all around me.

I staggered to my feet and wiped the blood from my mouth onto my soaked sleeve.

“You’ve so got to die.”

Dracula emerged from the apartment and sprinted. I charged. We both leapt into the air. We collided in mid-air,spiraling into the ground. Water leapt up around us as we hit the concrete. I rolled away and got up in time to kick Dracula in the face. Dracula punched me in my belt, pulling the disk out. He threw it and punched my square in the buckle.

I teleported into the air,crashing onto a rooftop. I jumped and threw the disk and teleported to it. My momentum was increased ten fold. I tackled Dracula,flying through a wall and into another building. I threw him into a TV and punched him in the face. He grabbed me by my shirt and threw me back.

I grabbed three crucifix knives out of my belt and threw them as I hit the ground. One went into his shoulder, and two in the chest. The other three had missed. I got up, drowsy. My vision was blurry.

“You’re fatigued now huh?” Asked Dracula.

I fell over and watched as blood dripped out of me. Rain streaming down my face.

“Just absorb Kelsey’s life form and you could be alive for weeks.” said Dracula.

I got up and grabbed Kelsey by the shoulders. Lightning streaked across the sky,revealing her frightened face.

“Hold still.”