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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Half a rant with updates

JUST SKIP THE RANT PART IF YOU LIKE PLEASE. ^_^0 I’m seriously ready to kill my computer. I’m trying to do the simplest thing in Photoshop and it takes AGES for the computer to keep up. Then I was...

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Album Meme, WIP, Kids, and Have a Slumbler Party with Me D:<

Happy Memorial's day every one and all who fought for our country thank you! I totally got a new band album check her ouuuttttt… ...

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Why is life so god damn annoying?

It’s HUMID but not hot. NOTHING annoys me more then humidity. The air is moist and trying to take a nap under the covers is pretty much suicide.

Through thorough self diagnosing and research I have concluded that I have TMJ aka “MY FREAK-EN JAW IS BEING STUPID AND I WANT TO PUNCH IT STRAIGHT AGAIN”. Its very uncomfortable and it’s a pain in the ass to eat anything thin. I’m praying that my jaw will revert back into the right placement again (this happened more then once). This is the worst it ever got and I don’t understand why. I have a lot of the symptoms like mild headaches, pain in my shoulders, and my jaw feels weird, sore, and tight, with slight pains here and there.

I already woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning since I had a very crappy sleep. My sister insists on playing music ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT. She turns it down but it’s still annoying to have to go to sleep to it- oh wait I’m part insomniac. D:< I DIDN’T get to sleep till AFTER 3AM and by that time I had to ask my sister to turn it down again since she turned it back up. F*CK man…

I was going to go to out today but I was too pissy in mood to do so. I might wait till tomorrow morning or something.


I’m working on another big picture featuring Sailor chibi moon, Amu (from shugo chara), and Mew Ichigo. It will have tons of pink, sugar, and sparkles for all to enjoy. I had the idea for a while but I never got around to it. I wanted to make another big picture so this idea will be perfect for it. It also won’t take no where near as long too since I won’t be drawing at a godly scale. >:|

Since TheO been undeniably dry lately I have been at the esty forums soaking up tons of information on business. I love that place, its super helpful with light drama to match at times. A lot of questions I had about business have been lifted because I joined the esty forums. Hopefully I can start my store on the right track because of it. Now working on my brand and started on a new logo for The Candy Sanctuary. That should be done soon too so I can add it to my avi’s on my other accounts.

One last thing! I have a brand spank’n new avi done by Angel Zakuro! She was kind enough to make me some of my choice! I chose the one I have and I totally love it. Thanks again Kelsey, you’re the best!

Now I’m off to watch anime, drink ice tea, and punch myself till my jaw acts right.
