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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

The arts at Yours Truly place

Hey all!

It’s been the 16th since I posted that’s over a week ago! So yeah its time for another update!

Nothing much really, I’ve been hanging out with my friend Brandon a lot in the last two weeks. Its nothing but fun fun fun when we’re together. We also had shrimp tempura sushi last week, OMG BEST SUSHI EVER. I recommend that sushi for any and everyone!

Hmm, besides that everything else is pretty much an art related update! It’s my favorite type of update anyway since it’s always something positive and I re-remember things I want to draw. The other day I was looking up the moon cake festival since I saw the word “moon cake” trending on twitter. I remember the name from an old show called “Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat”. I loved that show to death by the way I wish it still came on. But anyway I read up on the festival and fall in love with it! I love the moon goddess and the hare in the stories, its really enchanting! So I’m going to make a moon goddess fighter with a pet rabbit! It should be fun since I have a lot to work with! I think I’ll sketch out some ideas tonight.

Other art related things I’m planning to do is revamping my café mew mew banner. It’s pretty old and it can use a face lift so I figure I can do that for it. I’m really surprised that people still go to it so I want to give it some much need loving. I’m not sure of the things I’ll update it with but I’ll just go with the flow! That reminds me of an idea of a Halloween mew I want to make. It’s a bat of course with an orange and black dress. I got to keep that in mind for next time.

OH OH OH that reminds me of another really awesome idea I had got started on. It’s my own breed of furries called “Lolita puffs”. They have fur patterns like those angelic pretty prints with really fuffly fur around their neck, wrists, and ankles. I just started inking the base for one last night. I’ll probably do a few designs and build on the concept more as I go. EEEE I can’t wait to get it done and color one to death. I want one that has a “Melty chocolate theme” theme, BEST PRINT EVER.

I’ve been having a lot of ideas since Brandon left on Thursday or Friday. It’s probably because I wasn’t thinking about drawing or anything relating to it. I’m so glad too since I think I was starting to burn out big time. It was getting hard to get inspired and draw. Now I got some good ideas going and even sketching a lot of ideas in PS so I have the ball moving. Yay for more art!

I’m also getting a craze to make clay sweets; I’ll probably some cakes and donuts done if I can in the future.

I think that’s about all. Nothing is really going on that’s worth mentioning plus its bit on the negative side so I’ll wait till I’m in rant mode for those haha.
