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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

wips and birthdays


I’ve been struck by an huge inspiration (my latest is cookie hana, love her stuff) for days so I have a influx of pictures I’m working on.

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Me in a devil costume. ;3;

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Another picture of me, I'll probably use this for my new world header.

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The picture I'm working on NOW. Sai's brushes are a total bitch to get use too. I'm a PS user mostly so when I want to blend something I can just use the smudge tool. But sai is more complex with much different rules depending on the brush you use so yeahh. I am getting use to it though. ;3;


Whose birthday is coming up? I want to know so I can make a B-day picture on TIME FOR ONCE. I know a few friends of mine are coming in the next month or so but I want to make a list. ;3;

Post of Revelation, semi-banner rant

Hey guys, time for a real update!

Since that last post I’ve been feeling much better, I hope I didn’t worry you guys too much. ;3; That was not my intention!

As of late I’ve been feeling a bit (or a whole lot) laid back from my latest endeavors like The Candy Sanctuary, trying to make a name for myself as an artist, and just trying to “make it” in the internet world. I will admit I enjoy doing it but at the same time it takes TONS of energy out of me, as well it stresses me out some. I just have this feeling that maybe I’m trying a bit too hard to get where I want to go and not doing enough “inside” to make it happen.

Everything always starts with you, so you got to maintain a happy and healthy mind set and stress can easily kill that. So I guess what I saying that I’m just (even more so haha) going with the flow. I feel like I need to chill out and let go. Along with this new mind set of mine I’ve been gaining more interest in the older activities I use to enjoy. It’s almost like a “close to home” kind of feeling with these hobbies XD… My favorite being Tokyo mew mew, I’ve been wanting for over a week to (re)write it, design characters, and spend a lot of time just making my entire fan stuff better. It’s just insane but it makes sense because I completely enjoy it and I’m not worrying if it’s going to make my internet “presence” better or anything. I just love it and that’s that matters!

So if you’re wondering why I haven’t been “active” lately that’s why. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving this place the boot. In fact out of all my art accounts (I got 4 I was trying to keep up with) I’m only actively visiting two, here and Fur affinity. Manga bullet and DA makes me feel so competitive and stressed to “to get my name out there” that I pretty much ran myself into the ground. It’s like no wonder I feel this way…<- That right there folks was my revelation just know “I am trying to hard” even when I vowed to “do my own thing at my own pace” I still was trying too hard, trying to squeeze myself out into the internet… I think I’m doing it wrong… <- 2nd revelation… There IS another way to get there but what I was doing wasn’t working for me thus BURN OUT…

Sheesh, I knew how I felt but I didn’t TRULY SEE THE REASON BEHIDE IT 100%. It’s good to write your thoughts down/post/blog you can really get behind your thoughts and even get insight! :D

In other news I notice the whole your art as TheO banner thing. At first I was like YAY! Then I was like “I don’t fucking care anymore” ( due to my laid back aura now LAWL)… If the art is going to be chosen like the feature thing then I REALLY DON’T CARE. It looks like fun no doubt but I don’t want to enter JUST to try to get my art up on the banner :... I’m just not in that mood haha, trying to get your art featured and stuff is a huge pain in the ass. Especially if you’re not in the general ratio of being featured… I’m probably taking the whole thing the wrong way but DON’T LIE YOU GUYS WOULD LIKE YOUR ART FEATURED AND STUFF TOO. And there is nothing wrong with that its just saying “I don’t like competing for the spot or online in general” XDDD

So that’s it, and before I go check out my friend Kelsey (angel zukaro) out she’s been feeling down lately and need some cheering up! :D Feel better Kelsey!

The arts at Yours Truly place

Hey all!

It’s been the 16th since I posted that’s over a week ago! So yeah its time for another update!

Nothing much really, I’ve been hanging out with my friend Brandon a lot in the last two weeks. Its nothing but fun fun fun when we’re together. We also had shrimp tempura sushi last week, OMG BEST SUSHI EVER. I recommend that sushi for any and everyone!

Hmm, besides that everything else is pretty much an art related update! It’s my favorite type of update anyway since it’s always something positive and I re-remember things I want to draw. The other day I was looking up the moon cake festival since I saw the word “moon cake” trending on twitter. I remember the name from an old show called “Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat”. I loved that show to death by the way I wish it still came on. But anyway I read up on the festival and fall in love with it! I love the moon goddess and the hare in the stories, its really enchanting! So I’m going to make a moon goddess fighter with a pet rabbit! It should be fun since I have a lot to work with! I think I’ll sketch out some ideas tonight.

Other art related things I’m planning to do is revamping my café mew mew banner. It’s pretty old and it can use a face lift so I figure I can do that for it. I’m really surprised that people still go to it so I want to give it some much need loving. I’m not sure of the things I’ll update it with but I’ll just go with the flow! That reminds me of an idea of a Halloween mew I want to make. It’s a bat of course with an orange and black dress. I got to keep that in mind for next time.

OH OH OH that reminds me of another really awesome idea I had got started on. It’s my own breed of furries called “Lolita puffs”. They have fur patterns like those angelic pretty prints with really fuffly fur around their neck, wrists, and ankles. I just started inking the base for one last night. I’ll probably do a few designs and build on the concept more as I go. EEEE I can’t wait to get it done and color one to death. I want one that has a “Melty chocolate theme” theme, BEST PRINT EVER.

I’ve been having a lot of ideas since Brandon left on Thursday or Friday. It’s probably because I wasn’t thinking about drawing or anything relating to it. I’m so glad too since I think I was starting to burn out big time. It was getting hard to get inspired and draw. Now I got some good ideas going and even sketching a lot of ideas in PS so I have the ball moving. Yay for more art!

I’m also getting a craze to make clay sweets; I’ll probably some cakes and donuts done if I can in the future.

I think that’s about all. Nothing is really going on that’s worth mentioning plus its bit on the negative side so I’ll wait till I’m in rant mode for those haha.


Hey all.

Firstly thanks for all who comment, faved, and hugged my two latest pictures, In the heat of battle and The Troll Brothers. It really means a lot of me!

But yeah there is nothing much going on really except my drawing status. I’ve been practicing and experimenting more with my pieces. I’ve even started a pencil drawing of my console boys. I got about 35% of it done but I have to do some edits and learn about faces more. It’s been a long time since I did some serious pencil shading in my work so I’m pretty excited with this picture. It’s also giving me a change to learn about how to shade the face realistically. It’s pretty fun for me now since I changed my attitude towards my art. I feel like I can do anything theses days so I’m trying new things more and more.

Oh, that reminded me an awesome book that I really need, this one. Its part of a series and goodness I wish these books were around when I was 14. These are by far the best “how to draw manga” books that I ever seen. Tons of information and resources that every artist needs beginner to advanced. The one I want is all about props because I want to practice that as well (I want to practice everything lol). It not only does it shows you visually but it explains the reason behind it to you. Where the older “how to draw manga books” lacks a lot in. There are pricier but it’s worth it. (Puts it on “must buy list”)

Getting back to what I was originally talking about, “I’m pretty much in love with art again”. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve been this amped over drawing/painting/CGing in years. I get inspired more and I can turn that into something I love more then something that falls flat and I end up not liking it much. :P The biggest change I saw in myself however is the fear. I always had fear of “stepping out the box” as in trying/practicing new things, as well the fear to starting something new. All of it boils down to scare if screwing the picture up. I still feel it sometimes (not as often) but it’s not a “block” like it use to be. It doesn’t even seem like its there anymore when I do feel it because I know whether it comes out good or not I’m always learning. I’m always growing and it will only get better when I try again. :D Thus my confidence in myself has been strengthening as well. I always thought my art (as a whole) was great but since I was so focus on the outside that thought didn’t really go far. Now that I take the outside out of the equation of it all I feel like I have my passion again. :3

With that my favorite holiday is coming up HALLOWEEN BABY YEAH. And that means I CAN MAKE HALLOWEEN PICTURES, and use orange and black in my pictures. I love making Halloween themed pictures; it’s just awesome beyond all reason. I think the best part is that I can draw my NYAF characters again. I think that I’m glad that they didn’t win so I can have them for myself. A lot of people liked them and I love them to death. Maybe I can make a mini comic with them. OH THE POSSIBLES.

I’m glad I wrote out this post, I was feeling really sucky before hand since my dad turned into his periodic douche bag mood again (I was having a good day I went out and everything). He said something very inappropriate to my family last night and I told him flat out the way I felt about him. I didn’t bother to talk or even look at him today so there is a very awkward air around the house. Hopefully we will be all to be able to sit down and talk about it. In any event I’m feeling great and re-newed again. :D

Thanks for reading!


Welcome back!

So it’s been about a week since my last post and I’m feeling super! I’ve haven’t been on 100% active in the internet but I have been doing some fun things!

I finally read my shugo chara vol 7 manga. I had that manga for months but till a few days ago I decided to read it. I don’t have any other volumes because I found vol 7 on sale. I just wished the other ones where on sale at the same time, that would have been awesome. I was looking on the internet and saw the mangas for about 7 dollars so I’m thinking about getting them there. I also saw TONS of shugo chara merchandise on ebay for cheap, key rings, bags, jewelry, and watches. Needless to say “I SO WANT”. But getting back to the point, reading shugo chara has cause me to:


And the thing is that it came out pretty good way better then I expected. The drawings were neat, in proportion, and not cluttered like. I also didn’t use no boxes I just started drawing in one area then into another and I think that’s what made the drawing/sketching so good for me. The times when I did make a comic I planed out the paneling/the way I wanted to draw it. I never like using to many boxes because I like having the space to draw so I didn’t add many. So I’m thinking that I found my niche when it comes to comic making, at least with the layout of the page. NO PLANNING JUST DO IT. When I looked at the pages that I made which were 3, I can see how I can panel around my drawings. Noticing that totally drove my inspiration and my hopes of practicing comic making through the freak’n roof. I thought I should wait till I can go up against the grind and practice till I was good enough to execute comic making because I have a lot of ideas for comics.

Now, seeing that comic making wasn’t as hard or daunting as I ever throught, I brought myself 3 sketch books, one is purely for comics. I also like to mention that I had no real script for the fan comic too; I literally put the shugo chara manga down and started drawing out the comic the way I was thinking up by PURE INSPIRATION. I’m not sure if anyone knows this but I have a huge passion for manga, story telling and anything that involves making those two the best it could possibly be. That stuff makes my world. It’s probably why I such a HUGE critic when I’m searching for new manga. The drawing and paneling has to be at my liking, the story can’t be in the box cliché, and it really has to be a 10 or really close to it. It really has to draw me in its world. Of course I always make exceptions if the story is really good with an okay style I’ll still buy it. XP

I’m so excited with this re-newed focus and craft in a way. It feels like a whole new world has been opened to me completely with tons of opportunity with it. I’ve been practicing male anatomy, poses, angles, and I see that coming into fruition when I was drawing the comic. I had so much fun drawing it even the most mundane parts or the drawings that had a background in it was fun!

So yeah, there is a new shugo chara fan comic in the works and I want to look in my TMM sweets collection again. If this comic high is here to stay (I’m making that so) I might just redo the whole thing. It’s like so crappy now haha.

This was supposed to be a generalization of my week but it turned into my new found comic making self. I hope it wasn’t TOO boring for you all especially if you were hoping to hear me mention the recent drama that’s gone about recently. :P

Thanks for reading anyway and take care!