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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal


Welcome back!

So it’s been about a week since my last post and I’m feeling super! I’ve haven’t been on 100% active in the internet but I have been doing some fun things!

I finally read my shugo chara vol 7 manga. I had that manga for months but till a few days ago I decided to read it. I don’t have any other volumes because I found vol 7 on sale. I just wished the other ones where on sale at the same time, that would have been awesome. I was looking on the internet and saw the mangas for about 7 dollars so I’m thinking about getting them there. I also saw TONS of shugo chara merchandise on ebay for cheap, key rings, bags, jewelry, and watches. Needless to say “I SO WANT”. But getting back to the point, reading shugo chara has cause me to:


And the thing is that it came out pretty good way better then I expected. The drawings were neat, in proportion, and not cluttered like. I also didn’t use no boxes I just started drawing in one area then into another and I think that’s what made the drawing/sketching so good for me. The times when I did make a comic I planed out the paneling/the way I wanted to draw it. I never like using to many boxes because I like having the space to draw so I didn’t add many. So I’m thinking that I found my niche when it comes to comic making, at least with the layout of the page. NO PLANNING JUST DO IT. When I looked at the pages that I made which were 3, I can see how I can panel around my drawings. Noticing that totally drove my inspiration and my hopes of practicing comic making through the freak’n roof. I thought I should wait till I can go up against the grind and practice till I was good enough to execute comic making because I have a lot of ideas for comics.

Now, seeing that comic making wasn’t as hard or daunting as I ever throught, I brought myself 3 sketch books, one is purely for comics. I also like to mention that I had no real script for the fan comic too; I literally put the shugo chara manga down and started drawing out the comic the way I was thinking up by PURE INSPIRATION. I’m not sure if anyone knows this but I have a huge passion for manga, story telling and anything that involves making those two the best it could possibly be. That stuff makes my world. It’s probably why I such a HUGE critic when I’m searching for new manga. The drawing and paneling has to be at my liking, the story can’t be in the box cliché, and it really has to be a 10 or really close to it. It really has to draw me in its world. Of course I always make exceptions if the story is really good with an okay style I’ll still buy it. XP

I’m so excited with this re-newed focus and craft in a way. It feels like a whole new world has been opened to me completely with tons of opportunity with it. I’ve been practicing male anatomy, poses, angles, and I see that coming into fruition when I was drawing the comic. I had so much fun drawing it even the most mundane parts or the drawings that had a background in it was fun!

So yeah, there is a new shugo chara fan comic in the works and I want to look in my TMM sweets collection again. If this comic high is here to stay (I’m making that so) I might just redo the whole thing. It’s like so crappy now haha.

This was supposed to be a generalization of my week but it turned into my new found comic making self. I hope it wasn’t TOO boring for you all especially if you were hoping to hear me mention the recent drama that’s gone about recently. :P

Thanks for reading anyway and take care!
