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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

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Mom rant and new ATC

Aye guyssss…

Nothing much here, a lot of my supplies is coming in so if you want to hear about that hit up my Candy Sanctuary world.

I made a new ATC last night and I love it. I don’t think I want to trade it XD. It’s the same character as my last picture holding a paint brush. Crap, which reminds me that I need to post my cards and my clay cakes… I think I’ll do that later. Oh yeah! Unknown Rumors made a club for ATCs so go check it out and be super cool like the rest of us.

Last night was super awesome. While I was working on my newest card my drunken mother insisted on BLASTING her music to the high heavens down stairs. My dad brought over his big ass sound system last year and decided to keep it in our house. YOU GUYS DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO GET A MATCH AND BURN THE SOB. I hate the piece of crap because all it’s used for is to blast shitty rap and R&B music. Not to mention it has all the fancy buttons and knobs so if you want to simulate an earthquake you’re going to have some ear drum busting fun. The thing that pisses me off is that when my mom drinks she becomes a big 10 year old. Selfish, needy, annoying, cold person that I can say I hate a lot. No aggregation here, I really do hate her when she drinks. :| She’s fine when she’s sober but wtf, she drinks everyday if there’s any alcohol in the house. She doesn’t go to work drunk or anything like that but any other time she at least drinks beer and it pisses me off. I can’t stand her, it’s like her aura aggregates my soul and I become a very pissy person. I told her about this a few times but it never leads to anything. Especially since she’s older and I’m concerned about her health. She tried to quit twice but she was back on it within 2 months. So much for that…

And to amp up the crap meter is when she HAVE to listen to HER music. She has to listen to it extra fucking loud and through half the night. I’m telling you no lie when I say this “I want to bash my head in till blood comes out my ears”. Not only to I have to deal with her but I have to deal with loud music that I hate. It doesn’t even have to be music I hate. I can like the song but annoyed at the fact that it feels like my head is going to explode because of everything that’s going on. My mom screaming and yelling enjoying her self, my sister trying to converse with her by more yelling since the music is so loud and my dad doing the same sometimes. Then it’s me wanting to burn down the house and murder the family because I’m so uncomfortable.

I know my mom works hard so when she drinks and stuff I don’t bitch. It’s her house she pays the bill and all that bull. BUT LAST NIGHT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR. Everything was vibrating to the music that was playing downstairs. They kept turning it up and even my sister was playing her system at the same time last night. The walls in the house are as good as printer paper so I can hear that shit too. Words can’t describe the hatred that harbored in my soul last night. Being kept up but constant loud music trying to focus on what I was doing made me want to cut wires and throats. I tried to drown it out with playing my own music but I can’t take the volume but so much. I use to love playing my music really loud years ago but I can’t take it anymore and it’s annoying in general.


Sorry about this rant about my mom and my god awful night. I just need to vent because its healthy and if I don’t I’ll choke a baby in my sleep. The one good thing that did come out of it was my new ATC card and the fact that I know how to blend colors with copic markers. I’m so in love with them and every time I use them I learn more about how to apply colors, shading, and lighting.

I wanted to say more that was non angry but this post is way too long already. I’ll post again in a day or two.

P.S- I officially renamed “feature fandom” to “feature fuck up” because its funny and true these days...
I’m done now. XD
