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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

MEH... >___>

Hey all!

Well, its 7:44AM. At this time I would be on the train happily on my way to work, listening to music on my shiny new headphones. But do you know what I’m doing now? I’m still in the house looking how there was a fire on the R5 train (the one I need to go to work) on the news. What thee fuck!?... Not only that but septa goes on strike and now the trains are hellishly packed but NOW the trains will be at a stand still for hours and I have to go to work. EPIC FAIL…

Its going to take a life time to get to work and I can’t say F it because I told them I would be able to get there today. Its will probably be around noon till I’ll get there… I’m hoping, I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Anyway, I just submitted a new shiny piece of awesomeness Here, and if you didn’t see my other new picture “the flower prince”.

I’m currently obsessed with demons/incubuses now. After looking at some pretty awesome yaoi I’m totally on board. XD Now I got all kinds of concepts and characters in my head. I couldn’t stop doodling on Monday at work. I felt like I had to get this energy out my system. Even now I still want to draw. But I don’t know if should settle down or still be ready to head out because now the R5 and R6 are suspended… :/

Whoop de doo, the R5(6) service have been restored. See you guys later.

(I’m home now)

It was a long long day… I’ve left out around 99:30AM and got there at 12:45PM. I kinda felt like I should of stayed home because it wouldn’t be big deal if I did stay home plus getting there was a bitch in a half. But I am glad that I got there and caught up on the things I missed and stuff.

Once again I was itching to draw and doodled which I did. I tried different chibi styles which I wanted to practice on for a few weeks now also. I loved this new style I tried out I have to upload it soon. Other then that stuff has been okay… Septa really screw things up that makes it feel like I’m in wonder land…

That’s it for now. I have plenty of things to draw and upload so things shouldn’t be too dry on my end.

See ya!

A not so scary update

Hey all welcome back to the gate of Hades for another update! XD

Well, I just finish my second week of work. I’m getting use to the systems that we our working in. On Thursday and Friday we were doing real processing and it was a big mess. Everyone had questions and there wasn’t a lot of work out there for the things we were trained for so far. On Thursday we got out early because of it. Friday was much better but it was a lot of work that required outcalls. Luckily, I didn’t have to outcall the work I had. I also got paid on Wednesday… I like the numbers I’m seeing so I’m definitely going to do my best to stay here longer then the assignment is suppose to last.

And dig this. The public bus system in my city “Septa” is planning to strike today at 6:00PM if another contact isn’t made. We were suppose to know at midnight but they decided to push the time back to 6:00 which is really going to screw shit up if they decide to strike. I have to take the subway to get the train to work (the trains don’t get affected because they are on another contact thank god). My sister and mother are screwed up as well since they take buses and subways to work. I’m really hoping they don’t strike. The ONLY way I could get to work is to wake up earlier walk a good 20 minute walk next to a wooded area at 5-6AM in the morning to get to the nearest train stop. Anything could happen so both my mom and my sister don’t want me to do that. I don’t want to do it but I will because I need the money and I don’t want to have a crappy attendance record because of this.

In other news, I haven’t drawn all week except craptasic doodles during break. I’m so itching to draw and I had lots of ideas over the week too. I might draw some stuff out and hopefully post something this weekend.

I want to make another icon and graphics for my home world. I notice how it has none at all since I had it.

Oh yeah, I’m planning to delete my shugo chara world. It’s sad because I never donated anytime in it that and how this shugo party crap is a real disappointment in the fact you only get ten minutes worth of show. The show it self went down since doki. Don’t get me wrong I still love the series to death but the way they are doing the show now is ridiculous.

I think that’s all today, I don’t won’t to spam you guys with 2 pages worth of stuff.

Till next time!

SAI is a beast! :D

Go check out the awesomes "Here"

Get the program... It is GOD 8|...

In other news me and my mom go out tomorrow to sign papers for my new job tomorrow.

Damn it, I want to draw a loli mew... I has been effected...


Welcome to another update staring Yours Truly!

I just submitted a new piece of shiny art “Mew kio's apricot dance"

So the verdict is…. I GOT THE JOB! (Jumps around crazy like). The person that interviewed me called me yesterday and said I did really well in the tests (the personality ones and others relating to the job) and if I had the time to show up next Wednesday to fill out the rest of the papers.

I’m SO glad that I didn’t fail the tests. I thought I did for sure since I always failed them (as far as I know since no one ever called/e-mailed me back about a job). But this time I knew what to do. Just answer strongly agree and disagree and very little of everything in-between. The best advice I ever gotten in a long time! So I meet with the guy on Wednesday and I should start training on 19th for the next 5 weeks. Then I start the job full time I think 8:30AM to around 6PM Monday through Friday. Pretty sweet hours if you ask me and the training will have doing the job like a pro by the time the 5 weeks pass. Which is costumer service by the way, not my dream job by far plus I hate calling strangers and stuff but I’ll get use to it.

There are so many things I can now plan on getting now that I got a job finally! The ideas just keep rolling in and I can’t keep up. Plus I can probably go to the con if I get paid before then I just hope my boyfriend will be able to go. This would be my first con so I want it to be with him. Then I can save for the holidays. I’m SOOO getting everything I want this year. But before do anything I HAVE to get me a new pair of head phones. GOD, I’ve been without them for about 2-3 months and I miss having them dearly. Especially when my mom bitch and nags when I’m at the computer, I can just throw some music on and melt away the negative feelings.

Since I have gotten no sleep last night because I was up thinking about everything I can finally buy I’m going to do a list of it!

• Some prisma colored pencils
• More clay and materials for my charms including some silicone to have that perfect whip cream look for my creations!
• A wii
• A PS3
• Fabric to start sewing my own clothes!
• Copic markers (drools)
• Some more trip pants and hot topic clothes ( I want to update my wardrobe so bad)
• A digital camera…a good one.
• Manga and yaoi again (I’m so getting shugo chara even though its super be hide the anime)
• Cheap ass video games (do I smell Kingdom hearts on the DS?)
• MAYBE a psp… (I do want the KH that going to be on that)
• An R2 card to get games for free on the DS
• Music CD’s! ( I love the 20 dollar for 100 rave tracks pack)
• Anime dvd box sets (I’m looking at your Evangelion perfect collection)
• A new mp3 player ( I want the IPod touch maybe too rich for my blood still though)
• More drawers to store my stuff
• A really good surround sound system for my room again
• SUSHI and bento box lunches!
• Resin and shrinky paper (more stuff for my store)
• BJD- ball jointed doll (I’m going to do some major saving for this one but I can finally get one now)
• A small vacuum for my room (god knows I need one)

That’s what all I can come up with so far but I’m so excited! I don’t have to feel completely deprived of the things I want anymore since I have a choice to have them or not. The last two years have finally paid itself off more then I dreamed off. It feels really good. Really, really good. :3

Other then that, I’ve been really inspired art wise yesterday and I drew a lot. Some sketches of mew tortes final pose of her transformation. Some doodles of me I can use for the banner of my own world here. The artist Bara-chan really got to me. I saw her latest chibi’s so that’s when I was drawing for my banner. I also got a horrible Tokyo mew mew kick and I start watching the show again. I want to draw my team as waitress chibi’s like the official picture. It’s going to be fun plus I can practice with SAI which is awesome.

That’s about it really. I did some research on the vanguard. The employee reviews are a totally mix bad. Some really hate it some people things its okay but not challenging. It’s not like I want to be challenged being costumer service so it sounds good to me. You can pay me 14 bucks an hour to do nothing much, but I will make my own judgments once I’m working there myself.

So that’s about it. Oh, here’s a picture of one of the things I was working on yesterday. After looking at some BJDs I wanted to draw one with a chess theme to it. It’s only the sketch I’ll work on it more later.

a real interview? D:

Hey all!

I finally got around making another journal post. My internet just came back after the shit went down for like a day. I swear I hate Verizon sometimes; every so often this would happen. So gay… Anyway things are okay, I got two good job opportunities coming my way in the graphic design field. The first one is at some super corporate office type place called Vanguard. They are going to be at ITT and I got an interview with then on Thursday. My boyfriend looked up the company since my internet was down. We really didn’t find much information on it at all. They just kept saying the same thing over and over nothing really in-depth on what they were about. A bit un-nerving seeing that I’m going to have an interview with them on Thursday and not to know anything about them… The career service lady told me that a lot of grads started there and the company comes down to hire workers even on the spot. They even start at 14 bucks an hour. I can use that A LOT. So I’m hoping that goes well.

The other opportunity is that my sister saw an old friend of hers during a vendor last night that works at a graphic design company. She saw my logo that I made for my sister’s company and really liked it. She said that her job is always hiring and gave my sis her card and my sister is suppose to call her back. The old friend is making 20 bucks an hour. I’m not sure if that’s the entry salary but those are impressive numbers. I wouldn’t mind working in the graphic design but it’s so hard to get in the door being that the job market is total shit right now. So I’m hoping one of those pulls through for me. I can REALLY use it. I can save up for the con that’s coming in November and for my own business. This gives the butterflies thinking that I won’t get a job and I still will be trying to get commissions off the net. MEH…

Other then that….I’ve been drawing a lot trying to do different things with my work. I want it to be more impressive and strong. I want to start doing backgrounds and just do more since I got the time. That’s why I’ve been uploading so much. I still have things I can throw up here that I need to scan again since I F’ed it up last time. I still need to color a lot of other pictures that I done including my latest picture “ichigo’s candies”. I’m really excited to color that and I think I’m addicted to drawing candies and sweet’s now. I want to do more pictures of that theme. I have another one in the works too, its more of a circus/gothic Lolita theme. I’m pretty amped about it.

Other then that I made more charms that I need to glaze and make some necklaces out of. Its little themed lattés, they are really cute and I can’t wait till I can stop being lazy and get them up here.

Oh and guest who decides to show up? That same toxic friend I had that big fallout with last year. She called me and it seemed like nothing changed as far as the whole toxic-ness of her aura. She was talking about her other friend that she had (after I dropped from the picture). How she was fake and untrustworthy. How she made her cry because she was pointing out all of her the flaws and etc. I couldn’t feel but justified because karma bit her HARD in the ass. See got a good taste of what I went through.

She asked if she can come over and I said sure just to see what she was up to and to get my freak’n Princess miyu CD back. Which looked like she was using it as a damn coaster or something :|… I just it doesn’t matter much since I downloading the OST myself… While she was over she expressed about hanging out again. I really didn’t say anything, and then while we were both drawing she asked if I missed her. I was like “uh.” I surly wasn’t going to lie to her. But before I could say anything more she was like “I know what’s it like to not miss nobody either” not in a way that to offend me or anything but in agreement. I was glad she said it and not me because I don’t want to say anything that and might start something totally unnecessary. Like a 10-15 minutes later she left out.

I can’t really say that I want that friendship back it’s just too much of a pain and I feel like my focus and energies would change because of it. I don’t need that in my life. I glad she’s okay and all that but I don’t think we well be “friends” at least on my end.

Oh yeah, one last thing. I tried the SAI program…. It owns Photoshop in getting clean line art. I love it to pieces. I just got to get use to it more.

Anyway, thanks for listening! I hope everyone is having a good week. And I will see you soon.