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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

A spork in the road D:

Hey folks it’s me, Yours truly

I’ve been thinking about the reason why I joined The Otaku and want I really wanted to do in my life. Life been so confusing/changing lately and just has me thinking so much…

Yeah, it’s going to be one of those posts… D:

I remember back in 2006 when I first start visiting theO for all the mew fan art. Man, good times… Good times… Like now Tokyo Mew Mew was my shitz, I love the show and still do now. I always love seeing mews created by the fans and all the cool ideas everyone had. It was so fresh for me at that time, like a new born baby. I wanted so bad to join and post my mew ideas too but I didn’t have a scanner, my lab top was compete garbage because it had more viruses then an ally way whore, and I’m so paranoid that my art would get stolen. But none the less it was still awesome.

What really pulled me in was to interact with all the wonderful young artists (Man I sound like an internet Perv lol). I always hang out with younger people rather then teens around my age. Even through middle school I hang out with the youngsters that were around 7-12 when I was 14. My peers just didn’t interest me much at all. I was never into the stuff they were. Like the boys and whatever else D:. I mean when my childhood friends start chasing boys around the neighbor hood and all that puberty shit I was at home playing video games and hitting it off with the younger crowd ;P. Hell even my ex best friend was two years younger then me D: (and the ass hat want to give me lectures and shit, bitch please >__>)

Anyway yeah, another thing I wanted was help the younger artists. I love helping the up coming artist especially knowing what they are going through as far as getting their own style or needed help on drawing the body or just whatever. Hell, all of us upcoming or master artist need help :).

Sometimes thinking about this it feels like I’m not doing it well, because I never want to rub the artist the wrong way giving him/her a critique. But I always give some encouragement and tell them what I like on the picture. Even with that sometimes I say the same shit like cute or awesome. I always believe that a comment should be appreciated no matter how generic it is but sometime I like to mix it up a little you know?

I don’t know…

Yeah, that’s the reason I joined here, and before that I was just watching theo for around a year maybe?

But boy I never regretted being here! I made lots of awesome friends! I maintained my anime style while learning to draw more realistically these pass 3 years. I never posted any of that art because it was from a comic me and my ex friend was doing and that I never used that style in any of my mew pictures. Maybe I’ll post a picture or two; I’ve always wanted to show you guys after all :3. Also I got really good at my shading since that Mew Ringo picture, maybe I’ll do a lil’ showing off XD…

Writing all this and thinking about it TheO really helped me out a lot. More then I realize.

Then thinking about what I want to do in my life, which gets really confusing… I wanted to be a game designer for years (and before that a vet) but now it seems like their might be other roads I want to go down. Being in ITT Tech and my major is multimedia/information technology it really opened up other careers I might want to take. Like web design and advertisement pretty much anything that I can be artistic with and can use Photoshop or something like that. To have a job in that field and make good money and live happily ever after.

Then one day I had an idea to have my own internet shop. Yeah, just typing it gets me excited about it yet I feel kinda lame, a good lame :D. I think I would sell web layouts, my art, cards, and t-shirts pretty much my art on anything you can think of. I looked on other people’s web sites who did that and I thought “wow, that’s cool I can see my self doing that”. Then I don’t have to worry about dead lines or bosses and shit like that. But most of all the part I love the most is that I can create whatever I want and sell it to people! Then the bummer part is how do I even begin to start? What do I have to do to even consider a choice like this? When I graduate school and the damn bill I have to pay for like the rest of my life comes in, will I make enough to pay it and eventually move out to live on my own? This is the kind of shit that makes me want to piss my pants… But steering away form this kind of thinking >__<

I would love to do but it kinda scares the living crap out of me at the same time point blank. But I know I can do it if I knew what to do and if the road wasn’t so foggy. I mean there are like 1000 other things I feel I can do but I just don’t know where to go. It gets tiring, frustrating and mind consuming. Then it feels like I don’t have much time since I’ll graduate June of next year. It’s like high school all over again. I had no clue where to go but I knew I didn’t want to go to college, then ITT called up and they sounded good so I decided to go there. I pretty much drifted into where I am now. I don’t regret coming to ITT so it’s not like it’s a bad thing. But what happens now? I’m not sure my good luck drifting will make everything fall in place for me.

I don’t know… Everything is just not making any sense to me right now… It’s like those goddamn trick answers in math class…

Then I start seeing those super cute charms that seems to be all the rage now a days. I thought they were so cute and more and more people are making them. I saw a few tutorials on them and thought “wow, they are easy to make!” The more I saw them the more I wanted to make some of my own and probably sell too! So on Wednesday I blew my 20 bucks on the materials I would need to make them, and thank the sculpty gods for having a sale on the sculpty clay. They were a dollar when they are usually two.

So that night I made one of those chocolate squares and a little devil chibi. I enjoyed the hell of making them and then taking such a risk as to spend 20 dollars that isn’t manga or something from hot topic is new to me haha, then its been a while where I had 20 to spend on my self so I wanted something that was fulfilling.

Then that internet shop is in my head and the same shit…

I don’t know… D: I just wanted to get this out of my system. So yeah this post is hella long. This is like 75% of what’s been on my mind.

Maybe I should stop thinking so hard about it. I’m on my fall vacation (no school next week woo!) so I finally have time to relax and do the things I wanted to do. Its not like I’m graduate tomorrow so I DO have some time to think it over and who knows what can happen between now the then…

Thanks to all who read this, my posts are getting longer so its nice to see people read the whole thing.

So thanks :3 ( here’s an even bigger cookie)

New picture!

Just here letting you all know I got my berry picture colored and uploaded!

I'll probably have a much bigger post for you guys later. See ya till then!

New picture! :D

Hey kids!

Just posting to tell you guys that I got a new picture up fresh out of the digital oven! Its a mew of course so check it ouuuutttttttt.

I've been trying to color my mew berry picture in PS. I wish it was easier geting into those damn nooks and cranys >__

Hey folks!

Hey! Your fuzzy fox is here with update of my life!

Well since the last post my life has been fair, BS here, BS there you know the norm :P. Lately I've been craving a latte really bad! So bad that I had a dream about getting a latte in a Chinese store... Yeah a Chinese store! You can't get them there or a least the one I was going to haha! But since I got some extra cash when I go to school tomorrow I can get a large! Oh yeah baby, French vanilla! Hmmm French vanilla? Sounds like a new mew.. A boy mew hahaha! Oh yeah I’m so inspired right now! Can’t wait to draw it especially after watching shugo chara. If you haven’t watched it, you have too! It’s really good and it got a lot of elements in it and it’s not horribly repetitive. The only real beef I got with the show is that all the dudes seem to fall for amu for whatever reason in the later episodes. Its great and cute and all but what about all the other female characters D:?

Okay yeah, I’ve been doing belly dancing the last three mornings including today! The whole phenomenon started when I was watching all these belly dancing videos on YouTube with my friend (that damn youtube -_-0). It looked so cool, fun, and stress relieving (and I need so damn exercise) that I wanted to try it out. So then I found some lessons and started doing them every morning! Its fun and your going to sweat (and the fact I have no AC in my house :C). The next morning I was kind of sore, mainly my upper arms and thighs but its all worth it!

Another aspect of my interesting life that I gained during the weeks was my crush on miyavi… Dude … he - is – so – stink’n – sexy! I thought he was really cute and his music was awesome but when I was saving all these pictures of him in my computer with my friend we was like “ duddddeee he’s really hot and he can wear eye make up better then any chick out there. Dudddeee one picture he’s in a clown suit the next picture he’s in a gothic dress and still looks gooooodddd”. Then I found out that his favorite color was pink and my freak’n heart explode in a zillion pieces. I’m like “ dude I’m so your next crazy stalker” ( okay not really but I’ll fantasize about you more then I should har har :D) I loveeeee pink ( if you couldn’t tell :P) and I don’t even know why but that color rules! Anyway yeah he’s smexy… VERY smexy…

Oh! Oh! I had a dream that I was at a feast with a bunch of J-rockers! It was sooo cool! After I was at the feast I went outside and Miyavi was there and he said hi! Can anyone say brain implosion?

Damn I sound like one of those OC chicks on too much caffeine but what the hell I only like posting here when I’m in a good mood… :)

This post is long enough and I wanted to get with the TMM related stuffs but I need to do my home work so I’ll save it for later so till then!


Hey all.

How’s it been going with you guys? Me? I've been chilling as always. I posted a new picture of a new fan mew. Which has me thinking about my habits of drawing and how much it went to hell.

I've been looking through my gallery and see all the fan mews I made and how I use to make them all the time and wondered "what the hell"? Then I think "damn, what happened to my drawing in general?”. I use to draw every night no matter how tried or how little the picture was I still drew something. But ever since I been going to bed early for school I’ve been too lazy to draw.

I use I start drawing at 8:00PM and to go bed at 12:00AM so that’s plenty of time to draw whatever. Yet, I would be so tired when I get up for school and I’m talking about 5:00-5:30 AM and I hate waking up like that every time I have school (3 days a week). I didn’t want to pull back my bed time real early because I wouldn’t have a lot a time to draw, also that my body would rebel big time and I didn’t feel like having even more crappy sleep. Sooooooo I start going to bed at 11:00pm I still had time to draw everything was good in the land of OZ but still I was waking up tired! I’m stubborn so I went with it for a while but I need my sleep. I need my sleep so I won’t get hit by a car while lusting over my coffee in the morning when I can try to dodge the car, get hit and lust over my coffee spilling all over the ground :D.

So then I was fed up and decided to pull back my time to like 10:00PM which failed like the no child left behind act, so then I pulled it down to 9:00 finally. My body wasn’t trying to hear that at all! I knew I had to get use to this and suffer the “mind won’t shut up /body want to wake up at strange hours at night”, like 47:55 PK or even 3:00AM… 3:00AM PEOPLE!! What madness has befallen me DX??!!! Did the universe decide to play the butt hole card too?! So anyway when I finally was going to bed 9:00PM and was sleeping by 9:30PM instead of 1:30AM, and what would you know I would wake up not so dead!

And that’s a great thing no doubt, but then I get tried around 7:00/8:00pm and my laziness would take over. So I would tell myself “I would do it tomorrow”, yes the dreaded trap of procrastination! (Echo echo)…. I would do that over and over till I would draw rarely and that scares the pink crap out of me because I don’t want my skills to decay. So then everything else seems to cave in because of it (comics, projects, trades, etc) and I just got lazier with everything but school work.

Yeah, I back tracked all the way to the source. And because I’m such a good investigator I looked in my gallery to see when I start lacking and it was around January. So now my point of this fantastic fairy tale is that I want to draw more I want to get in the O more …again… sign guest books, comment on people’s pictures and the like. I’ve been going to sleep at 11:00PM more and not waking up like a zombie so that gives me more time to draw and to put my life back in place. I love to draw so much and to let myself get like this is unacceptable!

And drawing that fan mew REALLY showed me that and I couldn’t be happier! So now I can say I’m really back on track because I have nothing that’s hindering my drawings but me. (yay for resolutions :)

I would continue with what I want to start doing but this post is wayyyy tooo llloooonnggg and one resolution is enough.

Thanks for reading who ever read this long ass post, here’s a cookie. :3

So I will update again before this week is over to see how people like my ideas on what I want to do to jump start my no non-sense draw everyday life again!

Anybody what some hinties? X3