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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

Sour soup for the soul :D

Me again with updates and the like.

So yeah, I'm starting school on Wednesday so its time for me to make that statement, not like that I'm going to slow down here har har. As far as the winter vacation it was little sweet and too much sour (in all ways possible).

I got the most important stuff in motion with my shop. I tried to get a savings account but I needed two ids or whatever (drivers permit, bills, state id etc) and all I had that they would accept was my school ID. I even had my birth certificate and social security card, so that was a big bust :.

I did however got the paypal anyway so that was good. Now I have to finish the little ad I started for my lollypop charms which I scanned. I tried getting a little BS keychain camera which doesn't work. When I tried to download the pictures I took with the camera it had this error shit go look in the troubleshooting section in the book, which the "book" (or big ass piece of paper) had NONE. So yeah, I brought a piece of shit just to get shit. That money could of stayed in my pocket >:{.

Then it gets really cold so I can't work on anything on the computer so I'm stuck in my room for days only to come out when I need to eat or go to the bathroom. Which is REALLY fucking depressing thinking about ALL the stuff I want to get done. Not to mention my inspiration for anything was gone so I didn't do anything creative in the last week except how I would cuss god/universe/whatever out, the only thing that really made me happy lately >:D.

So yeah this winter break was a bitch in a half which left me VERY resentful toward anything and everything. A very bitch'n start to my new year :D! Lets hope SOMETHING fucking GOOD happen before a sell my soul to the devil for the perfect life (cause I'm pretty much doomed to go to hell anyway XD) and/or jump off my two story house onto a bed of spikes and candies.

Anyway… Since I got the paypal I’ll open commissions and finish my shop world so I can get some kind of cash coming my way while I hit the streets again to try to find a job… Fucking YAY :DDDD

Happy Fucking New shit Year

New picture? New comic page? OMG!!

Its I yours truly with a another post!

Okay, to start things off I just submitted a new picture, a line art of a emo cat boy. I had the idea while I was in school. I'm hoping to get it colored soon but I've been wrapped up doing more pages in the TMM: sweets collection.

Yes people after over a year of collecting dust I raised a pencil to it! I mean after the tegaki mew mew thing I did last night I was hyped up with that good old mew feeling! This moring when I wanted to go play La Tale an online game but couldn't resist the feeling of drawing that damn comic again. Its so weird I can't seem to stop drawing. I even wanted to draw on the bus yesterday! Which I don't mind, I need this. If anyone been reading my post in the last few months I was nagging on how I don't draw no where near enough as I use too. Well, I think I made it up the last few days.

I want to post them up here but I really don't like the pictures much not my best work :P. I don't know, maybe :|.

Anyway the comic pages that I did today look much better then the last year's ones. I been wanting to do a comic to pratice on paneling etc. Its so much fun now! I never had so much fun not only doing the character(s) but the background, and let me tell ya I hated doing them last year. Now since I've been studing on perpictive (crappy spelling ew) I can do better backgrounds and enjoy doing them and learning more as I do.

Okay I'm going to let you guys go and watch some TMM 8D.

Chow chow! ^u^

and it begins agin

OMG its... Yours Truly!! (music plays)

Hello Hello every one! Did you guys have a nice turkey day? Are you having a good weekend?

Lets start at the top, my fall semester ended on Wednesday and thanksgiving break started after that. My winter schedule for school is Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday….
I got an effing Saturday class! Nooo! I hate Saturday classes but there are its advances which are that traffic is really good, so I get there fast. As well as NO school kids! I hate coming home the same time those idiots come out. So disrespectful and rowdy, I always hated being in those crowds when I left school for the day, now I don’t have to deal with it… that much.

Also I’m on my 5 day break! Only because my last day was on Wednesday (I made up class for Thursday since there would be school that day) and I go back to school on Wednesday. So I’m working on everything I wanted to finish or started. Including the mew tutorial I started a few months ago. Yeah, I started retyping it after it got zapped off the interface but I stopped so I can get my head together. Trying to remember everything I typed was exhausting not to mention I wasn’t happy re-typing everything I started and I don’t want to feel like that. When I first started I was happy doing it and everything came to me so I had to take a break and reboot my brain for it. Besides that, I want to get another page up of my fan comic. I know it’s been too long since the last page was uploaded, but recently I was researching the art of manga paneling. And I’ll admit that comic is far from my best but I did enjoy making it without thinking to hard about the paneling, thought bubbles, etc. But since I want to get a little more serious with my art I figured I should render my studies into that good’ol fan comic. Especially since I got my tablet, I can sketch out the page in pencil and digitally ink it in and anything else extra that I want to with it.

Besides those things I’ve been researching and gathering as much info as I can about making good stories with plots, character development, personality physiology and what ever else I could get my hands on, that can use while I reconstruct my old OC’s and their comic. Not even a page was made for that XD. I’ll probably won’t put it up here since it’s my OC’s and not fan characters.

Okay I should warp this up; I don’t want to bore you guys to death about my plans and such. Oh and before I go I’m coloring some of my pictures so they will be up soon.

Have a good day loves!

New picture! :D

Hey kids!

Just posting to tell you guys that I got a new picture up fresh out of the digital oven! Its a mew of course so check it ouuuutttttttt.

I've been trying to color my mew berry picture in PS. I wish it was easier geting into those damn nooks and cranys >__

Hey folks!

Hey! Your fuzzy fox is here with update of my life!

Well since the last post my life has been fair, BS here, BS there you know the norm :P. Lately I've been craving a latte really bad! So bad that I had a dream about getting a latte in a Chinese store... Yeah a Chinese store! You can't get them there or a least the one I was going to haha! But since I got some extra cash when I go to school tomorrow I can get a large! Oh yeah baby, French vanilla! Hmmm French vanilla? Sounds like a new mew.. A boy mew hahaha! Oh yeah I’m so inspired right now! Can’t wait to draw it especially after watching shugo chara. If you haven’t watched it, you have too! It’s really good and it got a lot of elements in it and it’s not horribly repetitive. The only real beef I got with the show is that all the dudes seem to fall for amu for whatever reason in the later episodes. Its great and cute and all but what about all the other female characters D:?

Okay yeah, I’ve been doing belly dancing the last three mornings including today! The whole phenomenon started when I was watching all these belly dancing videos on YouTube with my friend (that damn youtube -_-0). It looked so cool, fun, and stress relieving (and I need so damn exercise) that I wanted to try it out. So then I found some lessons and started doing them every morning! Its fun and your going to sweat (and the fact I have no AC in my house :C). The next morning I was kind of sore, mainly my upper arms and thighs but its all worth it!

Another aspect of my interesting life that I gained during the weeks was my crush on miyavi… Dude … he - is – so – stink’n – sexy! I thought he was really cute and his music was awesome but when I was saving all these pictures of him in my computer with my friend we was like “ duddddeee he’s really hot and he can wear eye make up better then any chick out there. Dudddeee one picture he’s in a clown suit the next picture he’s in a gothic dress and still looks gooooodddd”. Then I found out that his favorite color was pink and my freak’n heart explode in a zillion pieces. I’m like “ dude I’m so your next crazy stalker” ( okay not really but I’ll fantasize about you more then I should har har :D) I loveeeee pink ( if you couldn’t tell :P) and I don’t even know why but that color rules! Anyway yeah he’s smexy… VERY smexy…

Oh! Oh! I had a dream that I was at a feast with a bunch of J-rockers! It was sooo cool! After I was at the feast I went outside and Miyavi was there and he said hi! Can anyone say brain implosion?

Damn I sound like one of those OC chicks on too much caffeine but what the hell I only like posting here when I’m in a good mood… :)

This post is long enough and I wanted to get with the TMM related stuffs but I need to do my home work so I’ll save it for later so till then!