NYAF entry, Yumeiro Patissiere, and birthdays


My contest entry is taking so much time. I’ve been on the computer just about non-stop working on it or browsing the nets/taking breaks … I haven’t worked on a picture so hard before. Don’t get me wrong I’m still enjoying/content with working on it but “I want to get this done” mindset is sipping deep inside now. Both of the character’s line art is done and complete this morning. Now I’m working on the background. I’m 90% done that color and all. Now I need to color in the characters/ make platform that are sitting on. It shouldn’t take too long since its going to be soft cell shaded but still, I want this done soo bad so I can go on with my life. D: It feels like I’m working on a super huge project in school and I’ll be free once I’m done. Besides all that the entry is going REALLY well. I love how it’s coming along and how it’s looking.

I’ve been looking at the NYAF challenge entries and there are some that are actually pretty good. Other entries I honesty thought “why the hell did you even enter?” if your going to submit blurry Photoshop doodles at least put SOME effort into it or not enter at all. I mean this is not a regular challenge that someone made where anything goes. This is a real contest where real people that are in the business will be judging your entry. If your not going to bring your all GTFO please. Then again it only makes the good entries look better. I don’t know, just throwing my thoughts out there. I just can’t wait to get mines out there though. When I see another new entry I go... “They don’t see the storm coming… Oh yeah … The storm is coming full force”. My entry is going to blow socks off. I mean it better since I’ve been working on it for almost 2 weeks? I JUST had been working on it day to day since the weekend or so.

Other then working on my entry more of my packages have been coming in this week! My beads and crystals came in the last two days. Both are so cute and tiny, perfect for my little cakes and sweets. Once I’m done with the contest I’ll go back into my business finally. I got a lot left to do and I need to market much more. One thing I’m glad about joining the contest is that I’m getting much faster in SAI and making line arts are a breeze. So when I make characters I don’t have to fret about how long the line art is going take.

This reminds me, I did the cutest chibi of my Macaroon Lolita last night. It was a face on pose so I had the chance to go “WTF was I thinking when I design her outfit before”. XD Even though the outfit was really random it like it a lot. I was thinking that maybe she could be my shop’s mascot but she doesn’t fit exactly. I need a character that’s a little more edgy. In any case she’s so damn cute she’ll probably be a regular in my character drawings. X3

Last subject for the day… I have a new favorite show that I actually make an effort to watch. I didn’t have a show since shugo chara and it sucks ass now so I needed a new one. And now I found it.. Yumerio Patissiere FTW baby. I loved this show since the beginning. It’s about a girl that finds her dream about being pastry chef and gets transferred to a high-class sweets making school. There’s like 80% missing form my “explanation” of what the show is about so I would suggest clicking on the link. XD But the point is that I’m so in love with the show and I get so many ideas for my fake sweets now! It’s like endless inspiration since you see really good looking cakes and stuff every episode. Not to mention the sweets spirits that hangs around her. I want to steal them and hide them in my dusty room then serve them tea. @W@

Don’t be surprised if you see fan art of it in the future… Or sweets/café inspired things… >3<

NUGHHH, my birthday is tomorrow and I have no clue what to do with myself… I want to go to the mall spoil myself at hot topic and ice cream shops. FFFF I need more real life friend/s so I can get out more since I’m such a loner/hermit. >_> Then again people are so crazy that I don’t want to be bothered…. WHERE’S THAT INVENTION WHERE YOU CAN MAKE PERFECT FRIENDS/PARTNERS. I WANT A CAT EAR BOY BFF DAMNIT. >BC

*ends whining*

Christ, sorry I plagued you guys with a long and non-informational post. I’ll be good next time guys, I promise… So what’s up with you guys? CB

Oh and congrats for Angel Zakuro for being featured for her FF wall! (hugs)
