Half a rant with updates


I’m seriously ready to kill my computer. I’m trying to do the simplest thing in Photoshop and it takes AGES for the computer to keep up. Then I was trying to add another layer to my picture and the computer wants to make “I’m about to blow” noise so I shut the sob down and I’m going to TRY to shade in sai (which I don’t feel like learning) or merge the layers so PS won’t freak out and be a piece a crap.


Anyway besides that I’m going to let out some other frustrations I’ve been having lately (Mostly in a rather sarcastic tone because that’s my native tongue when angry).

Through Angel’s Zakuro’s last post on her world the NYAF grand prize winner is this random person’s. The submission was good and all that but I rooting for another person’s to win and then Angel brought up a great point. The person just signed up for theO just to enter the contest when there were plenty of great entries of members that are active in the community. I want a real contest for REAL ACTIVE members and not just for anyone to sign up, join, win, and to be never seen again. A lot of us deserve that and more because if a lot of us wasn’t here I swear it would be like DA drama city little kids version.

I don’t know what the deal is but my dad is slow poking on going to the market. THERE NOTHING TO EAT IN THE FRIG AND ITS NOT HOT DAD CAN WE GO TO THE DAMN MARKET. This is what I hate, it would be a cold day in hell before we would be able to go to the market WITH A CAR, and now that we have everything we need it’s the hardest thing to do. It takes 2-3 hours from getting up off our asses to putting the food away from the market. WTF FAMILY JESUS, 21 YEAR OLDS DON’T WANT TO EAT LEFT OVERS FOR A WEEK BEFORE GOING TO THE MARKET UARGGHH.

One last thing, people NEED to learn that throwing filters on a picture that is NOT YOURS doesn’t belong to fan art. I mean come on, just put it in your world or something it’s not that hard. Not to mention its gross ass ecchi border line porn big boob anime clip art throw up. And frankly the mods need to do more checking on the more mature pictures that comes into this site. It’s not a secret that a lot of younger kids come to this site so nipples sticking out in your face under a bikini shouldn’t be allowed or anything like it. PUT THAT NASTY CRAP UP ON YOUR MYSPACE, PHOTOBUCKET, OR DA NOT HERE WTF.


On much lighter note and with clear mind since I cleared some bad karma… OMG MY RESIN MIXING CUPS CAME IN TODAY. Now I can start making resin pendants and cool hard plastic stuff! I can even make Mew pendants… OH HELLS YEAH.

It’s finally cooled down so I can work on some pictures on the computer and in my room as well as make more charms. I need some batteries too so I can take some pictures of my new cakes. They look so good too, I’m so happy that I’m getting better are making them. I’m also thinking over making an esty site but I might wait a bit more.

I’ve been looking at sweet Lolita’s a lot lately and it provides a lot of inspiration for my clay charms! One time I couldn’t keep up with the ideas and it’s also good when I get art blocked in 90 degree weather. *X*

Lastly, I’ve been watching some new anime lately (since its too hot to do anything else) and here are some quick thoughts on it.

Hero man Oh man I LOVE this show its not many shows that I “fall in love with” but this one is an instant fave. The story line is simple but the style of the show and its characters make it what it is… AWESOME. Oh and there is a Winry Rockbell clone that I thought was funny.

I recommend this to you Kelsey! Uraboku - I really like this anime because if I’m correct its based off a slashable(?) BL manga. The first episode surely suggest it HAR HAR. I really like the characters and the story line is pretty good. Though I’m not a fan of reincarnated females that are currently males in BL. ONLY because it doesn’t feel like 100% BL since the dude was a female in the first place. Almost like female and dudes body thing. But the main uke isn’t acting like a chick so I can enjoy it. XD

Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee – It was okay being that I only watched the first episode. A bit cliché when the little kid character having the mommy complex and with a lot of the anime in general. I really like the world and the back-story of letter bees, I think that’s what keeps me watching since all the “emotions” and clichés kinda bored me. It looks promising but I’m not looking forward to all the ‘sad this and sad that” thing. I want more action in my anime these days.

Okay I’m done for the day, I have to do a meme that I got tagged to do as well finish my current pictures.

Have a good day everyone!
